-- To run the test: runhaskell --ghc-arg=-package-db=dist/package.conf.inplace debian/Debianize.hs --dry-run import Control.Exception (throw) import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.State (evalStateT) import Data.Map as Map (insert) import Data.Set as Set (insert) import Data.Text as Text (pack) import Data.Version (Version(Version)) import Debian.Debianize import Debian.Debianize.Output (performDebianization) import Debian.Debianize.Optparse (parseProgramArguments, CommandLineOptions(..)) import Debian.Relation (BinPkgName(BinPkgName), Relations, parseRelations) import Distribution.Package (PackageName(PackageName)) main :: IO () main = performDebianization customize where customize :: Monad m => CabalT m () customize = do debianDefaults -- Some obsolete fiddling around with mapping from cabal -- to debian package names. This would let you create -- Debian package names like libghc-cabal-122-dev, which -- can co-exist with the standard libghc-cabal-dev package. -- mapCabal (PackageName "Cabal") (DebBase "cabal-122") -- splitCabal (PackageName "Cabal") (DebBase "cabal") (Version [1,22] []) -- Force some values so they match the expected results rather than -- changing as new package versions arrive. (debInfo . control . maintainer) .= parseMaintainer "David Fox " (debInfo . sourceFormat) .= Native3 (debInfo . control . standardsVersion) .= Just (StandardsVersion 3 9 3 Nothing) (debInfo . compat) .= Just 9 (debInfo . control . homepage) .= Just (pack "https://github.com/ddssff/cabal-debian") -- Any left over files that need to be included will go into -- haskell-cabal-debian-utils. But in this case there -- should be none, so the package will not be created. (debInfo . utilsPackageNameBase) .= Just "cabal-debian" -- Add dependencies to the binary debs. (debInfo . binaryDebDescription (BinPkgName "cabal-debian") . relations . depends) %= (++ (rels "apt-file, debian-policy, debhelper, haskell-devscripts (>= 0.8.19)")) (debInfo . binaryDebDescription (BinPkgName "libghc-cabal-debian-dev") . relations . depends) %= (++ (rels "debian-policy")) -- Install the executable named in an Executable section of -- the cabal file into a the binary deb named cabal-debian, -- giving it the path /usr/bin/cabal-debian. (debInfo . atomSet) %= (Set.insert $ InstallCabalExec (BinPkgName "cabal-debian") "cabal-debian" "usr/bin") -- | Turn a string into a relation list on binary debs. rels :: String -> Relations rels = either (throw . userError . show) id . parseRelations