module Language.CalDims.Texts where

import qualified Data.Version as Version

-- Types

data HelpTree = Section String [HelpTree] | Para String

-- Classes

-- Instances

instance Show HelpTree where
	show = unlines . show' 0

		show' :: Int -> HelpTree -> [String]
		show' level ht = case ht of 
			(Section s list) -> headline s ++ (concatMap (show' (level + 1)) list)
			(Para s) -> [indent s]

				indent :: String -> String
				indent = ((concat $ take level $ repeat "  ") ++)
				headline :: String -> [String]
				headline s = indent "" : if level >= length typoChars 
					then [indent s ++":"]
					else [indent s, indent (take (length s) (repeat (typoChars!!level)))]

				typoChars = "*-'"
-- Functions

version :: Version.Version
version = Version.Version [0,1,0] []

name :: String
name = "CalDims"

preludeText, welcomeText :: String
preludeText = unlines
        [ "# Time Units"
        , "\\u s"
        , "min := 60 s"
        , "h := 60 min"
        , "d := 24 h"
        , "Hz := 1s^-1"
        , ""
        , "# Space Units"
        , "\\u m"
        , "l := (0.1 m)^3"
        , ""
        , "# Mass Units"
        , "\\u kg"
        , "t := 1000 kg"
        , "u := 1.6605402 * 10^-27 kg"
        , ""
        , "# Molar mass"
        , "\\u mol"
        , ""
        , "# Force"
        , "N := 1m kg/s^2"
        , ""
        , "# Energy"
        , "J := 1 N m"
        , ""
        , "# Power"
        , "W := 1 J/s"
        , ""
        , "# Electro physics"
        , "\\u A"
        , "C := 1 A s"
        , "V := 1 W/A"
        , "F := 1 A s/V"
        , "Ohm := 1 V/A"
        , "H := 1 V s/A"
        , ""
        , "# Light"
        , "\\u cd"
        , ""
        , "# Temperature"
        , "\\u K"
        , ""
        , "# Constants"]

welcomeText = name ++ " " ++ Version.showVersion version ++ "\n" ++ "License: GPL 3 (see the LICENSE file)\n\n" 
	++ "Type in `\\?' to read the inline help.\n"

helpText :: HelpTree
helpText = Section (name ++ " help")
	[ Section "Usage of the shell" 
		[ Para "The shell is an infinite loop that accepts one line of user-input and processes it."
		, Para "The input line syntax is: expr|command|fundef|unitdef|comment"
		, Section "Expression to evaluate (expr)" 
			[ Para "The syntax of an evaluation request is: expr ('|'(unit|expr|-|*|?))."
			, Para "For detailed expression syntax see chapter `Expression syntax'."
			, Section "Examples"
				[ Para "(10000 m^2)^1%2                  -> 100 m (square root of 10000 m^2)"
				, Para "7 d | h                          -> 168 h  (7 days are 168 hours)"
				, Para "80W * 30d * 0.20EUR/kW/h | EUR   -> 11.52 EUR"
				, Para "sin (pi/4) * 10 V                -> 7.071067811865475 V"]

			, Section "Evaluation modifiers"
				[ Para "expr | unit        -> converts expr to unit after evaluation"
				, Para "expr1 | expr2      -> rewrite expr in terms of expr2"
				, Para "expr | ?           -> try to find the minimal unit for expr"
				, Para "expr | *           -> simply keep the unit that was evaluated"
				, Para "expr | -           -> rewrite the evaluation in terms of basic units"
				, Para []
				, Para "Modifiers are optional, 'expr | *' and 'expr' are equivalent."]
		, Section "Shell command (command)"
			[ Para "\\?             - display this help"
			, Para "\\d  expr       - show unevaluated expression"
			, Para "\\de expr       - just like `\\d expr'"
			, Para "\\dn name       - show unit or function"
			, Para "\\dp name       - show the dependencies and the reverse dependecies of a unit or function"
			, Para "\\p  string     - print <string> to stdout."
			, Para "\\r  name       - remove a function or unit."
			, Para "\\rc name       - remove cascade - remove all entities that depend on <name> and <name> itself."
			, Para "\\s             - print the state"
			, Para "\\u  name       - add a basic unit"]

		, Section "Function definition (fundef)"
			[ Para "A function definition has the following syntax: name (name1:unit1, name2:unit2, ...) = expr"

			, Section "Examples"
				[ Para "t = 3 min"
				, Para "volumen (radius:m) = pi * radius^3"
				, Para "speed (distance:m, time:s) = distance / time"]
			, Para ""
			, Para "Units that have to follow a parameter and colon indicate the dimension of the parameter only,"
			, Para "so 'duration(t1:min, t2:min)=t2-t1' and 'duration(t1:h, t2:d)=t2-t1' are totally equivalent."]

		, Section "Unit definition (unitdef)"
			[ Para "A unit definition has the following syntax: name:=expr"
			, Section "Examples"
				[ Para "mile := 1609.344 m"
				, Para "min := 60 s"
				, Para "h := 60 min"
				, Para "mph := 1 mile/h"]

		, Section "Comment line (comment)"
			[ Para "You can add comment lines to your source files or comment out a line inside the shell."
			, Para "A comment line has the following syntax: # string"
			, Section "Example" [Para "# This is a comment"]

	, Section "Command invocation"
		[ Para "caldims [OPTION] <FILE>"
		, Para "caldims           - start the shell and load the user's `'"
		, Para "caldims <file>    - start the shell and load <file> instead of `'"
		, Para "caldims --blank   - start the shell without loading a file"
		, Para "caldims --echo    - echo every input line"
		, Para "caldims --help    - display this help text"]

	, Section "Expression syntax (expr)"
		[ Para "Currently only arithmetic expressions are supported."
		, Section "Examples"
			[ Para "1+2            -> 3"
			, Para "1m + 2m        -> 3 m"
			, Para "1m * 2m        -> 2 m^2"]
		, Section "Builtin functions. All of these are dimensionless."
			[ Para "pi             -> pi"
			, Para "e              -> Euler number"
			, Para "logBase (a, b) -> logarithm of a with base b"
			, Para "log (a)        -> logarithm of a with base e"
			, Para "exp (a)        -> expotential function (e^a)"
			, Para ""
			, Para "sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh"]

		, Section "Syntax productions"
			[ Section "An expression (expr) may be of one of the following forms"
				[ Para "- expr"
				, Para "expr + expr"
				, Para "expr - expr"
				, Para "expr * expr"
				, Para "expr / expr"
				, Para "expr ^ integer>"
				, Para "(expr)"
				, Para "number unit"
				, Para "functionname"
				, Para "functionname (arg1, arg2, ... )"]
			, Section "A number can be"
				[ Para "real"
				, Para "integer%integer"]

			, Section "A unit is one of"
				[ Para "unit / unit"
				, Para "unit unit"
				, Para "(unit)"
				, Para "unitname"
				, Para "unitname ^ integer"]]]
	, Section "The `' file"
		[ Para ("When a user starts " ++ name ++ " and `' cannot be found in the")
		, Para "`data directory, then a standard prelude is created. It contains definitions of"
		, Para "the SI base units and some derived units. You can replace or modify this file."]]