# cached-io: cache a single IO action Sometimes you have an action that does something really expensive whose results don't change that much. This is a simple library that lets you cache the output of that expensive action for a developer-specified length of time. `test/test-cachedIO.hs` shows a very basic usage example. ## Developing this library All standardised tooling is provided by `flake.nix`. ```shell nix develop ``` ### Formatting code | To format | use | | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `*.cabal` | [`cabal-fmt`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/cabal-fmt) (`cabal-fmt --inplace *.cabal`) | | `*.nix` | [`nixpkgs-fmt`](https://github.com/nix-community/nixpkgs-fmt) (`nixpkgs-fmt *.nix`) | We have not yet chosen a formatter for Haskell source. For now, try to follow the style of surrounding code. ### CI The GitHub Actions CI workflow for this repo is generated by [`haskell-ci`](https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci): ```shell haskell-ci regenerate ```