{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts #-}

-- | Easy FFI via MessagePack.
-- You can use this module to expose any Haskell function to other Programming languages.
-- It allows to convert functions that take multiple arguments
-- into functions that take one argument:
-- A 'ByteString' which contains all arguments encoded as a MessagePack array.
-- Common use cases:
-- * Write functions in fast native Haskell code, compile them into a dynamic.
--   library (@.so@ \/ @.dll@) and call them via C\/Python\/Ruby\/whatever via @dlopen()@ or equivalents.
-- * Expose Haskell functions via a socket / the web
module FFI.Anything.TypeUncurry.Msgpack (
  MessagePackRec (..)
, getTypeListFromMsgpackArray
, uncurryMsgpack
, tryUncurryMsgpack
, tryUncurryMsgpackIO
, byteStringToCStringFun
, byteStringToCStringFunIO
, export
, exportIO
) where

import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import           Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
import           Data.Int (Int64)
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.MessagePack as MSG
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Storable.Endian (peekBE, pokeBE)
import           Foreign.C
import           Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (mallocBytes)
import           Foreign.Marshal.Utils (copyBytes)
import           Foreign.Ptr (castPtr, plusPtr)

import FFI.Anything.TypeUncurry

-- | Helper to allow writing a 'MSG.MessagePack' instance for 'TypeList's.
-- We need this because we have to call 'parseArray' at the top-level
-- 'MSG.MessagePack' instance, but not at each function argument step.
class MessagePackRec l where
  fromObjectRec :: (Monad m) => [MSG.Object] -> m (TypeList l)

-- | When no more types need to be unpacked, we are done.
instance MessagePackRec '[] where
  fromObjectRec v | null v = pure Nil
  fromObjectRec _          = fail "fromObjectRec: passed object is not expected []"

-- | Unpack one type by just parsing the next element.
instance (MSG.MessagePack a, MessagePackRec l) => MessagePackRec (a ': l) where
  fromObjectRec (x:xs) = (:::) <$> MSG.fromObject x <*> fromObjectRec xs
  fromObjectRec _      = fail "fromObjectRec: passed object is not expected (x:xs)"

-- | Parses a tuple of arbitrary size ('TypeList's) from a MessagePack array.
getTypeListFromMsgpackArray :: forall m l . (MessagePackRec l, ParamLength l, Monad m) => MSG.Object -> m (TypeList l)
getTypeListFromMsgpackArray obj = case obj of
    MSG.ObjectArray v | length v == len -> fromObjectRec v
    _                                   -> fail "getTypeListFromMsgpackArray: wrong object length"
    len = paramLength (Proxy :: Proxy l)

instance (MessagePackRec l, ParamLength l) => MSG.MessagePack (TypeList l) where
  fromObject = getTypeListFromMsgpackArray
  toObject = error "call-haskell-from-anything: Serialising a TypeList is not supported (and not needed)!"

-- | Standard error message when unpacking failed.
errorMsg :: String -> String
errorMsg locationStr = "call-haskell-from-anything: " ++ locationStr ++ ": got wrong number of function arguments or non-array"

-- | Translates a function of type @a -> b -> ... -> r@ to
-- a function that:
-- * takes as a single argument a 'ByteString' containing all arguments serialized in a MessagePack array
-- * returns its result serialized in a 'ByteString' via MessagePack 'MSG.pack'
-- This function throws an 'error' if the de-serialization of the arguments fails!
-- It is recommended to use 'tryUncurryMsgpack' instead.
uncurryMsgpack :: (MSG.MessagePack (TypeList l), ToTypeList f l r, MSG.MessagePack r) => f -> (ByteString -> ByteString)
uncurryMsgpack f = \bs -> BSL.toStrict . MSG.pack $ (translate f $ fromMaybe (error (errorMsg "uncurryMsgpack")) $ MSG.unpack $ BSL.fromStrict bs)

