-- | Some generic operations with specializations to avoid broken Data
-- instances in types like Text and Set.
{-# LANGUAGE  DeriveDataTypeable, RankNTypes, StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Debian.Debianize.Generic
    ( geq
    , gdiff
    , gshow
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (GT)
import Data.Generics (Data, Typeable, GenericQ, toConstr, showConstr, gzipWithQ, extQ, ext1Q, gmapQ, Constr {- , ext2Q, Typeable2, dataTypeName, dataTypeOf-})
import Data.List (sort)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Set as Set (Set, toList, fromList, difference)
import Debian.Debianize.Atoms (Atoms)
import Debian.Debianize.ControlFile (VersionControlSpec, XField)
import Debian.Debianize.Utility (showDeps)
import Debian.Relation (Relation)
import Triplets (mkQ2, extQ2)

-- These instances are only used here, to create debugging messages.
deriving instance Typeable Atoms

-- deriving instance Data Debianization
-- deriving instance Data DebAtom

-- ext2Q' :: (Data d, Typeable2 t) => (d -> q) -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => t d1 d2 -> q) -> d -> q
-- ext2Q' = ext2Q

geq :: GenericQ (GenericQ Bool)
geq x y =
    (geq' `mkQ2` stringEq `extQ2` textEq `extQ2` setEq1 `extQ2` setEq2 `extQ2` mapEq1) x y
      -- If the specialized eqs don't work, use the generic.  This
      -- will throw an exception if it encounters something with a
      -- NoRep type.
      geq' :: (Data a, Data b) => a -> b -> Bool
      geq' x' y' = (toConstr x' == toConstr y') && and (gzipWithQ geq x' y')
      stringEq :: String -> String -> Bool
      stringEq a b = (a == b)
      textEq :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Bool
      textEq a b = (a == b)
      setEq1 :: Set VersionControlSpec -> Set VersionControlSpec -> Bool
      setEq1 a b = toList a == toList b
      setEq2 :: Set XField -> Set XField -> Bool
      setEq2 a b = toList a == toList b
      mapEq1 :: Atoms -> Atoms -> Bool
      mapEq1 a b = (a == b)

data Diff
    = Diff { stack :: [Constr], expected :: String, actual :: String }
    | SetDiff { stack :: [Constr], expected :: String, missing :: String, extra :: String }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

gdiff :: GenericQ (GenericQ [Diff])
gdiff x y =
    (gdiff' `mkQ2` stringEq `extQ2` textEq `extQ2` setEq1 `extQ2` setEq2 `extQ2` mapEq1 `extQ2` relEq) x y
      -- If the specialized eqs don't work, use the generic.  This
      -- will throw an exception if it encounters something with a
      -- NoRep type.
      gdiff' :: (Data a, Data b) => a -> b -> [Diff]
      gdiff' x' y' =
          if toConstr x' == toConstr y'
          then map (\ diff -> diff {stack = toConstr x' : stack diff}) (concat (gzipWithQ gdiff x' y'))
          else [Diff {stack = [], expected = gshow x', actual = gshow y'}]
      stringEq :: String -> String -> [Diff]
      stringEq a b = if (a == b) then [] else [Diff {stack = [], expected = show a, actual = show b}]
      textEq :: T.Text -> T.Text -> [Diff]
      textEq a b = if a == b then [] else [Diff {stack = [], expected = show a, actual = show b}]
      setEq1 :: Set VersionControlSpec -> Set VersionControlSpec -> [Diff]
      setEq1 a b = if a == b then [] else [Diff {stack = [], expected = show a, actual = show b}]
      setEq2 :: Set XField -> Set XField -> [Diff]
      setEq2 a b = if a == b then [] else [Diff {stack = [], expected = show a, actual = show b}]
      mapEq1 :: Atoms -> Atoms -> [Diff]
      mapEq1 a b = if a == b then [] else [Diff {stack = [], expected = show a, actual = show b}]
      relEq :: [[Relation]] -> [[Relation]] -> [Diff]
      relEq a b = if Set.fromList a == Set.fromList b
                  then []
                  else [SetDiff {stack = [],
                                 expected = show [a, b],
                                 missing = showDeps (sort (Set.toList (Set.difference (Set.fromList a) (Set.fromList b)))),
                                 extra = showDeps (sort (Set.toList (Set.difference (Set.fromList b) (Set.fromList a))))}]

gshow' :: Data a => a -> String
gshow' x =
    (gshow `extQ` (show :: T.Text -> String) `extQ` (show :: Maybe T.Text -> String)) x

-- | Generic show: an alternative to \"deriving Show\"
gshow :: Data a => a -> String
gshow x = gshows x ""

-- | Generic shows
gshows :: Data a => a -> ShowS

-- This is a prefix-show using surrounding "(" and ")",
-- where we recurse into subterms with gmapQ.
gshows = ( \t ->
                showChar '('
              . (showString . showConstr . toConstr $ t)
              . (foldr (.) id . gmapQ ((showChar ' ' .) . gshows) $ t)
              . showChar ')'
         ) `extQ` (shows :: String -> ShowS)
           `extQ` ((shows . T.unpack) :: T.Text -> ShowS)
           `ext1Q` (\ s -> gshows (toList s))