{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# INCLUDE "cal3d_c.h" #-}

{- | A Renderer provides information needed for graphics rendering;
it does not output any graphics by itself, but needs the cooperation
of a graphics API.  Consider using 'Graphics.Animation.Cal3D.OpenGL'
from the cal3d-opengl package. -}

module Graphics.Animation.Cal3D.Renderer
    (newRenderer, deleteRenderer
    , renderAnimation
    , getMeshCount, getSubmeshCount
    , selectMeshSubmesh

    , CalIndex, getFaceCount, getFaces
    , withAmbientColorPtr, withDiffuseColorPtr, withSpecularColorPtr
    , getShininess
    , getVertexCount, getVertices, getNormals


import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String

import Graphics.Animation.Cal3D.Types
import Graphics.Animation.Cal3D.Error

-- | Create a Renderer.
foreign import ccall safe "newRenderer"
        newRenderer :: Model -> IO Renderer

-- | Destroy a Renderer.
foreign import ccall safe "deleteRenderer"
        deleteRenderer :: Renderer -> IO ()

{- | Executes a rendering action.  

> renderAnimation renderer action

   corresponds to 

> renderer->beginRendering();
> action();
> renderer->endRendering();

in the Cal3D C++ API. -}

renderAnimation :: Renderer 
                -> IO ()        -- ^ rendering action
                -> IO (Either String ())
renderAnimation renderer action = do
    ok <- c_beginRendering renderer
  ; result <-
      if not (toBool ok)
      then return $ Left "renderAnimation: unable to begin rendering"
      else do
        ; return $ Right ()
  ; c_endRendering renderer
  ; return result

foreign import ccall safe "beginRendering"
        c_beginRendering :: Renderer -> IO Int

foreign import ccall safe "endRendering"
        c_endRendering :: Renderer -> IO ()

-- | The number of meshes in the Renderer's 'Model'.
getMeshCount :: Renderer -> IO Int
getMeshCount renderer = 
    return . fromIntegral =<< c_getMeshCount renderer

foreign import ccall safe "getMeshCount"
        c_getMeshCount :: Renderer -> IO CInt

-- | The number of submeshes in the given mesh of the Renderer's 'Model'.
getSubmeshCount :: Renderer 
                -> Int          -- ^ mesh ID
                -> IO Int
getSubmeshCount renderer meshId =
    return . fromIntegral 
        =<< c_getSubmeshCount renderer (fromIntegral meshId)

foreign import ccall safe "getSubmeshCount"
        c_getSubmeshCount :: Renderer -> CInt -> IO CInt

{- | Selects a particular (mesh, submesh) so that all subsequent
operations refer to this (mesh, submesh) pair.  -}

selectMeshSubmesh :: Renderer 
                  -> Int        -- ^ mesh ID
                  -> Int        -- ^ submesh ID
                  -> IO (Either String ())
selectMeshSubmesh renderer meshId submeshId =
    checkError (c_selectMeshSubmesh renderer 
                                    (fromIntegral meshId)
                                    (fromIntegral submeshId))
               ("unable to select submesh " ++ (show (meshId, submeshId)))

foreign import ccall safe "selectMeshSubmesh"
        c_selectMeshSubmesh :: Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | The number of faces in the current (mesh, submesh).
getFaceCount :: Renderer -> IO Int
getFaceCount renderer = 
    return . fromIntegral =<< c_getFaceCount renderer

foreign import ccall safe "getFaceCount"
            c_getFaceCount :: Renderer -> IO CInt

-- | Used to index faces.
type CalIndex = CInt

-- | Fills a buffer with the face numbers.
getFaces :: Renderer 
         -> Ptr CalIndex        -- ^ buffer
         -> IO Int
getFaces renderer ptr = return . fromIntegral =<< c_getFaces renderer ptr

foreign import ccall safe "getFaces"
        c_getFaces :: Renderer -> Ptr CalIndex -> IO CInt

-- | The number of vertices, also the number of normals,
--  in the current (mesh, submesh).
getVertexCount :: Renderer -> IO Int
getVertexCount renderer = 
    return . fromIntegral =<< c_getVertexCount renderer

foreign import ccall safe "getVertexCount"
        c_getVertexCount :: Renderer -> IO CInt

-- | Fills a buffer with the vertex data of the current (mesh, submesh).
getVertices :: Renderer
            -> Ptr Float        -- ^ buffer
            -> Int              -- ^ stride
            -> IO Int
getVertices renderer ptr stride = 
    return . fromIntegral =<< c_getVertices renderer ptr (fromIntegral stride)

foreign import ccall safe "getVertices"
        c_getVertices :: Renderer -> Ptr Float -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | Fills a buffer with the normal data for the current (mesh, submesh).
getNormals :: Renderer -> Ptr Float -> Int -> IO Int
getNormals renderer buf stride =
  return . fromIntegral =<< c_getNormals renderer buf (fromIntegral stride)

foreign import ccall safe "getNormals"
   c_getNormals :: Renderer -> Ptr Float -> Int -> IO CInt

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Getting colors
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Intended usage: 
-- c_getColor is the C function that "reads" the color, storing 4 bytes
-- into a pointer
-- convert is a function that takes the pointer and converts the
-- 4 bytes into a color suitable for the rendering engine,
-- for example, in OpenGL, Color4 GLfloat.

withColorPtr :: Storable c =>
            (Renderer -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) ->
            (Ptr Word8 -> IO c) ->
            Renderer -> IO c
withColorPtr c_getColor convert renderer = 
    alloca (\ ptr -> do {c_getColor renderer ptr; convert ptr})

{- | Calls an action with a pointer to the ambient color data.
The color data are four bytes (red, green, blue, alpha).
If you are using OpenGL, use 'Graphics.Animation.Cal3D.OpenGL.getAmbientColor'
You almost certainly don't want to use @withAmbientColorPtr@ directly,
unless your are connecting Cal3D to a different graphics API. -}
withAmbientColorPtr :: (Storable c) => 
                       (Ptr Word8 -> IO c) -- ^ action
                    -> Renderer
                    -> IO c
withAmbientColorPtr = withColorPtr c_getAmbientColor

-- | Diffuse color, like 'withAmbientColorPtr'.
withDiffuseColorPtr :: (Storable c) => 
                       (Ptr Word8 -> IO c) -> Renderer -> IO c
withDiffuseColorPtr = withColorPtr c_getDiffuseColor

-- | Specular color, like 'withAmbientColorPtr'.
withSpecularColorPtr :: (Storable c) => 
                       (Ptr Word8 -> IO c) -> Renderer -> IO c
withSpecularColorPtr = withColorPtr c_getSpecularColor

foreign import ccall safe "getAmbientColor"
        c_getAmbientColor :: Renderer -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()

foreign import ccall safe "getDiffuseColor"
        c_getDiffuseColor :: Renderer -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()

foreign import ccall safe "getSpecularColor"
        c_getSpecularColor :: Renderer -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()

-- | The shininess, which affects the extent of speculr effects.
getShininess :: Renderer -> IO Float
getShininess = c_getShininess

foreign import ccall safe "getShininess"
        c_getShininess :: Renderer -> IO Float

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

foreign import ccall safe "calVectorSize"
        dbgCalVectorSize :: IO CInt

foreign import ccall safe "dumpVertices"
        dbgDumpVertices :: Renderer -> IO ()