-- | Like 'uncurryMsgpack', but for 'IO' functions.
-- This function throws an 'error' if the de-serialization of the arguments fails!
-- It is recommended to use 'tryUncurryMsgpackIO' instead.
uncurryMsgpackIO :: (MSG.MessagePack (TypeList l), ToTypeList f l (IO r), MSG.MessagePack r) => f -> (ByteString -> IO ByteString)
uncurryMsgpackIO f = \bs -> BSL.toStrict . MSG.pack <$> (translate f $ fromMaybe (error (errorMsg "uncurryMsgpackIO")) $ MSG.unpack $ BSL.fromStrict bs)

-- | Like 'uncurryMsgpack', but makes it clear when the 'ByteString' containing
-- the function arguments does not contain the right number/types of arguments.
tryUncurryMsgpack :: (MSG.MessagePack (TypeList l), ToTypeList f l r, MSG.MessagePack r) => f -> (ByteString -> Maybe ByteString)
tryUncurryMsgpack f = \bs -> case MSG.unpack $ BSL.fromStrict bs of
  Nothing   -> Nothing
  Just args -> Just . BSL.toStrict . MSG.pack $ (translate f $ args)

-- | Like 'uncurryMsgpack', but makes it clear when the 'ByteString' containing
-- the function arguments does not contain the right number/types of arguments.
tryUncurryMsgpackIO :: (MSG.MessagePack (TypeList l), ToTypeList f l (IO r), MSG.MessagePack r) => f -> (ByteString -> Maybe (IO ByteString))
tryUncurryMsgpackIO f = \bs -> case MSG.unpack $ BSL.fromStrict bs of
  Nothing   -> Nothing
  Just args -> Just $ BSL.toStrict . MSG.pack <$> (translate f $ args)

-- | O(n). Makes a copy of the ByteString's contents into a malloc()ed area.
-- You need to free() the returned string when you're done with it.
byteStringToMallocedCStringWith64bitLength :: ByteString -> IO CString
byteStringToMallocedCStringWith64bitLength bs =
  unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, len) -> do
    targetPtr <- mallocBytes (8 + len)
    pokeBE (castPtr targetPtr) (fromIntegral len :: Int64)
    copyBytes (targetPtr `plusPtr` 8) ptr len
    return targetPtr

-- * Exporting

-- TODO implement via byteStringToCStringFunIO?
-- | Transforms a 'ByteString'-mapping function to 'CString'-mapping function
-- for use in the FFI.
byteStringToCStringFun :: (ByteString -> ByteString) -> CString -> IO CString
byteStringToCStringFun f cs = do
  msgLength :: Int64 <- peekBE (castPtr cs)
  cs_bs <- BS.packCStringLen (cs `plusPtr` 8, fromIntegral msgLength)
  let res_bs = f cs_bs
  res_cs <- byteStringToMallocedCStringWith64bitLength res_bs
  return res_cs

-- | Transforms a 'ByteString'-mapping 'IO' function to 'CString'-mapping function
-- for use in the FFI.
byteStringToCStringFunIO :: (ByteString -> IO ByteString) -> CString -> IO CString
byteStringToCStringFunIO f cs = do
  msgLength :: Int64 <- peekBE (castPtr cs)
  cs_bs <- BS.packCStringLen (cs `plusPtr` 8, fromIntegral msgLength)
  res_bs <- f cs_bs
  res_cs <- byteStringToMallocedCStringWith64bitLength res_bs
  return res_cs

-- | Exports a "pure" function
-- to an FFI function that takes its arguments as a serialized MessagePack message.
-- Calling this function throws an 'error' if the de-serialization of the arguments fails!
-- Use 'tryExport' if you want to handle this case.
export :: (MSG.MessagePack (TypeList l), ToTypeList f l r, MSG.MessagePack r) => f -> CString -> IO CString
export = byteStringToCStringFun . uncurryMsgpack

-- | Exports an 'IO' function to an FFI function that takes its arguments as a serialized MessagePack message.
-- Calling this function throws an 'error' if the de-serialization of the arguments fails!
-- Use 'tryExportIO' if you want to handle this case.
exportIO :: (MSG.MessagePack (TypeList l), ToTypeList f l (IO r), MSG.MessagePack r) => f -> CString -> IO CString
exportIO = byteStringToCStringFunIO . uncurryMsgpackIO

-- TODO make equivalent using tryUncurryMsgpack (tryExport)
-- TODO make equivalent using tryUncurryMsgpackIO (tryExport)