Name: cabal-ghci Version: 0.3 Synopsis: Set up ghci with options taken from a .cabal file Description: The executable cabal-ghci runs ghci with the paths and extensions needed by a cabal project. The cabalSet function can be added to your .ghci to provide the same functionality at runtime, giving you more control over the options that are set. Homepage: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Etienne Laurin Maintainer: Category: Development Build-type: Simple Cabal-version: >=1.10 Source-repository head type: git location: git:// Executable cabal-ghci default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: UnicodeSyntax, ViewPatterns Main-is: CabalGHCI.hs Build-depends: Cabal, base == 4.*, directory, filepath, process Library default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: UnicodeSyntax, ViewPatterns Exposed-modules: Distribution.Dev.Interactive Build-depends: Cabal, base == 4.*, directory, filepath