{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Linking ( validateLinking ) where import Prelude () import Distribution.Solver.Compat.Prelude hiding (get,put) import Control.Exception (assert) import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Data.Function (on) import Data.Map ((!)) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Traversable as T import Distribution.Client.Utils.Assertion import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Assignment import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Index import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Tree import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.WeightedPSQ as W import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath import Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription (unFlagName) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Validation Validation of links is a separate pass that's performed after normal validation. Validation of links checks that if the tree indicates that a package is linked, then everything underneath that choice really matches the package we have linked to. This is interesting because it isn't unidirectional. Consider that we've chosen a.foo to be version 1 and later decide that b.foo should link to a.foo. Now foo depends on bar. Because a.foo and b.foo are linked, it's required that a.bar and b.bar are also linked. However, it's not required that we actually choose a.bar before b.bar. Goal choice order is relatively free. It's possible that we choose a.bar first, but also possible that we choose b.bar first. In both cases, we have to recognize that we have freedom of choice for the first of the two, but no freedom of choice for the second. This is what LinkGroups are all about. Using LinkGroup, we can record (in the situation above) that a.bar and b.bar need to be linked even if we haven't chosen either of them yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} data ValidateState = VS { vsIndex :: Index , vsLinks :: Map QPN LinkGroup , vsFlags :: FAssignment , vsStanzas :: SAssignment , vsQualifyOptions :: QualifyOptions -- Saved qualified dependencies. Every time 'validateLinking' makes a -- package choice, it qualifies the package's dependencies and saves them in -- this map. Then the qualified dependencies are available for subsequent -- flag and stanza choices for the same package. , vsSaved :: Map QPN (FlaggedDeps QPN) } type Validate = Reader ValidateState -- | Validate linked packages -- -- Verify that linked packages have -- -- * Linked dependencies, -- * Equal flag assignments -- * Equal stanza assignments validateLinking :: Index -> Tree d c -> Tree d c validateLinking index = (`runReader` initVS) . cata go where go :: TreeF d c (Validate (Tree d c)) -> Validate (Tree d c) go (PChoiceF qpn rdm gr cs) = PChoice qpn rdm gr <$> T.sequence (W.mapWithKey (goP qpn) cs) go (FChoiceF qfn rdm gr t m d cs) = FChoice qfn rdm gr t m d <$> T.sequence (W.mapWithKey (goF qfn) cs) go (SChoiceF qsn rdm gr t cs) = SChoice qsn rdm gr t <$> T.sequence (W.mapWithKey (goS qsn) cs) -- For the other nodes we just recurse go (GoalChoiceF rdm cs) = GoalChoice rdm <$> T.sequence cs go (DoneF revDepMap s) = return $ Done revDepMap s go (FailF conflictSet failReason) = return $ Fail conflictSet failReason -- Package choices goP :: QPN -> POption -> Validate (Tree d c) -> Validate (Tree d c) goP qpn@(Q _pp pn) opt@(POption i _) r = do vs <- ask let PInfo deps _ _ _ = vsIndex vs ! pn ! i qdeps = qualifyDeps (vsQualifyOptions vs) qpn deps newSaved = M.insert qpn qdeps (vsSaved vs) case execUpdateState (pickPOption qpn opt qdeps) vs of Left (cs, err) -> return $ Fail cs (DependenciesNotLinked err) Right vs' -> local (const vs' { vsSaved = newSaved }) r -- Flag choices goF :: QFN -> Bool -> Validate (Tree d c) -> Validate (Tree d c) goF qfn b r = do vs <- ask case execUpdateState (pickFlag qfn b) vs of Left (cs, err) -> return $ Fail cs (DependenciesNotLinked err) Right vs' -> local (const vs') r -- Stanza choices (much the same as flag choices) goS :: QSN -> Bool -> Validate (Tree d c) -> Validate (Tree d c) goS qsn b r = do vs <- ask case execUpdateState (pickStanza qsn b) vs of Left (cs, err) -> return $ Fail cs (DependenciesNotLinked err) Right vs' -> local (const vs') r initVS :: ValidateState initVS = VS { vsIndex = index , vsLinks = M.empty , vsFlags = M.empty , vsStanzas = M.empty , vsQualifyOptions = defaultQualifyOptions index , vsSaved = M.empty } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updating the validation state -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type Conflict = (ConflictSet, String) newtype UpdateState a = UpdateState { unUpdateState :: StateT ValidateState (Either Conflict) a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) instance MonadState ValidateState UpdateState where get = UpdateState $ get put st = UpdateState $ do expensiveAssert (lgInvariant $ vsLinks st) $ return () put st lift' :: Either Conflict a -> UpdateState a lift' = UpdateState . lift conflict :: Conflict -> UpdateState a conflict = lift' . Left execUpdateState :: UpdateState () -> ValidateState -> Either Conflict ValidateState execUpdateState = execStateT . unUpdateState pickPOption :: QPN -> POption -> FlaggedDeps QPN -> UpdateState () pickPOption qpn (POption i Nothing) _deps = pickConcrete qpn i pickPOption qpn (POption i (Just pp')) deps = pickLink qpn i pp' deps pickConcrete :: QPN -> I -> UpdateState () pickConcrete qpn@(Q pp _) i = do vs <- get case M.lookup qpn (vsLinks vs) of -- Package is not yet in a LinkGroup. Create a new singleton link group. Nothing -> do let lg = lgSingleton qpn (Just $ PI pp i) updateLinkGroup lg -- Package is already in a link group. Since we are picking a concrete -- instance here, it must by definition be the canonical package. Just lg -> makeCanonical lg qpn i pickLink :: QPN -> I -> PackagePath -> FlaggedDeps QPN -> UpdateState () pickLink qpn@(Q _pp pn) i pp' deps = do vs <- get -- The package might already be in a link group -- (because one of its reverse dependencies is) let lgSource = case M.lookup qpn (vsLinks vs) of Nothing -> lgSingleton qpn Nothing Just lg -> lg -- Find the link group for the package we are linking to -- -- Since the builder never links to a package without having first picked a -- concrete instance for that package, and since we create singleton link -- groups for concrete instances, this link group must exist (and must -- in fact already have a canonical member). let target = Q pp' pn lgTarget = vsLinks vs ! target -- Verify here that the member we add is in fact for the same package and -- matches the version of the canonical instance. However, violations of -- these checks would indicate a bug in the linker, not a true conflict. let sanityCheck :: Maybe (PI PackagePath) -> Bool sanityCheck Nothing = False sanityCheck (Just (PI _ canonI)) = pn == lgPackage lgTarget && i == canonI assert (sanityCheck (lgCanon lgTarget)) $ return () -- Merge the two link groups (updateLinkGroup will propagate the change) lgTarget' <- lift' $ lgMerge CS.empty lgSource lgTarget updateLinkGroup lgTarget' -- Make sure all dependencies are linked as well linkDeps target deps makeCanonical :: LinkGroup -> QPN -> I -> UpdateState () makeCanonical lg qpn@(Q pp _) i = case lgCanon lg of -- There is already a canonical member. Fail. Just _ -> conflict ( CS.insert (P qpn) (lgConflictSet lg) , "cannot make " ++ showQPN qpn ++ " canonical member of " ++ showLinkGroup lg ) Nothing -> do let lg' = lg { lgCanon = Just (PI pp i) } updateLinkGroup lg' -- | Link the dependencies of linked parents. -- -- When we decide to link one package against another we walk through the -- package's direct depedencies and make sure that they're all linked to each -- other by merging their link groups (or creating new singleton link groups if -- they don't have link groups yet). We do not need to do this recursively, -- because having the direct dependencies in a link group means that we must -- have already made or will make sooner or later a link choice for one of these -- as well, and cover their dependencies at that point. linkDeps :: QPN -> FlaggedDeps QPN -> UpdateState () linkDeps target = \deps -> do -- linkDeps is called in two places: when we first link one package to -- another, and when we discover more dependencies of an already linked -- package after doing some flag assignment. It is therefore important that -- flag assignments cannot influence _how_ dependencies are qualified; -- fortunately this is a documented property of 'qualifyDeps'. rdeps <- requalify deps go deps rdeps where go :: FlaggedDeps QPN -> FlaggedDeps QPN -> UpdateState () go = zipWithM_ go1 go1 :: FlaggedDep QPN -> FlaggedDep QPN -> UpdateState () go1 dep rdep = case (dep, rdep) of (Simple (LDep dr1 (Dep (PkgComponent qpn _) _)) _, ~(Simple (LDep dr2 (Dep (PkgComponent qpn' _) _)) _)) -> do vs <- get let lg = M.findWithDefault (lgSingleton qpn Nothing) qpn $ vsLinks