{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- | Utility functions for reading cabal file fields through template haskell.
module Distribution.PackageDescription.TH (
    -- * Template Haskell functions
    -- * Cabal file data structures
    -- | The data structures for the cabal file are re-exported here for ease of use.
    ) where

import Distribution.PackageDescription 
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.Version

import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Compat.ReadP
import Distribution.Verbosity (silent)
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, getDirectoryContents)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Language.Haskell.TH (Q, Exp, stringE, runIO)

newtype DocString = DocString String

instance Text DocString where
  parse = DocString <$> (readS_to_P read)
  disp (DocString s) = text s

-- | Provides a Text instance for String, allowing text fields to be used
--   in `packageVariable`. Use it composed with an accessor, eg.
--       packageVariable (packageString . copyright)
packageString :: String -> DocString
packageString = DocString

-- | Renders the package variable specified by the function.
-- The cabal file interrogated is the first one that is found 
-- in the current working directory.
packageVariable :: Text a => (PackageDescription -> a) -> Q Exp
packageVariable = renderField currentPackageDescription

-- | Renders the package variable specified by the function, from a cabal file
-- and the given path.
packageVariableFrom :: Text a => FilePath -> (PackageDescription -> a) -> Q Exp
packageVariableFrom s = renderField $ fmap packageDescription (readPackageDescription silent s)

renderField :: Text b => IO a -> (a -> b) -> Q Exp
renderField pd f = renderFieldS pd (display . f)

renderFieldS :: IO a -> (a -> String) -> Q Exp
renderFieldS pd f = runIO pd >>= stringE . f

currentPackageDescription :: IO PackageDescription
currentPackageDescription = fmap packageDescription $ do
  dir <- getCurrentDirectory
  cs <- cabalFiles dir
  case cs of
    (c:_) -> readPackageDescription silent c
    [] -> error $ "Couldn't find a cabal file in the current working directory (" ++ dir ++ ")"

cabalFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
cabalFiles dir = do
  files <- getDirectoryContents dir
  return $ filter (".cabal" `isSuffixOf`) files


Smart ways of getting the cabal file:
  * Get this module name, use TH.location and loc_module. Parse each
    cabal file in the cwd and look for references to this module
    in each thing.
