calamity- A library for writing discord bots in haskell
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A default help command implementation



helpCommand' :: (Tellable c, BotC r, CommandContext c) => CommandHandler c -> Maybe (Group c) -> [Check c] -> Sem r (Command c) Source #

Given a CommandHandler, optionally a parent Group, and a list of Checks, construct a help command that will provide help for all the commands and groups in the passed CommandHandler.

helpCommand :: (Tellable c, BotC r, CommandContext c) => Sem (DSLState c r) (Command c) Source #

Create and register the default help command for all the commands registered in the commands DSL this is used in. The render parameter is used so you can determine how the help should be rendered, for example it could be putStrLn, or a pure function such as pure . Left

The registered command will have the name 'help', called with no parameters it will render help for the top-level groups and commands, for example:

The following groups exist:
- reanimate
- prefix[prefixes]
- alias[aliases]
- remind[reminder|reminders]

The following commands exist:
- help :[Text]

Both commands and groups are listed in the form: <name>[<alias 0>|<alias 1>], commands also have their parameter list shown.

If a path to a group is passed, the help, aliases, and pre-invokation checks will be listed, along with the subgroups and commands, For example:

Help for group remind:
Group: remind
Aliases: reminder reminders
Commands related to making reminders

The following child commands exist:
- list
- remove reminder_id:Text
- add :KleenePlusConcat Text

If a command path is passed, the usage, checks and help for the command are shown, for example:

Help for command add:
Usage: c!prefix add prefix:Text
Checks: prefixLimit guildOnly

Add a new prefix