-- | <https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/>
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, TupleSections #-}
module Debian.Debianize.Types.CopyrightDescription
    ( CopyrightDescription(..)
    , FilesOrLicenseDescription(..)
    , format
    , upstreamName
    , upstreamContact
    , source
    , disclaimer
    , summaryComment
    , summaryLicense
    , summaryCopyright
    , filesAndLicenses
    , filesPattern
    , filesCopyright
    , filesLicense
    , filesComment
    , license
    , comment
    , newCopyrightDescription
    , readCopyrightDescription
    , parseCopyrightDescription
    ) where

import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Generics (Data, Typeable)
import Data.Lens.Template (makeLenses)
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, catMaybes, fromJust)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Debian.Control (Field'(Field), lookupP, Paragraph'(Paragraph), Control'(Control, unControl), parseControl)
import Debian.Orphans ()
import Debian.Policy (License(..), readLicense)
import Debian.Pretty (PP(PP, unPP), display', ppDisplay', ppPrint)
import Network.URI (URI, parseURI)
import Prelude hiding (init, init, log, log, unlines, readFile)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass (Pretty(pPrint), text)

-- | Description of the machine readable debian/copyright file.  A
-- special case is used to represeent the old style free format file -
-- if the value is equal to newCopyrightDescription except for the
-- field _summaryComment, the text in _summaryComment is the copyright
-- file.
data CopyrightDescription
    = CopyrightDescription
      { _format :: URI
      , _upstreamName :: Maybe Text
      , _upstreamContact :: Maybe Text
      , _source :: Maybe Text
      , _disclaimer :: Maybe Text
      , _summaryComment :: Maybe Text
      , _summaryLicense :: Maybe License
      , _summaryCopyright :: Maybe Text
      , _filesAndLicenses :: [FilesOrLicenseDescription]
      } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)

data FilesOrLicenseDescription
    = FilesDescription
      { _filesPattern :: FilePath
      , _filesCopyright :: Text
      , _filesLicense :: License
      , _filesComment :: Maybe Text
    | LicenseDescription
      { _license :: License
      , _comment :: Maybe Text
      } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)

instance Pretty (PP CopyrightDescription) where
    -- Special case encodes free format debian/copyright file
    pPrint (PP x@(CopyrightDescription {_summaryComment = Just t})) | x {_summaryComment = Nothing} == newCopyrightDescription = text (dropWhileEnd isSpace (unpack t) <> "\n")
    pPrint x = ppPrint . toControlFile . unPP $ x

newCopyrightDescription :: CopyrightDescription
newCopyrightDescription =
    { _format = fromJust $ parseURI "http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/"
    , _upstreamName = Nothing
    , _upstreamContact = Nothing
    , _source = Nothing
    , _disclaimer = Nothing
    , _summaryComment = Nothing
    , _summaryLicense = Nothing
    , _summaryCopyright = Nothing
    , _filesAndLicenses = [] }

-- | Try to read a CopyrightDescription from a file
readCopyrightDescription :: Text -> CopyrightDescription
readCopyrightDescription t =
    case parseControl "debian/copyright" t of
      Left _e -> newCopyrightDescription { _summaryComment = Just t }
      Right ctl -> case parseCopyrightDescription (unControl ctl) of
                     Just cpy -> cpy
                     Nothing -> newCopyrightDescription { _summaryComment = Just t }

parseCopyrightDescription :: [Paragraph' Text] -> Maybe CopyrightDescription
parseCopyrightDescription (hd : tl) =
    let (muri :: Maybe URI) = maybe Nothing (\ (Field (_, t)) -> parseURI . unpack $ t) (lookupP "Format" hd) in
    case (muri, map parseFilesOrLicense tl) of
      (Just uri, fnls) | all isJust fnls ->
          Just $ CopyrightDescription
                   { _format = uri
                   , _upstreamName = fmap (\ (Field (_, x)) -> x) $ lookupP "Upstream-Name" hd
                   , _upstreamContact = fmap (\ (Field (_, x)) -> x) $ lookupP "Upstream-Contact" hd
                   , _source = fmap (\ (Field (_, x)) -> x) $ lookupP "Source" hd
                   , _disclaimer = fmap (\ (Field (_, x)) -> x) $ lookupP "Disclaimer" hd
                   , _summaryComment = fmap (\ (Field (_, x)) -> x) $ lookupP "Comment" hd
                   , _summaryLicense = fmap (\ (Field (_, x)) -> readLicense x) $ lookupP "License" hd
                   , _summaryCopyright = Nothing -- fmap (\ (Field (_, x)) -> x) $ lookupP "Copyright" hd
                   , _filesAndLicenses = catMaybes fnls
      _ -> Nothing
parseCopyrightDescription [] = Nothing

parseFilesOrLicense :: Paragraph' Text -> Maybe (FilesOrLicenseDescription)
parseFilesOrLicense p =
    case (lookupP "Files" p, lookupP "Copyright" p, lookupP "License" p) of
      (Just (Field (_, files)),
       Just (Field (_, copyright)),
       Just (Field (_, license))) ->
          Just $ FilesDescription
                 { _filesPattern = unpack files
                 , _filesCopyright = copyright
                 , _filesLicense = readLicense license
                 , _filesComment = maybe Nothing (\ (Field (_, comment)) -> Just comment) (lookupP "Comment" p) }
       Just (Field (_, license))) ->
          Just $ LicenseDescription
                 { _license = readLicense license
                 , _comment = maybe Nothing (\ (Field (_, comment)) -> Just comment) (lookupP "Comment" p) }
      _ -> Nothing

toControlFile :: CopyrightDescription -> Control' Text
toControlFile d =
    ( Paragraph
      ( [ Field ("Format", (" " <> ppDisplay' (_format d))) ] ++
        maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Upstream-Name", " " <> x)]) (_upstreamName d) ++
        maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Upstream-Contact", " " <> x)]) (_upstreamContact d) ++
        maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Source", " " <> x)]) (_source d) ++
        maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Disclaimer", " " <> x)]) (_disclaimer d) ++
        maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("License", " " <> display' x)]) (_summaryLicense d) ++
        maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Copyright", " " <> x)]) (_summaryCopyright d) ++
        maybe [] (\x -> [Field ("Comment", " " <> x)]) (_summaryComment d)) :
      map toParagraph (_filesAndLicenses d) )

toParagraph :: FilesOrLicenseDescription -> Paragraph' Text
toParagraph fd@FilesDescription {} =
    Paragraph $
      [ Field ("Files", " " <> pack (_filesPattern fd))
      , Field ("Copyright", " " <> _filesCopyright fd)
      , Field ("License", " " <> display' (_filesLicense fd)) ] ++
      maybe [] (\ t -> [Field ("Comment", " " <> t)]) (_filesComment fd)
toParagraph ld@LicenseDescription {} =
    Paragraph $
      [ Field ("License", " " <> display' (_license ld)) ] ++
      maybe [] (\ t -> [Field ("Comment", " " <> t)]) (_comment ld)

$(makeLenses [''CopyrightDescription, ''FilesOrLicenseDescription])