{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {- | Module : Camfort.Analysis Description : Analysis on fortran files. Copyright : (c) 2017, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish License : Apache-2.0 Maintainer : dom.orchard@gmail.com Stability : experimental This module defines the 'AnalysisT' monad transformer, which encapsulates common functionality for analyses: - Logging via the 'MonadLogger' class - Early exit via 'failAnalysis' or 'failAnalysis\'' - Error recovery via 'catchAnalysisT' or 'loggingAnalysisError' - Providing access to the analysis environment via 'analysisModFiles' -} module Camfort.Analysis ( -- * Analysis monad AnalysisT , PureAnalysis -- * Combinators , mapAnalysisT , generalizePureAnalysis , MonadAnalysis(..) , failAnalysis' , catchAnalysisT , loggingAnalysisError , analysisLiftLogger -- * Analysis results , AnalysisResult(..) , _ARFailure , _ARSuccess , AnalysisReport(..) , arMessages , arResult , describeReport , putDescribeReport -- * Running analyses , runAnalysisT -- * Logging -- | See "Camfort.Analysis.Logger" for more detailed documentation. , MonadLogger ( logError , logError' , logWarn , logWarn' , logInfo , logInfo' , logInfoNoOrigin , logDebug , logDebug' ) -- ** Message origins , Origin(..) , atSpanned , atSpannedInFile -- ** Log outputs , LogOutput , logOutputStd , logOutputNone -- ** Log levels , LogLevel(..) -- ** 'Describe' class , Describe(..) , describeShow , (<>) -- ** Exit Code of reports , ExitCodeOfReport(..) ) where import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Morph import Control.Monad.Reader import qualified Control.Monad.RWS as Lazy import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict import qualified Control.Monad.State as Lazy import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified Control.Monad.Writer as Lazy import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict import Control.Lens import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as Lazy import Data.List (maximumBy) import Data.Ord (comparing) import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.ModFile as F import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as F import Camfort.Analysis.Logger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Analysis Monad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The analysis monad transformer. Will usually be based on 'Identity' (see -- 'PureAnalysis') or 'IO'. -- -- Has error messages of type @e@ and warnings of type @w@. newtype AnalysisT e w m a = AnalysisT { getAnalysisT :: ExceptT (LogMessage e) (ReaderT F.ModFiles (LoggerT e w m)) a } deriving ( Functor , Applicative , Monad , MonadIO , MonadState s , MonadWriter w' , MonadLogger e w ) -- | A pure analysis computation which cannot do any 'IO'. type PureAnalysis e w = AnalysisT e w Identity instance MonadTrans (AnalysisT e w) where lift = AnalysisT . lift . lift . lift -- | As per the 'MFunctor' instance for 'LoggerT', a hoisted analysis cannot -- output logs on the fly. instance MFunctor (AnalysisT e w) where hoist f (AnalysisT x) = AnalysisT (hoist (hoist (hoist f)) x) instance MonadError e' m => MonadError e' (AnalysisT e w m) where throwError = lift . throwError catchError action handle = AnalysisT . ExceptT $ let run = runExceptT . getAnalysisT in catchError (run action) (run . handle) instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (AnalysisT e w m) where ask = lift ask local f (AnalysisT (ExceptT (ReaderT k))) = AnalysisT . ExceptT . ReaderT $ local f . k -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Liftable functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class (MonadLogger e w m) => MonadAnalysis e w m where -- | Report a critical error in the analysis at a particular source location -- and exit early. failAnalysis :: Origin -> e -> m a -- | Get the 'F.ModFiles' from the analysis environment. analysisModFiles :: m F.ModFiles default failAnalysis :: (MonadTrans t, MonadAnalysis e w m', m ~ t m') => Origin -> e -> m a default analysisModFiles :: (MonadTrans t, MonadAnalysis e w m', m ~ t m') => m F.ModFiles failAnalysis o = lift . failAnalysis o analysisModFiles = lift analysisModFiles instance (Describe e, Describe w, Monad m) => MonadAnalysis e w (AnalysisT e w m) where analysisModFiles = AnalysisT ask failAnalysis origin e = do let msg = LogMessage (Just origin) e AnalysisT (throwError msg) instance MonadAnalysis e w m => MonadAnalysis e w (ReaderT r m) instance MonadAnalysis e w m => MonadAnalysis e w (ExceptT e' m) instance MonadAnalysis e w m => MonadAnalysis e w (StateT s m) instance (MonadAnalysis e w m, Monoid w') => MonadAnalysis e w (WriterT w' m) instance MonadAnalysis e w m => MonadAnalysis e w (Lazy.StateT s m) instance (MonadAnalysis e w m, Monoid w') => MonadAnalysis e w (Lazy.WriterT w' m) instance (MonadAnalysis e w m, Monoid w') => MonadAnalysis e w (RWST r w' s m) instance (MonadAnalysis e w m, Monoid w') => MonadAnalysis e w (Lazy.RWST r w' s m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Combinators -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Change the error and warning types in an analysis. To change the -- underlying monad use 'hoist'. mapAnalysisT :: (Monad m) => (e -> e') -> (w -> w') -> AnalysisT e w m a -> AnalysisT e' w' m a mapAnalysisT mapError mapWarn = AnalysisT . (hoist (hoist (mapLoggerT mapError mapWarn)) . withExceptT (over lmMsg mapError)) . getAnalysisT -- | Given a pure analysis action, it can be generalized to run in any 'Monad'. -- Since the original analysis was pure, it could not have logged anything