{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Development.Cake3.Writer (defaultMakefile,buildMake) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Identity (runIdentity)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, StateT(..), runStateT, State(..), execState, evalState, runState, modify, get, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.List as L
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), foldl')
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.Traversable (forM)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.Printf

import System.FilePath.Wrapper
import Development.Cake3.Types
import Development.Cake3.Monad

class ToMakeText x where
  toMakeText :: x -> String
instance ToMakeText [Char] where
  toMakeText = id

escapeFile f = escapeFile' (toFilePath f)
escapeFile' [] = []
escapeFile' (' ':xs) = "\\ " ++ escapeFile' xs
escapeFile' (x:xs) = (x:(escapeFile' xs))

instance ToMakeText File where
  toMakeText = escapeFile

instance ToMakeText Command where
  toMakeText cmd = concat $ map toMakeText cmd

instance ToMakeText CommandPiece where
  toMakeText (CmdStr s) = s
  toMakeText (CmdFile f) = toMakeText f

instance ToMakeText (Set File) where
  toMakeText s = intercalate " " (map toMakeText (S.toList s))
smap f = map f . S.toList

line :: (MonadState String m) => String -> m ()
line s = modify $ \ws -> concat [ws, s, "\n"]

text :: (MonadState String m) => String -> m ()
text s = modify $ \ws -> concat [ws, s]

newtype MakeLL a = MakeLL { unMakeLL :: State ([File], Set Recipe) a }
  deriving(Functor, Monad, MonadState ([File], Set Recipe), Applicative)

fresh :: MakeLL File
fresh = do
  (f:fs,rs) <- get
  put (fs,rs)
  return f

runMakeLL :: String -> MakeLL () -> Set Recipe
runMakeLL templ m = snd $ execState (unMakeLL m) (names, S.empty) where
  names = map fromFilePath $ map (\x -> printf ".%s%d" templ x) $ ([1..] :: [Int])

produceLL :: Recipe -> MakeLL ()
produceLL r = modify (\(a,b) -> (a,S.insert r b))

ruleLL :: A' MakeLL a -> MakeLL Recipe
ruleLL act = do
  (r,_) <- runA "<internal>" act
  produceLL r
  return r

applySubprojects :: Map File [Command] -> Set Recipe -> Set Recipe
applySubprojects sp rs = runMakeLL "subproject" (transformRecipesM_ f rs) where
  f r | L.null scmds = produceLL r
      | otherwise = do
          n1 <- fresh
          n2 <- fresh
          r1 <- ruleLL $ do
            produce n2
            commands scmds
          r2 <- ruleLL $ do
            produce n1
            depend (rsrc r)
            commands (rcmd r)
          ruleLL $ do
            produce (rtgt r)
            depend r1
            depend r2
          return ()
        scmds :: [Command]
        scmds = concat $ catMaybes $ map (flip M.lookup sp) (S.toList $ rsrc r)

-- | Turns multi-target rules of the form
--    a b c : d e f
--      cmd1
-- into the pair:
--    a : stampX
--    b : stampX
--    c : stampX
--    .INTERMEDIATE:stampX
--    stampX : d e f
--      cmd1
fixMultiTarget :: (Foldable t) => t Recipe -> Set Recipe
fixMultiTarget rs = runMakeLL "fix-multy" (transformRecipesM_ f rs) where
  f r | (S.size (rtgt r)) > 1 = do
          s <- fresh
          forM_ (S.toList $ rtgt r) $ \t -> do
            ruleLL $ do
              produce t
              location (rloc r)
              depend s
              flags (rflags r)
          ruleLL $ do
            produce s
            depend (rsrc r)
            variables (rvars r)
            commands (rcmd r)
            location (rloc r)
          return ()
      | otherwise = do
          produceLL r

-- | Operate on a prerequisites which themselfs are targets of a multitarget rule. Make
-- the conversion from:
--    a b c : x
--    x : a
--    y : b
-- to
--    a b c : x
--    x : a b c
--    y : a b c
completeMultiTarget :: Set Recipe -> Set Recipe
completeMultiTarget rs = 
    badlist = S.foldl' (\ts r -> do
      if (S.size (rtgt r)) > 1 then (rtgt r):ts else ts) [] rs
    flip S.map rs $ \r ->
      L.foldl' (\r mulpack ->
        case (not . S.null) ((rsrc r)`S.intersection` mulpack) of
          True -> r { rsrc = (rsrc r) `S.union` mulpack }
          False -> r) r badlist

