{-# Language PatternGuards, CPP #-}

module CabalCargs.Spec
   ( Spec(..)
   , fromCmdArgs
   ) where

import Distribution.PackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (parsePackageDescription, ParseResult(..))
import qualified Distribution.System as Sys
import CabalCargs.Args (Args)
import qualified CabalCargs.Args as A
import qualified CabalCargs.Fields as F
import qualified CabalLenses as CL
import qualified System.IO.Strict as Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either (EitherT, left, right, runEitherT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Lens
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as FP
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS ((</>))
import qualified Filesystem as FS
import Data.List ((\\))
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe (isJust)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

-- | Specifies which compiler args from which sections should be collected.
data Spec = Spec
   { sections      :: [CL.Section]              -- ^ the sections used for collecting the compiler args
   , fields        :: F.Fields                  -- ^ for these fields compiler args are collected
   , condVars      :: CL.CondVars               -- ^ used for the evaluation of the conditional fields in the cabal file
   , pkgDescrp     :: GenericPackageDescription -- ^ the package description of the read in cabal file
   , cabalFile     :: FilePath                  -- ^ the cabal file read from
   , distDir       :: Maybe FilePath            -- ^ the dist directory of the cabal build, a relative path to the directory of the cabal file
   , packageDB     :: Maybe FilePath            -- ^ the directory of package database of the cabal sandbox, a relative path to the directory of the cabal file
   , relativePaths :: Bool                      -- ^ if all returned paths are relative to the directory of the cabal file, otherwise all paths are absolute

type Error = String

io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
io = liftIO

-- | Create a 'Spec' by the command line arguments given to 'cabal-cargs'.
--   Depending on the command line arguments 'fromCmdArgs' might behave like
--   'fromCabalFile', if only a cabal file was given, like 'fromSourceFile',
--   if only a source file was given or like a mix of both, if a cabal file
--   and a source file have been given.
fromCmdArgs :: Args -> IO (Either Error Spec)
fromCmdArgs args
   | Just cabalFile <- A.cabalFile args = runEitherT $ do
      spec        <- fromCabalFile cabalFile
      srcSections <- io $ case A.sourceFile args of
                               Just srcFile -> findSections srcFile cabalFile (pkgDescrp spec)
                               _            -> return []

      right $ applyCondVars $ spec { sections      = combineSections (args, pkgDescrp spec) srcSections
                                   , fields        = fields_ args
                                   , relativePaths = A.relative args

   | Just sourceFile <- A.sourceFile args = runEitherT $ do
      spec <- fromSourceFile sourceFile
      right $ applyCondVars $ spec { sections      = combineSections (args, pkgDescrp spec) (sections spec)
                                   , fields        = fields_ args
                                   , relativePaths = A.relative args

   | otherwise = runEitherT $ do
      curDir    <- io getCurrentDirectory
      cabalFile <- CL.findCabalFile curDir
      spec      <- fromCabalFile cabalFile
      right $ applyCondVars $ spec { sections      = sections_ args (pkgDescrp spec)
                                   , fields        = fields_ args
                                   , relativePaths = A.relative args

      applyCondVars = applyFlags args . applyOS args . applyArch args

-- | Create a 'Spec' from the given cabal file.
--   If a cabal sandbox is present in the directory of the cabal file, then
--   the path to its package database is also returned.
fromCabalFile :: FilePath -> EitherT Error IO Spec
fromCabalFile file = do
   pkgDescrp <- packageDescription file
   pkgDB     <- CL.findPackageDB file
   distDir   <- io $ CL.findDistDir file
   absFile   <- FP.encodeString <$> io (absoluteFile file)
   right $ Spec
      { sections      = CL.allSections pkgDescrp
      , fields        = F.allFields
      , condVars      = CL.fromDefaults pkgDescrp
      , pkgDescrp     = pkgDescrp
      , cabalFile     = absFile
      , distDir       = distDir
      , packageDB     = pkgDB
      , relativePaths = False

-- | Create a 'Spec' from the given source file.
--   Starting at the directory of the source file a cabal file is searched
--   upwards the directory tree.
--   The found cabal file is searched for a fitting section for the source file.
--   If no fitting section could be found, then all sections are used.
--   If a cabal sandbox is present in the directory of the cabal file, then
--   the path to its package database is also returned.
fromSourceFile :: FilePath -> EitherT Error IO Spec
fromSourceFile file = do
   cabalFile   <- CL.findCabalFile file
   pkgDB       <- CL.findPackageDB cabalFile
   distDir     <- io $ CL.findDistDir cabalFile
   pkgDescrp   <- packageDescription cabalFile
   srcSections <- io $ findSections file cabalFile pkgDescrp
   right $ Spec
      { sections      = srcSections
      , fields        = F.allFields
      , condVars      = CL.fromDefaults pkgDescrp
      , pkgDescrp     = pkgDescrp
      , cabalFile     = cabalFile
      , distDir       = distDir
      , packageDB     = pkgDB
      , relativePaths = False