vs lg' = M.findWithDefault (lgSingleton qpn' Nothing) qpn' $ vsLinks vs lg'' <- lift' $ lgMerge ((CS.union `on` dependencyReasonToCS) dr1 dr2) lg lg' updateLinkGroup lg'' (Flagged fn _ t f, ~(Flagged _ _ t' f')) -> do vs <- get case M.lookup fn (vsFlags vs) of Nothing -> return () -- flag assignment not yet known Just True -> go t t' Just False -> go f f' (Stanza sn t, ~(Stanza _ t')) -> do vs <- get case M.lookup sn (vsStanzas vs) of Nothing -> return () -- stanza assignment not yet known Just True -> go t t' Just False -> return () -- stanza not enabled; no new deps -- For extensions and language dependencies, there is nothing to do. -- No choice is involved, just checking, so there is nothing to link. -- The same goes for for pkg-config constraints. (Simple (LDep _ (Ext _)) _, _) -> return () (Simple (LDep _ (Lang _)) _, _) -> return () (Simple (LDep _ (Pkg _ _)) _, _) -> return () requalify :: FlaggedDeps QPN -> UpdateState (FlaggedDeps QPN) requalify deps = do vs <- get return $ qualifyDeps (vsQualifyOptions vs) target (unqualifyDeps deps) pickFlag :: QFN -> Bool -> UpdateState () pickFlag qfn b = do modify $ \vs -> vs { vsFlags = M.insert qfn b (vsFlags vs) } verifyFlag qfn linkNewDeps (F qfn) b pickStanza :: QSN -> Bool -> UpdateState () pickStanza qsn b = do modify $ \vs -> vs { vsStanzas = M.insert qsn b (vsStanzas vs) } verifyStanza qsn linkNewDeps (S qsn) b -- | Link dependencies that we discover after making a flag or stanza choice. -- -- When we make a flag choice for a package, then new dependencies for that -- package might become available. If the package under consideration is in a -- non-trivial link group, then these new dependencies have to be linked as -- well. In linkNewDeps, we compute such new dependencies and make sure they are -- linked. linkNewDeps :: Var QPN -> Bool -> UpdateState () linkNewDeps var b = do vs <- get let qpn@(Q pp pn) = varPN var qdeps = vsSaved vs ! qpn lg = vsLinks vs ! qpn newDeps = findNewDeps vs qdeps linkedTo = S.delete pp (lgMembers lg) forM_ (S.toList linkedTo) $ \pp' -> linkDeps (Q pp' pn) newDeps where findNewDeps :: ValidateState -> FlaggedDeps QPN -> FlaggedDeps QPN findNewDeps vs = concatMap (findNewDeps' vs) findNewDeps' :: ValidateState -> FlaggedDep QPN -> FlaggedDeps QPN findNewDeps' _ (Simple _ _) = [] findNewDeps' vs (Flagged qfn _ t f) = case (F qfn == var, M.lookup qfn (vsFlags vs)) of (True, _) -> if b then t else f (_, Nothing) -> [] -- not yet known (_, Just b') -> findNewDeps vs (if b' then t else f) findNewDeps' vs (Stanza qsn t) = case (S qsn == var, M.lookup qsn (vsStanzas vs)) of (True, _) -> if b then t else [] (_, Nothing) -> [] -- not yet known (_, Just b') -> findNewDeps vs (if b' then t else []) updateLinkGroup :: LinkGroup -> UpdateState () updateLinkGroup lg = do verifyLinkGroup lg modify $ \vs -> vs { vsLinks = M.fromList (map aux (S.toList (lgMembers lg))) `M.union` vsLinks vs } where aux pp = (Q pp (lgPackage lg), lg) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} verifyLinkGroup :: LinkGroup -> UpdateState () verifyLinkGroup lg = case lgInstance lg of -- No instance picked yet. Nothing to verify Nothing -> return () -- We picked an instance. Verify flags and stanzas -- TODO: The enumeration of OptionalStanza names is very brittle; -- if a constructor is added to the datatype we won't notice it here Just i -> do vs <- get let PInfo _deps _exes finfo _ = vsIndex vs ! lgPackage lg ! i flags = M.keys finfo stanzas = [TestStanzas, BenchStanzas] forM_ flags $ \fn -> do let flag = FN (lgPackage lg) fn verifyFlag' flag lg forM_ stanzas $ \sn -> do let stanza = SN (lgPackage lg) sn verifyStanza' stanza lg verifyFlag :: QFN -> UpdateState () verifyFlag (FN qpn@(Q _pp pn) fn) = do vs <- get -- We can only pick a flag after picking an instance; link group must exist verifyFlag' (FN pn fn) (vsLinks vs ! qpn) verifyStanza :: QSN -> UpdateState () verifyStanza (SN qpn@(Q _pp pn) sn) = do vs <- get -- We can only pick a stanza after picking an instance; link group must exist verifyStanza' (SN pn sn) (vsLinks vs ! qpn) -- | Verify that all packages in the link group agree on flag assignments -- -- For the given flag and the link group, obtain all assignments for the flag -- that have already been made for link group members, and check that they are -- equal. verifyFlag' :: FN PN -> LinkGroup -> UpdateState () verifyFlag' (FN pn fn) lg = do vs <- get let flags = map (\pp' -> FN (Q pp' pn) fn) (S.toList (lgMembers lg)) vals = map (`M.lookup` vsFlags