{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}

{-| This module contains:

* Functions exported on the public API
* High level message handlers of the supervisor thread loop

module Control.Concurrent.Capataz.Internal.Core
, forkWorker
, forkSupervisor
, forkCapataz
, terminateProcess
, joinCapatazThread
, getSupervisorProcessId
, getSupervisorAsync
, getCapatazTeardown

import Protolude

import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Teardown        (Teardown, newTeardown)
import Data.Time.Clock         (getCurrentTime)

import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID (nextRandom)

import qualified Control.Concurrent.Capataz.Internal.Supervisor as Supervisor

import           Control.Concurrent.Capataz.Internal.Types
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Capataz.Internal.Util  as Util


-- | Utility typeclass to call public supervision API with types
-- that contain a supervisor (e.g. Capataz record).
class HasSupervisor a where
  -- | Fetches a supervisor from a record internals.
  getSupervisor :: a -> Supervisor

instance HasSupervisor Capataz where
  getSupervisor Capataz {capatazSupervisor} = capatazSupervisor

instance HasSupervisor Supervisor where
  getSupervisor = identity

-- | Creates a Capataz record, which holds both a root supervisor and a
-- "Teardown" to shut down the system. The root supervisor monitors failures on
-- process threads defined with "supervisorProcessSpecList" or created
-- dynamically using "forkWorker" or "forkSupervisor".
forkCapataz :: Text -> (CapatazOptions -> CapatazOptions) -> IO Capataz
forkCapataz capatazName modOptionsFn = do
  capatazId    <- UUID.nextRandom
  supervisorId <- UUID.nextRandom
    capatazOptions@CapatazOptions { notifyEvent } =
      defCapatazOptions capatazName modOptionsFn
    supervisorOptions@SupervisorOptions { supervisorName } =
      Util.capatazOptionsToSupervisorOptions capatazOptions
    parentSupervisorEnv = ParentSupervisorEnv
      { supervisorId     = capatazId
      , supervisorName   = "capataz-root"
      , supervisorNotify = \supervisorEvent -> do
        eventTime <- getCurrentTime
        case supervisorEvent of
          MonitorEvent ProcessFailed' { processError } -> notifyEvent
              { supervisorId
              , supervisorName
              , eventTime
              , supervisorError = processError

          MonitorEvent ProcessTerminated'{} -> notifyEvent CapatazTerminated
            { supervisorId
            , supervisorName
            , eventTime

          MonitorEvent ProcessCompleted'{} ->
            panic "Capataz completed; this should never happen"

          MonitorEvent ProcessForcedRestart{} ->
              "Capataz was restarted from a OneForAll strategy; this should never happen"

          ControlAction{} ->
            panic "Capataz received a ControlAction message; bad implementation"
      , notifyEvent

  capatazSupervisor@Supervisor { supervisorEnv } <- Supervisor.supervisorMain

  capatazTeardown <- newTeardown
    ( do
      Supervisor.haltSupervisor "capataz system shutdown" supervisorEnv
      eventTime <- getCurrentTime
      notifyEvent CapatazTerminated {supervisorId , supervisorName , eventTime }

  return Capataz {capatazSupervisor , capatazTeardown }

-- | Creates a green thread from an "IO ()" sub-routine. Depending in options
-- defined in the "WorkerOptions" record, it will automatically restart this
-- sub-routine in case of failures.
-- See documentation of related functions:
-- * "buildWorkerOptionsWithDefault"
-- * "buildWorkerOptions"
  :: HasSupervisor supervisor
  => WorkerOptions -- ^ Worker options (restart, name, callbacks, etc)
  -> supervisor    -- ^ "Supervisor" that supervises the worker
  -> IO WorkerId   -- ^ An identifier that can be used to terminate the "Worker"
forkWorker workerOptions sup = do
  let Supervisor { supervisorNotify } = getSupervisor sup
  workerIdVar <- newEmptyMVar
    ( ControlAction ForkWorker
      { workerOptions
      , returnWorkerId = putMVar workerIdVar
  takeMVar workerIdVar

-- | Creates a green thread which monitors other green threads for failures and
-- restarts them using settings defined on "SupervisorOptions".
-- See documentation of related functions:
-- * "buildSupervisorOptionsWithDefault"
-- * "buildSupervisorOptions"
  :: HasSupervisor parentSupervisor
  => SupervisorOptions -- ^ Supervisor options
  -> parentSupervisor  -- ^ Parent supervisor instance that supervises new supervisor
  -> IO Supervisor     -- ^ A record used to dynamically create and supervise
                       -- other processes
forkSupervisor supervisorOptions parentSup = do
  let Supervisor { supervisorNotify } = getSupervisor parentSup
  supervisorVar <- newEmptyMVar
    ( ControlAction ForkSupervisor
      { supervisorOptions
      , returnSupervisor  = putMVar supervisorVar
  takeMVar supervisorVar

-- | Stops the execution of a green thread being supervised by the given
-- supervisor.
-- NOTE: If "ProcessId" maps to a worker that is configured with a "Permanent"
-- worker restart strategy, the worker green thread __will be restarted again__.
  :: HasSupervisor supervisor => Text -> ProcessId -> supervisor -> IO Bool
terminateProcess processTerminationReason processId supervisor = do
  let Supervisor { supervisorNotify } = getSupervisor supervisor
  result <- newEmptyMVar
    ( ControlAction TerminateProcess
      { processId
      , processTerminationReason
      , notifyProcessTermination = putMVar result
  takeMVar result

-- | Joins the thread of the root supervisor of the given capataz system to the
-- current thread.
joinCapatazThread :: Capataz -> IO ()
joinCapatazThread Capataz { capatazSupervisor } =
  let Supervisor { supervisorAsync } = capatazSupervisor
  in  wait supervisorAsync

-- | Gets "Teardown" record of this capataz system.
getCapatazTeardown :: Capataz -> Teardown
getCapatazTeardown Capataz { capatazTeardown } = capatazTeardown

-- | Gets the "Async" of a Supervisor thread.
-- NOTE: There is no way to get the "Async" value of the root supervisor; this
-- is to avoid error scenarios.
getSupervisorAsync :: Supervisor -> Async ()
getSupervisorAsync Supervisor { supervisorAsync } = supervisorAsync

-- | Gets the process identifier of a Supervisor; normally used for termination.
getSupervisorProcessId :: Supervisor -> ProcessId
getSupervisorProcessId Supervisor { supervisorId } = supervisorId