applyFlags :: Args -> Spec -> Spec
applyFlags args spec =
   spec { condVars = disableFlags . enableFlags $ condVars spec }
      disableFlags condVars = foldr CL.disableFlag condVars (A.disable args)
      enableFlags  condVars = foldr CL.enableFlag condVars (A.enable args)

applyOS :: Args -> Spec -> Spec
applyOS (A.Args { A.os = os }) spec
   | Just str    <- os
   , [(name, _)] <- reads str :: [(Sys.OS, String)]
   = setOS name

   | Just str    <- os
   = setOS $ Sys.OtherOS str

   | otherwise
   = spec

      setOS name = spec { condVars = (condVars spec) { CL.os = name } }

applyArch :: Args -> Spec -> Spec
applyArch (A.Args { A.arch = arch }) spec
   | Just str    <- arch
   , [(name, _)] <- reads str :: [(Sys.Arch, String)]
   = setArch name

   | Just str    <- arch
   = setArch $ Sys.OtherArch str

   | otherwise
   = spec

      setArch name = spec { condVars = (condVars spec) { CL.arch = name } }

packageDescription :: FilePath -> EitherT Error IO GenericPackageDescription
packageDescription file = do
   contents <- io $ Strict.readFile file
   case parsePackageDescription contents of
        ParseFailed error   -> left $ show error
        ParseOk _ pkgDescrp -> right pkgDescrp

-- | Find matching sections in the package description for the given source file.
--   This is done by checking if the source file is contained in the directory
--   or a sub directory of the directories listed in the 'hs-source-dirs' field
--   of the section.
findSections :: FilePath -> FilePath -> GenericPackageDescription -> IO [CL.Section]
findSections srcFile cabalFile pkgDescrp = do
   absSrcFile <- absoluteFile srcFile
   cabalDir   <- absoluteDirectory cabalFile
   let sections = filter (fittingSection absSrcFile cabalDir) (allHsSourceDirs pkgDescrp)
   return $ map fst sections

      fittingSection srcFile cabalDir (_, []) =
         isJust $ FP.stripPrefix (cabalDir </> FP.empty) srcFile

      fittingSection srcFile cabalDir (_, srcDirs) = any samePrefix srcDirs
         where samePrefix srcDir = isJust $ FP.stripPrefix (cabalDir </> srcDir </> FP.empty) srcFile

type HsSourceDirs = [FP.FilePath]
-- | Returns the hs-source-dirs of all sections present in the given package description.
allHsSourceDirs :: GenericPackageDescription -> [(CL.Section, HsSourceDirs)]
allHsSourceDirs pkgDescrp = zip sections hsSourceDirs
      sections     = CL.allSections pkgDescrp
      hsSourceDirs = map (\section -> toFPs $ pkgDescrp ^. CL.buildInfoIf condVars section . CL.hsSourceDirsL) sections
            toFPs    = map FP.decodeString
            condVars = CL.fromDefaults pkgDescrp

absoluteDirectory :: FilePath -> IO FP.FilePath
absoluteDirectory file = do
   absFile <- absoluteFile file
   isDir   <- FS.isDirectory absFile
   if isDir
      then return absFile
      else return . FP.directory $ absFile

absoluteFile :: FilePath -> IO FP.FilePath
absoluteFile = FS.canonicalizePath . FP.decodeString

combineSections :: (Args, GenericPackageDescription) -> [CL.Section] -> [CL.Section]
combineSections (args, pkgDescrp) sections
   | A.allSections args
   = CL.allSections pkgDescrp

   | [] <- explicitSections args
   , null sections
   = CL.allSections pkgDescrp

   | otherwise
   = L.nub $ explicitSections args ++ sections

-- | Convert the command line arguments into 'Fields'.
fields_ :: Args -> F.Fields
fields_ args
   | fs@(_:_) <- A.only args
   = fs

   | fs@(_:_) <- A.ignore args
   = F.allFields \\ fs

   | otherwise
   = F.allFields

-- | Convert the command line arguments into 'Sections'.
sections_ :: Args -> GenericPackageDescription -> [CL.Section]
sections_ args pkgDescrp
   | A.allSections args
   = CL.allSections pkgDescrp

   | ss@(_:_) <- explicitSections args
   = ss

   | otherwise
   = CL.allSections pkgDescrp

explicitSections :: Args -> [CL.Section]
explicitSections args =
   concat [ [CL.Library | A.library args]
          , map CL.Executable (A.executable args)
          , map CL.TestSuite (A.testSuite args)
          , map CL.Benchmark (A.benchmark args)