vs) flags if allEqual (catMaybes vals) -- We ignore not-yet assigned flags then return () else conflict ( CS.fromList (map F flags) `CS.union` lgConflictSet lg , "flag \"" ++ unFlagName fn ++ "\" incompatible" ) -- | Verify that all packages in the link group agree on stanza assignments -- -- For the given stanza and the link group, obtain all assignments for the -- stanza that have already been made for link group members, and check that -- they are equal. -- -- This function closely mirrors 'verifyFlag''. verifyStanza' :: SN PN -> LinkGroup -> UpdateState () verifyStanza' (SN pn sn) lg = do vs <- get let stanzas = map (\pp' -> SN (Q pp' pn) sn) (S.toList (lgMembers lg)) vals = map (`M.lookup` vsStanzas vs) stanzas if allEqual (catMaybes vals) -- We ignore not-yet assigned stanzas then return () else conflict ( CS.fromList (map S stanzas) `CS.union` lgConflictSet lg , "stanza \"" ++ showStanza sn ++ "\" incompatible" ) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Set of packages that must be linked together -- -- A LinkGroup is between several qualified package names. In the validation -- state, we maintain a map vsLinks from qualified package names to link groups. -- There is an invariant that for all members of a link group, vsLinks must map -- to the same link group. The function updateLinkGroup can be used to -- re-establish this invariant after creating or expanding a LinkGroup. data LinkGroup = LinkGroup { -- | The name of the package of this link group lgPackage :: PN -- | The canonical member of this link group (the one where we picked -- a concrete instance). Once we have picked a canonical member, all -- other packages must link to this one. -- -- We may not know this yet (if we are constructing link groups -- for dependencies) , lgCanon :: Maybe (PI PackagePath) -- | The members of the link group , lgMembers :: Set PackagePath -- | The set of variables that should be added to the conflict set if -- something goes wrong with this link set (in addition to the members -- of the link group itself) , lgBlame :: ConflictSet } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Invariant for the set of link groups: every element in the link group -- must be pointing to the /same/ link group lgInvariant :: Map QPN LinkGroup -> Bool lgInvariant links = all invGroup (M.elems links) where invGroup :: LinkGroup -> Bool invGroup lg = allEqual $ map (`M.lookup` links) members where members :: [QPN] members = map (`Q` lgPackage lg) $ S.toList (lgMembers lg) -- | Package version of this group -- -- This is only known once we have picked a canonical element. lgInstance :: LinkGroup -> Maybe I lgInstance = fmap (\(PI _ i) -> i) . lgCanon showLinkGroup :: LinkGroup -> String showLinkGroup lg = "{" ++ intercalate "," (map showMember (S.toList (lgMembers lg))) ++ "}" where showMember :: PackagePath -> String showMember pp = case lgCanon lg of Just (PI pp' _i) | pp == pp' -> "*" _otherwise -> "" ++ case lgInstance lg of Nothing -> showQPN (qpn pp) Just i -> showPI (PI (qpn pp) i) qpn :: PackagePath -> QPN qpn pp = Q pp (lgPackage lg) -- | Creates a link group that contains a single member. lgSingleton :: QPN -> Maybe (PI PackagePath) -> LinkGroup lgSingleton (Q pp pn) canon = LinkGroup { lgPackage = pn , lgCanon = canon , lgMembers = S.singleton pp , lgBlame = CS.empty } lgMerge :: ConflictSet -> LinkGroup -> LinkGroup -> Either Conflict LinkGroup lgMerge blame lg lg' = do canon <- pick (lgCanon lg) (lgCanon lg') return LinkGroup { lgPackage = lgPackage lg , lgCanon = canon , lgMembers = lgMembers lg `S.union` lgMembers lg' , lgBlame = CS.unions [blame, lgBlame lg, lgBlame lg'] } where pick :: Eq a => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Either Conflict (Maybe a) pick Nothing Nothing = Right Nothing pick (Just x) Nothing = Right $ Just x pick Nothing (Just y) = Right $ Just y pick (Just x) (Just y) = if x == y then Right $ Just x else Left ( CS.unions [ blame , lgConflictSet lg , lgConflictSet lg' ] , "cannot merge " ++ showLinkGroup lg ++ " and " ++ showLinkGroup lg' ) lgConflictSet :: LinkGroup -> ConflictSet lgConflictSet lg = CS.fromList (map aux (S.toList (lgMembers lg))) `CS.union` lgBlame lg where aux pp = P (Q pp (lgPackage lg)) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auxiliary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} allEqual :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool allEqual [] = True allEqual [_] = True allEqual (x:y:ys) = x == y && allEqual (y:ys)