Resolving dependencies... Downloading capri-0.1... Configuring capri-0.1... Building capri-0.1... Preprocessing executable 'capri' for capri-0.1... [1 of 2] Compiling Paths_capri ( dist/build/autogen/Paths_capri.hs, dist/build/capri/capri-tmp/Paths_capri.o ) [2 of 2] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, dist/build/capri/capri-tmp/Main.o ) Main.hs:374:10: Warning: Fields of `CreateProcess' not initialised: create_group In the first argument of `return', namely `CreateProcess {cmdspec = cmd, cwd = Just cd, env = Just (("GHC_PACKAGE_PATH", cd pkgdir) : env'), std_in = Inherit, std_out = Inherit, std_err = Inherit, close_fds = False}' In a stmt of a 'do' block: return (CreateProcess {cmdspec = cmd, cwd = Just cd, env = Just (("GHC_PACKAGE_PATH", cd pkgdir) : env'), std_in = Inherit, std_out = Inherit, std_err = Inherit, close_fds = False}) In the expression: do { cd <- getCurrentDirectory; env <- getEnvironment; let env' = filter ((/= "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH") . fst) env; return (CreateProcess {cmdspec = cmd, cwd = Just cd, env = Just (("GHC_PACKAGE_PATH", cd pkgdir) : env'), std_in = Inherit, std_out = Inherit, std_err = Inherit, close_fds = False}) } Main.hs:389:32: Warning: Fields of `CreateProcess' not initialised: create_group In the first argument of `return', namely `CreateProcess {cmdspec = ShellCommand cmd, cwd = Just dir, env = Nothing, std_in = Inherit, std_out = Inherit, std_err = Inherit, close_fds = False}' In the expression: return (CreateProcess {cmdspec = ShellCommand cmd, cwd = Just dir, env = Nothing, std_in = Inherit, std_out = Inherit, std_err = Inherit, close_fds = False}) In an equation for `publicProcess': publicProcess cmd dir = return (CreateProcess {cmdspec = ShellCommand cmd, cwd = Just dir, env = Nothing, std_in = Inherit, std_out = Inherit, std_err = Inherit, close_fds = False}) Linking dist/build/capri/capri ... Warning: No documentation was generated as this package does not contain a library. Perhaps you want to use the --executables flag. Installing executable(s) in /srv/hackage/var/build/tmp-install/bin Installed capri-0.1