module Main ( main ) where import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, hFlush, stdout, stderr ) import System.Environment ( getArgs ) import Control.Exception ( bracket ) import System.Exit ( exitFailure ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse ( parsePackageDescription, ParseResult(..) ) import Distribution.PackageDescription ( package, packageDescription ) import Distribution.Text ( simpleParse ) import Data.List ( isPrefixOf ) import Control.Monad ( when ) import Network.HTTP ( simpleHTTP, getRequest, getResponseBody ) import System.Console.GetOpt ( OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), ArgOrder(..), usageInfo, getOpt ) import Cabal2Nix.Package ( showNixPkg, cabal2nix ) import Cabal2Nix.Hackage ( hackagePath, Ext(..), hashPackage ) readCabalFile :: FilePath -> IO String readCabalFile path | "cabal://" `isPrefixOf` path = let Just pid = simpleParse (drop 8 path) in readCabalFile (hackagePath pid Cabal) | "http://" `isPrefixOf` path = simpleHTTP (getRequest path) >>= getResponseBody | "file://" `isPrefixOf` path = readCabalFile (drop 7 path) | otherwise = readFile path data CliOption = PrintHelp | SHA256 String | Maintainer String | Platform String deriving (Eq) main :: IO () main = bracket (return ()) (\() -> hFlush stdout >> hFlush stderr) $ \() -> do let options :: [OptDescr CliOption] options = [ Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg PrintHelp) "show this help text" , Option [] ["sha256"] (ReqArg SHA256 "HASH") "sha256 hash of source tarball" , Option ['m'] ["maintainer"] (ReqArg Maintainer "MAINTAINER") "maintainer of this package (may be specified multiple times)" , Option ['p'] ["platform"] (ReqArg Platform "PLATFORM") "supported build platforms (may be specified multiple times)" ] usage :: String usage = usageInfo "Usage: cabal2nix [options] url-to-cabal-file" options ++ "\n\ \Recognized URI schemes:\n\ \\n\ \ cabal://pkgname-pkgversion download the specified package from Hackage\n\ \ http://host/path fetch the Cabel file via HTTP\n\ \ file:///local/path load the Cabal file from the local disk\n\ \ /local/path abbreviated version of file URI\n" cmdlineError :: String -> IO a cmdlineError "" = hPutStrLn stderr usage >> exitFailure cmdlineError errMsg = hPutStrLn stderr errMsg >> cmdlineError "" args' <- getArgs (opts,args) <- case getOpt Permute options args' of (o,n,[] ) -> return (o,n) (_,_,errs) -> cmdlineError (concatMap (\e -> '*':'*':'*':' ':e) errs) when (PrintHelp `elem` opts) (cmdlineError "") let uri = args hash = [ h | SHA256 h <- opts ] maintainers = [ m | Maintainer m <- opts ] platforms' = [ p | Platform p <- opts ] platforms | null platforms' = if not (null maintainers) then ["self.ghc.meta.platforms"] else [] | otherwise = platforms' when (length uri /= 1) (cmdlineError "*** exactly one URI must be specified") when (length hash > 1) (cmdlineError "*** the --sha256 option may be specified only once") cabal' <- fmap parsePackageDescription (readCabalFile (head uri)) cabal <- case cabal' of ParseOk _ a -> return a ParseFailed err -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("*** cannot parse cabal file: " ++ show err) exitFailure let packageId = package (packageDescription cabal) sha256 <- if null hash then hashPackage packageId else return (head hash) putStr (showNixPkg (cabal2nix cabal sha256 platforms maintainers))