{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
module NN.Examples.GoogLeNet(googLeNet, main) where

import           Gen.Caffe.FillerParameter       as FP
import           Gen.Caffe.InnerProductParameter as IP
import           Gen.Caffe.LayerParameter        as LP

import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Sequence                   (singleton)
import           Data.Word

import           NN
import           NN.Examples.ImageNet

googleTrain = train & mirror' True & batchSize' 32 & cropSize' 224
googleTest = test & mirror' False & batchSize' 50 & cropSize' 224

googleMult = [def & lrMult' 1 & decayMult' 1, -- weights
              def & lrMult' 2 & decayMult' 0] -- biases
googleConv = conv & param' googleMult & biasFillerC' (constant 0.2)
googleLRN = lrn & localSize' 5 & alphaLRN' 0.0001 & betaLRN' 0.75
googlePool = maxPool & sizeP' 3 & strideP' 2
googleIP n = ip n & param' googleMult

conv1 = googleConv & numOutputC' 64 & padC' 3 & kernelSizeC' 7 & strideC' 2 & weightFillerC' (xavier 0.1)
conv2 = googleConv & numOutputC' 192 & padC' 1 & kernelSizeC' 3 & weightFillerC' (xavier 0.03)

topPool = avgPool & sizeP' 7 & strideP' 1
topFc = googleIP 1000 & biasFillerIP' (constant 0) & weightFillerIP' (xavier 0.0)
        -- Weird, but in Caffe replication
        & _inner_product_param._Just.IP._weight_filler._Just._std .~ Nothing

data Inception = Inception {_1x1, _3x3reduce, _3x3, _5x5reduce, _5x5, _poolProj :: Word32}

inception :: Node -> Inception -> G LayerParameter Node
inception input Inception{..} = do
  columns' <- mapM sequential columns
  concat'' <- layer' concat'
  forM_ columns' $ \(bottom, top) -> input >-> bottom >> top >-> concat''
  return concat''
      columns = [
       [googleConv & numOutputC' _1x1  & kernelSizeC' 1 & weightFillerC' (xavier 0.03), relu],
       [googleConv & numOutputC' _3x3reduce & kernelSizeC' 1 & weightFillerC' (xavier 0.09), relu, googleConv & numOutputC' _3x3 & kernelSizeC' 3 & weightFillerC' (xavier 0.03) & padC' 1, relu],
       [googleConv & numOutputC' _5x5reduce & kernelSizeC' 1 & weightFillerC' (xavier 0.2), relu, googleConv & numOutputC' _5x5 & kernelSizeC' 5 & weightFillerC' (xavier 0.03) & padC' 2, relu],
       [maxPool& sizeP' 3 & strideP' 3 & padP' 1, googleConv & numOutputC' _poolProj & kernelSizeC' 1 & weightFillerC' (xavier 0.1), relu]]

intermediateClassifier :: Node -> NetBuilder
intermediateClassifier source = do
  (input, representation) <- sequential [pool1, conv1', relu, fc1, relu, dropout 0.7, fc2]
  source >-> input

  forM_ [accuracy 1, accuracy 5, softmax & _loss_weight <>~ singleton 0.3] $ attach (From representation)
      pool1 = avgPool & sizeP' 5 & strideP' 3
      conv1' = googleConv & numOutputC' 128 & kernelSizeC' 1 & weightFillerC' (xavier 0.08)
      fc1 = googleIP 1024 & weightFillerIP' (xavier 0.02) & biasFillerIP' (constant 0.2)
      fc2 = googleIP 1000 & weightFillerIP' (xavier 0.0009765625) & biasFillerIP' (constant 0)

-- What to do at each step in the inner column?
data ColumnStep = I Inception | Classifier | MaxPool

googLeNet :: NetBuilder
googLeNet = do
  (input, initial) <- sequential [conv1, relu, googlePool, googleLRN, conv2, relu, googleLRN, googlePool]

  incepted <- foldM inceptionClassifier initial [
             I $ Inception 64 96 128 16 32 32,
             I $ Inception 128 128 192 32 96 64,
             I $ Inception 192 96 208 16 48 64,
             I $ Inception 150 112 224 24 64 64,
             I $ Inception 128 128 256 24 64 64,
             I $ Inception 112 144 288 32 64 64,
             I $ Inception 256 160 320 32 128 128,
             I $ Inception 256 160 320 32 128 128,
             I $ Inception 384 192 384 48 128 128]

  (_, representation) <- return (incepted, incepted) >- sequential [topPool, dropout 0.4, topFc]

  forM_ [accuracy 1, accuracy 5, softmax] $ attach (From representation)
  forM_ [googleTrain, googleTest] $ attach (To input)
      inceptionClassifier input (I inceptor) = inception input inceptor
      inceptionClassifier input Classifier = intermediateClassifier input >> return input
      inceptionClassifier input MaxPool = do {node <- layer' googlePool; input >-> node; return node}

main :: IO ()
main = cli googLeNet