-- |
-- Module	: Control.Bifunctor.Composition
-- Copyright 	: 2008 Edward Kmett
-- License	: BSD3
-- Maintainer	: Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability	: experimental
-- Portability	: portable

module Control.Bifunctor.Composition where

import Control.Comonad
import Control.Bifunctor
import Control.Bifunctor.Associative
import Control.Bifunctor.Braided
import Control.Bifunctor.Monoidal
import Control.Functor.Pointed
import Control.Functor.Exponential
import Control.Functor.Contravariant

newtype ArrowB f g a b = ArrowB { runArrowB :: f a b -> g a b }

newtype ConstB t a b = ConstB { runConstB :: t } 

instance Bifunctor (ConstB t) where
	bimap f g = ConstB . runConstB
instance Functor (ConstB t a) where
	fmap f = ConstB . runConstB

newtype FstB a b = FstB { runFstB :: a } 

instance Bifunctor FstB where
	bimap f g = FstB . f . runFstB 

instance Associative FstB where
	associate = FstB . runFstB . runFstB

instance Functor (FstB a) where
        fmap f (FstB a) = FstB a

instance ContravariantFunctor (FstB a) where
        contramap f (FstB a) = FstB a

instance ExpFunctor (FstB a) where
        xmap f g (FstB a) = FstB a

newtype SndB a b = SndB { runSndB :: b } 

instance Bifunctor SndB where
	bimap f g = SndB . g . runSndB 

-- instance Coassociative SndB where
--	coassociate = SndB . SndB . runSndB

-- as a functor its a family of identity functors with a type-level parameter (a)
instance Functor (SndB a) where
	fmap = bimap id

-- bifunctor composition

newtype CompB p f g a b = CompB { runCompB :: p (f a b) (g a b) }

instance (Bifunctor p, Bifunctor f, Bifunctor g) => Bifunctor (CompB p f g) where
	bimap f g = CompB . bimap (bimap f g) (bimap f g) . runCompB

liftCompB :: Bifunctor p => (f a b -> f c d) -> (g a b -> g c d) -> CompB p f g a b -> CompB p f g c d 
liftCompB f g = CompB . bimap f g . runCompB

instance (Bifunctor p, Braided f, Braided g) => Braided (CompB p f g) where
	braid = liftCompB braid braid

instance (Bifunctor p, Symmetric f, Symmetric g) => Symmetric (CompB p f g) 

instance (Bifunctor p, Bifunctor f, Bifunctor g) => Functor (CompB p f g a) where
	fmap = bimap id

newtype SwapB p a b = SwapB { runSwapB :: p b a } 

liftSwapB :: Bifunctor p => (p a b -> p c d) -> SwapB p b a -> SwapB p d c
liftSwapB f = SwapB . f . runSwapB

instance Bifunctor p => Bifunctor (SwapB p) where
	bimap f g = liftSwapB (bimap g f)

instance Braided p => Braided (SwapB p) where
	braid = liftSwapB braid

instance Symmetric p => Symmetric (SwapB p)

instance Bifunctor p => Functor (SwapB p a) where
	fmap = bimap id

-- a functor composed around a bifunctor

newtype FunctorB f p a b = FunctorB { runFunctorB :: f (p a b) } 

liftFunctorB :: Functor f => (p a b -> p c d) -> FunctorB f p a b -> FunctorB f p c d
liftFunctorB f = FunctorB . fmap f . runFunctorB

instance (Functor f, Bifunctor p) => Bifunctor (FunctorB f p) where
	bimap f g = liftFunctorB (bimap f g)

instance (Functor f, Braided p) => Braided (FunctorB f p) where
	braid = liftFunctorB braid

instance (Functor f, Symmetric p) => Symmetric (FunctorB f p) 

instance (Functor f, Bifunctor p) => Functor (FunctorB f p a) where
	fmap = bimap id

-- a bifunctor wrapping a pair of functors with different values

newtype BiffB p f g a b = BiffB { runBiffB :: p (f a) (g b) } 

instance (Functor f, Bifunctor p, Functor g) => Bifunctor (BiffB p f g) where
	bimap f g = BiffB . bimap (fmap f) (fmap g) . runBiffB

instance (Functor f, Braided p) => Braided (BiffB p f f) where
	braid = BiffB . braid . runBiffB

instance (Functor f, Symmetric p) => Symmetric (BiffB p f f) 

instance (Functor f, Bifunctor p, Functor g) => Functor (BiffB p f g a) where
	fmap f = bimap id f