module Main(main) where import CarbonCopy.StorageInit import CarbonCopy.MailHeaders import CarbonCopy.HeadersStorage import CarbonCopy.ThreadBuilder import CarbonCopy.Configuration import System import System.Exit import System.IO.HVFS import System.FilePath.Posix import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BStr import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad.IfElse import Control.Monad import Prelude as P emptyStr = BStr.pack "" data CCState = Ok | NotFound | NoChain deriving ( Enum ) data Opts = Opts { email, storageFileName :: String, storage :: Storage StrHeader } main = do opts <- prepareConfig getArgs >>= (processArgs opts) processArgs :: Opts -> [String] -> IO () processArgs opts args = case args of ("init":folders) -> initPassedFolders folders [] -> handlePassedEmail _ -> usage where email' = email opts storage' = storage opts storageFileName' = storageFileName opts initPassedFolders folders = do let foldersLength = P.length folders unlessM (fileExists storageFileName' ) $ BStr.writeFile storageFileName' emptyStr mapM_ (initMailFolder storage' email' foldersLength ) $ folders [1..] handlePassedEmail = BStr.getContents >>= handleEmail storage' email' >>= processCCState prepareConfig :: IO (Opts) prepareConfig = do home <- getEnv "HOME" let configFileName = home ".ccrc" unlessM ( fileExists configFileName) $ error $ "Configuration file " ++ configFileName ++ " not found" configuration <- fmap loadConfiguration $ BStr.readFile configFileName let storageFileName = home ( fromJust . getPath $ configuration ) storage = fileStorage storageFileName email = fromJust . getEmail $ configuration return ( Opts email storageFileName storage ) usage :: IO () usage = do progName <- getProgName P.putStrLn $ "Usage " ++ progName ++ " [init maildir1 maildir2 maildir3 ...] [ < content ]" P.putStrLn $ "\twhere 'init' will initialize header index with messages from given maildirs" P.putStrLn $ "\twith no arguments it will read message from stdin and attempt to recognize headers within it" P.putStrLn $ "\n\nExit codes:" P.putStrLn $ "\t0\t- reply to known thread was found, header was added to the storage" P.putStrLn $ "\t1\t- current email does not contain either e-mail address from configuration and is not a reply to a known thread" P.putStrLn $ "\t2\t- no message headers were recognized" processCCState :: CCState -> IO () processCCState state | stateCode == 0 = System.exitWith ExitSuccess | otherwise = System.exitWith $ ExitFailure stateCode where stateCode = fromEnum state fileExists :: FilePath -> IO (Bool) fileExists = vDoesFileExist SystemFS initMailFolder :: Storage StrHeader -> String -> Int -> (FilePath , Int) -> IO () initMailFolder storage email count (mailStorage, idx) = do P.putStrLn $ "Processing storage " ++ show idx ++ " of " ++ show count ++ " at " ++ mailStorage storageInit email mailStorage storage handleEmail :: Storage StrHeader -> String -> ByteString -> IO ( CCState ) handleEmail storage email content = handleEmail' chain where ( chain, ownerEmail ) = matchFromHeader content email handleEmail' (Just chain) = handleEmail'' ownerEmail where handleEmail'' True = do hdrAdd storage . current $ chain System.exitWith ExitSuccess handleEmail'' _ = do existsInStorage <- saveMatchingChain storage chain if existsInStorage then return ( Ok ) else return ( NotFound ) handleEmail' _ = return ( NoChain )