{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, OverloadedStrings #-} module Main ( main ) where import Graphics.Caramia.Prelude import Graphics.Caramia import Graphics.Caramia.Math import Graphics.UI.SDL import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL import Foreign.C.String import Control.Exception import Data.Bits import qualified Data.Text as T import System.Mem main :: IO () main = do putStrLn $ "This will run the smoke test. The smoke test merely tests " <> "that " <> "things don't crash and burn when trying to heavily draw " <> "something." putStrLn $ "However with some drivers it can drive the computer to " <> "become unresponsive and difficult to recover without a " <> "reboot." putStrLn "Press enter to start the smoke test." _ <- getLine putStrLn "Running the smoke test..." bracket_ (SDL.init initFlagVideo) quit program program :: IO () program = withCString "smoke-test" $ \cstr -> do _ <- glSetAttribute glAttrContextMajorVersion 3 _ <- glSetAttribute glAttrContextMinorVersion 3 _ <- glSetAttribute glAttrContextProfileMask glProfileCore _ <- glSetAttribute glAttrContextFlags glContextFlagDebug window <- createWindow cstr windowPosUndefined windowPosUndefined 500 500 (windowFlagOpenGL .|. windowFlagShown) _ <- glCreateContext window giveContext $ do -- Make some buffers. for_ [1..100 :: Integer] $ \idx -> do buf <- newBuffer defaultBufferCreation { size = 1024 , accessFlags = WriteAccess } withMapping 0 500 WriteAccess buf $ \_ -> return () runPendingFinalizers putStrLn $ "Buffer creation: " <> show idx <> "/100" -- Make some buffers but with much larger size and ReadAccess for_ [1..100 :: Integer] $ \idx -> do buf <- newBuffer defaultBufferCreation { size = 102400 , accessFlags = ReadAccess } withMapping 23 50000 ReadAccess buf $ \_ -> return () copy buf 100 buf 500 400 runPendingFinalizers -- Compile a gazillion shaders sh1 <- newShader fragmentShaderSrc Fragment pipeline <- newPipeline [sh1] loc <- getUniformLocation "tutturuu" pipeline setUniform (transpose44 identity44) loc pipeline setUniform identity44 loc pipeline setUniform identity33 loc pipeline setUniform (transpose33 identity33) loc pipeline tex <- newTexture textureSpecification { topology = TexCube { widthCube = 299 } , mipmapLevels = 5 , imageFormat = SRGB8_ALPHA8 } uploadToTexture (uploading2D buf 28 28 FWord32 UBGRA) { cubeSide = NegativeX } tex -- Make some stupid VAOs vao <- newVAO vao2 <- newVAO sourceVertexData buf ((defaultSourcingType (5 :: Word16)) { offset = 123 , components = 3 , stride = 19 , attributeIndex = 3 , integerMapping = True }) vao2 sourceVertexData buf ((defaultSourcingType (5 :: Word16)) { offset = 123 , components = 3 , stride = 19 , instancingDivisor = 19 , attributeIndex = 3 , normalize = True , integerMapping = False }) vao draw drawCommand { primitiveType = LineLoop , primitivesVAO = vao2 , numIndices = 8 , numInstances = 213 , sourceData = PrimitivesWithIndices { indexBuffer = buf , indexOffset = 17 , indexType = IWord16 } } defaultDrawParams { pipeline = pipeline } fbuf <- newFramebuffer [ (ColorAttachment 3 , frontTextureTarget tex) ] draw drawCommand { primitiveType = LineLoop , primitivesVAO = vao2 , numIndices = 8 , numInstances = 999 , sourceData = Primitives { firstIndex = 3 } } defaultDrawParams { pipeline = pipeline , targetFramebuffer = fbuf } putStrLn $ "Drawing: " <> show idx <> "/100" performGC runPendingFinalizers return () fragmentShaderSrc :: T.Text fragmentShaderSrc = "" <> "#version 330\n" <> "uniform mat3 tutturuu;\n" <> "layout (location = 0) out vec4 colorOut;\n" <> "void main() {\n" <> " colorOut = vec4(tutturuu[0][0]);\n" <> "}\n"