as it -- ran. The new analysis cannot log anything as it runs either, even it is based -- on 'IO'. generalizePureAnalysis :: (Monad m) => PureAnalysis e w a -> AnalysisT e w m a generalizePureAnalysis = hoist generalize -- | Report a critical failure in the analysis at no particular source location -- and exit early. failAnalysis' :: (MonadAnalysis e w m, F.Spanned o) => o -> e -> m a failAnalysis' originElem e = do origin <- atSpanned originElem failAnalysis origin e -- | Run the given analysis and recover with the given handler function if it -- fails. catchAnalysisT :: (Monad m) => (LogMessage e -> AnalysisT e w m a) -> AnalysisT e w m a -> AnalysisT e w m a catchAnalysisT handle action = AnalysisT (catchError (getAnalysisT action) (getAnalysisT . handle)) -- | Run the given analysis. If it succeeds, return its result value. Otherwise, -- log the error it creates and return 'Nothing'. -- -- This allows errors in analysis sub-programs to be collected rather than -- halting the entire analysis. loggingAnalysisError :: (Monad m, Describe w, Describe e) => AnalysisT e w m a -> AnalysisT e w m (Maybe a) loggingAnalysisError = catchAnalysisT ( fmap (const Nothing) . recordLogMessage . MsgError) . fmap Just -- | Given a logging computation, lift it into an analysis monad. analysisLiftLogger :: (Monad m, Describe w, Describe e) => LoggerT e w m a -> AnalysisT e w m a analysisLiftLogger = AnalysisT . lift . lift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Analysis Results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data AnalysisResult e r = ARFailure Origin e | ARSuccess r deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) makePrisms ''AnalysisResult -- | When an analysis is run, it produces a report consisting of the logs it -- collect as it ran. In addition, it either fails at a certain location or -- succeeds with a result value. data AnalysisReport e w r = AnalysisReport { _arSourceFile :: !FilePath , _arMessages :: ![SomeMessage e w] , _arResult :: !(AnalysisResult e r) } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) makeLenses ''AnalysisReport -- | Produce a human-readable version of an 'AnalysisReport', at the given -- verbosity level. Giving 'Nothing' for the log level hides all logs. describeReport :: (Describe e, Describe w, Describe r) => Text -> Maybe LogLevel -> AnalysisReport e w r -> Lazy.Text describeReport analysisName level report = Builder.toLazyText . execWriter $ do let describeMessage lvl msg = do let tell' x = do tell " -" tellDescribe x tell "\n" case msg of m@(MsgError _) -> tell' m m@(MsgWarn _) | lvl >= LogWarn -> tell' m m@(MsgInfo _) | lvl >= LogInfo -> tell' m m@(MsgDebug _) | lvl >= LogDebug -> tell' m _ -> return () -- Output file name tell "Finished running " tellDescribe analysisName tell " on input '" tellDescribe (report ^. arSourceFile) tell "' ...\n" -- Output logs if requested case level of Just lvl | not (null (report ^. arMessages)) -> do tell $ "Logs:\n" forM_ (report ^. arMessages) (describeMessage lvl) tell "\n" tell "Result... " _ -> return () let loggedWarnings = arMessages . traverse . _MsgWarn loggedErrors = arMessages . traverse . _MsgError hadErrors = notNullOf loggedErrors report hadWarnings = notNullOf loggedWarnings report case report ^. arResult of ARFailure origin e -> do tell $ "CRITICAL ERROR:\n" tell $ describeBuilder origin tell ": " tell $ describeBuilder e ARSuccess r -> do tell $ case (hadErrors, hadWarnings) of (True, _) -> "OK, but with errors:" (False, True) -> "OK, but with warnings:" (False, False) -> "OK:" tell "\n" tell $ describeBuilder r putDescribeReport :: (Describe e, Describe w, Describe r, MonadIO m) => Text -> Maybe LogLevel -> AnalysisReport e w r -> m () putDescribeReport analysisName level = liftIO . Lazy.putStrLn . describeReport analysisName level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Running Analyses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Run an analysis computation and collect the report. runAnalysisT :: (Monad m, Describe e, Describe w) => FilePath -- ^ The name of the file the analysis is being run on. This is only used for -- logging. -> LogOutput m -- ^ The logging output function, e.g. 'logOutputStd' for standard output or -- 'logOutputNone' for no output. -> LogLevel -- ^ The logging verbosity level. -> F.ModFiles -- ^ The list of analysis modfiles. -> AnalysisT e w m a -- ^ The analysis transformer to run. -> m (AnalysisReport e w a) runAnalysisT fileName output logLevel mfs analysis = do (res1, messages) <- runLoggerT fileName output logLevel . flip runReaderT mfs . runExceptT . getAnalysisT $ analysis let result = case res1 of Right x -> ARSuccess x Left (LogMessage (Just origin) e) -> ARFailure origin e Left _ -> error "impossible: failure without origin" return $ AnalysisReport { _arSourceFile = fileName , _arMessages = messages , _arResult = result } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exit codes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ExitCodeOfReport a where -- | Interpret an exit code from report (default 0) exitCodeOf :: a -> Int exitCodeOf _ = 0 -- | Interpret an exit code from a set of reports (default: maximises absolute value) exitCodeOfSet :: [a] -> Int exitCodeOfSet [] = 0 exitCodeOfSet s = maximumBy (comparing abs) . map exitCodeOf $ s instance ExitCodeOfReport r => ExitCodeOfReport (AnalysisReport e w r) where exitCodeOf report = case report ^. arResult of ARFailure _ _ -> 1 ARSuccess r -> exitCodeOf r instance ExitCodeOfReport () where exitCodeOf () = 0 instance ExitCodeOfReport Text where exitCodeOf _ = 0