-- | Rule referring to the 
defaultMakefile :: File
defaultMakefile = fromFilePath ("." </> "Makefile")

addRebuildDeps :: File -> Set File -> Set Recipe -> Set Recipe
addRebuildDeps makefile deps rs = S.map mkd rs where
  mkd r | makefile `S.member` (rtgt r) = addPrerequisites deps r
        | otherwise = r

isRequiredFor :: Set Recipe -> Recipe -> File -> Bool
isRequiredFor rs r f = if f`S.member`(rtgt r) then True else godeeper where
  godeeper = or $ map (\tgt -> or $ map (\r -> isRequiredFor rs r f) (selectBySrc tgt)) (S.toList $ rtgt r)
  selectBySrc f = S.toList . fst $ S.partition (\r -> f`S.member`(rsrc r)) rs

-- | There are only 2 kind of rules: 1) ones that depend on a Makefile, and 2) ones
-- that Makefile depends on. Case-2 is known in advance (for example, when the
-- the contents of a file is required to build a Makefile then Makefile depends
-- on this file). This function adds the case-1 dependencies.
addMakeDeps :: File -> Set Recipe -> Set Recipe
addMakeDeps makefile rs
  | S.null (S.filter (\r -> makefile `S.member` (rtgt r)) rs) = rs
  | otherwise = S.map addMakeDeps_ rs
    addMakeDeps_ r | not (isRequiredFor rs r makefile) = addPrerequisite makefile r
                   | otherwise = r

-- | Render the Makefile. Return either the content (Right), or error messages
-- (Left).
buildMake :: MakeState -> Either String String
buildMake ms = do

  mr <- region "MAIN" $ do
    line ""
    line "# Main section"
    line ""
    writeRules rs'
    forM_ (includes ms) $ \i -> do
      line (printf "include %s" (toMakeText i))
    line ""

  sr <- region "SERVICE" $ do
    line ""
    line "# Prebuild/postbuild section"
    line ""
    r <- runA_ "<internal>" $ do
      produce (queryTargets (recipes ms))
      commands (rcmd $ prebuilds ms)
      commands [[CmdStr "$(MAKE) MAIN=1 $(MAKECMDGOALS)"]]
      commands (rcmd $ postbuilds ms)
      variables (rvars $ prebuilds ms)
      variables (rvars $ postbuilds ms)
    writeRules $ applyPlacement (placement ms) $ fixMultiTarget [r]
    line ""

  hdr <- runLines $ do
    line "# This Makefile was generated by the Cake3"
    line "# https://github.com/grwlf/cake3"
    line ""
    line "GUARD = .GUARD_$(1)_$(shell echo $($(1)) | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
    line ""
  writeRegions hdr [mr,sr]

    make = extvar "MAKE"
    makecmdgoals = extvar "MAKECMDGOALS"

    rs' = applyPlacement (placement ms)
        $ fixMultiTarget
        $ completeMultiTarget
        $ addMakeDeps (outputFile ms)
        $ addRebuildDeps (outputFile ms) (makeDeps ms)
        $ recipes ms

data MakeRegion = MR {
    mrname :: String
  , mrtext :: String

type Lines = StateT String (Either String) ()

runLines :: Lines -> Either String String
runLines s = let e = runStateT s "" in
  case e of
    Left e -> Left e
    Right ((),st) -> Right st

writeRegions :: String -> [MakeRegion] -> Either String String
writeRegions hdr rs = mappend <$> (pure hdr) <*> (writeRegions' rs) where
  writeRegions' [] = fail "No regions are defined"
  writeRegions' (r:rs)
    | L.null rs = return (mrtext r)
    | otherwise = do
      inner <- writeRegions' rs
      runLines $ do
        line (printf "ifdef %s" (map toUpper $ mrname r))
        text (mrtext r)
        line "else"
        text inner
        line "endif"

region name mlines = do
  lines <- runLines mlines
  return $ MR { mrname = name , mrtext = lines}

writeRules rs = do
  vs <- lift $ queryVariablesE rs

  -- Variables
  forM_ vs $ \v -> case v of
    (Variable n (Just v)) -> line (printf "%s = %s" n v)
    (Variable n Nothing) -> return ()

  -- Rules
  forM_ rs $ \r -> do
    let varguard v = printf "$(call GUARD,%s)" (vname v)
    let deps = intercalate " " $ (smap toMakeText (rsrc r)) ++ (smap varguard (rvars r))
    let tgts = intercalate " " $ (smap toMakeText (rtgt r))

    when (Phony `S.member` (rflags r)) $ do
      line (printf ".PHONY: %s" tgts)
    when (Intermediate `S.member` (rflags r)) $ do
      line (printf ".INTERMEDIATE: %s" tgts)

    line (printf "%s: %s" tgts deps)
    forM_ (rcmd r) $ \c -> do
      line (printf "\t%s" (toMakeText c))

  -- Rules for variable guards
  -- FIXME: add those on the higher level
  forM_ vs $ \v -> do
    line (printf "$(call GUARD,%s):" (vname v))
    line (printf "\trm -f .GUARD_%s_*" (vname v))
    line "\ttouch $@"