----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Client.Reporting -- Copyright : (c) David Waern 2008 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : david.waern@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Anonymous build report data structure, printing and parsing -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Storage ( -- * Storing and retrieving build reports storeAnonymous, storeLocal, -- retrieve, -- * 'InstallPlan' support fromInstallPlan, ) where import qualified Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Anonymous as BuildReport import Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Anonymous (BuildReport) import Distribution.Client.Types import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan ( InstallPlan ) import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs ( PathTemplate, fromPathTemplate , initialPathTemplateEnv, substPathTemplate ) import Distribution.System ( Platform(Platform) ) import Distribution.Compiler ( CompilerId ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( comparing, equating ) import Data.List ( groupBy, sortBy ) import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes ) import System.FilePath ( (), takeDirectory ) import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing ) storeAnonymous :: [(BuildReport, Repo)] -> IO () storeAnonymous reports = sequence_ [ appendFile file (concatMap format reports') | (repo, reports') <- separate reports , let file = repoLocalDir repo "build-reports.log" ] --TODO: make this concurrency safe, either lock the report file or make sure -- the writes for each report are atomic (under 4k and flush at boundaries) where format r = '\n' : BuildReport.show r ++ "\n" separate :: [(BuildReport, Repo)] -> [(Repo, [BuildReport])] separate = map (\rs@((_,repo,_):_) -> (repo, [ r | (r,_,_) <- rs ])) . map concat . groupBy (equating (repoName . head)) . sortBy (comparing (repoName . head)) . groupBy (equating repoName) . onlyRemote repoName (_,_,rrepo) = remoteRepoName rrepo onlyRemote :: [(BuildReport, Repo)] -> [(BuildReport, Repo, RemoteRepo)] onlyRemote rs = [ (report, repo, remoteRepo) | (report, repo@Repo { repoKind = Left remoteRepo }) <- rs ] storeLocal :: [PathTemplate] -> [(BuildReport, Repo)] -> Platform -> IO () storeLocal templates reports platform = sequence_ [ do createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory file) appendFile file output --TODO: make this concurrency safe, either lock the report file or make -- sure the writes for each report are atomic | (file, reports') <- groupByFileName [ (reportFileName template report, report) | template <- templates , (report, _repo) <- reports ] , let output = concatMap format reports' ] where format r = '\n' : BuildReport.show r ++ "\n" reportFileName template report = fromPathTemplate (substPathTemplate env template) where env = initialPathTemplateEnv (BuildReport.package report) (BuildReport.compiler report) platform groupByFileName = map (\grp@((filename,_):_) -> (filename, map snd grp)) . groupBy (equating fst) . sortBy (comparing fst) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * InstallPlan support -- ------------------------------------------------------------ fromInstallPlan :: InstallPlan -> [(BuildReport, Repo)] fromInstallPlan plan = catMaybes . map (fromPlanPackage platform comp) . InstallPlan.toList $ plan where platform = InstallPlan.planPlatform plan comp = InstallPlan.planCompiler plan fromPlanPackage :: Platform -> CompilerId -> InstallPlan.PlanPackage -> Maybe (BuildReport, Repo) fromPlanPackage (Platform arch os) comp planPackage = case planPackage of InstallPlan.Installed pkg@(ReadyPackage (SourcePackage { packageSource = RepoTarballPackage repo _ _ }) _ _ _) result -> Just $ (BuildReport.new os arch comp (readyPackageToConfiguredPackage pkg) (Right result), repo) InstallPlan.Failed pkg@(ConfiguredPackage (SourcePackage { packageSource = RepoTarballPackage repo _ _ }) _ _ _) result -> Just $ (BuildReport.new os arch comp pkg (Left result), repo) _ -> Nothing