{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {- - Copyright 2011 Per Magnus Therning - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -} module Util.Misc where import qualified PkgDB as DB import Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar import Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Error import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Data import Data.Either import Data.List import Data.Typeable import Distribution.Compiler import Distribution.Package as P import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse import Distribution.System import Distribution.Text import Distribution.Verbosity import Distribution.Version import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.Posix.Files import System.Process import System.Unix.Directory import qualified Control.Exception as CE import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS -- {{{1 Dependency depName (Dependency (PackageName n) _) = n depVersionRange (Dependency _ vr) = vr -- {{{ print functions printUnSat (n, ds) = do putStrLn $ "Failed to satisfy the following dependencies for " ++ n ++ ":" mapM_ (putStrLn . (" " ++) . display) ds printBrksOth ((n, v), brks) = do putStrLn $ "Adding " ++ n ++ " " ++ (display v) ++ " would break:" mapM_ (\ (bN, (Just bD)) -> putStrLn $ " " ++ bN ++ " : " ++ (display bD)) brks -- {{{1 program variables progName = "cblrepo" dbName = progName ++ ".db" ghcVersion = (Version [7,4,1] []) ghcVersionDep = "ghc=" ++ display ghcVersion ++ "-1" -- {{{1 command line argument type data Cmds = CmdAdd { appDir :: FilePath, dbFile :: FilePath, patchDir :: FilePath, dryRun :: Bool , cmdAddGhcPkgs :: [(String,String)], cmdAddDistroPkgs :: [(String, String, String)] , cmdAddUrlCbls :: [String], cmdAddFileCbls :: [FilePath], cmdAddCbls :: [(String, String)] } | BuildPkgs { appDir :: FilePath, dbFile :: FilePath, pkgs :: [String] } | BumpPkgs { appDir :: FilePath, dbFile :: FilePath, dryRun :: Bool, inclusive :: Bool, pkgs :: [String] } | Sync { appDir :: FilePath } | Versions { appDir :: FilePath, pkgs :: [String] } | CmdListPkgs { appDir :: FilePath, dbFile :: FilePath, listGhc :: Bool, listDistro :: Bool, noListRepo :: Bool } | Updates { appDir :: FilePath, dbFile :: FilePath, idxStyle :: Bool } | Urls { appDir :: FilePath, pkgVers :: [(String, String)] } | PkgBuild { appDir :: FilePath, dbFile :: FilePath, patchDir :: FilePath, pkgs :: [String] } | ConvertDb { appDir :: FilePath, inDbFile :: FilePath, outDbFile :: FilePath } | RemovePkg { appDir :: FilePath, dbFile :: FilePath, dryRun :: Bool, pkgs :: [String] } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) defCmdAdd = CmdAdd "" "" "" True [] [] [] [] [] defBuildPkgs = BuildPkgs "" "" [] defBumpPkgs = BumpPkgs "" "" False False [] defSync = Sync "" defVersions = Versions "" [] defCmdListPkgs = CmdListPkgs "" "" False False False defUpdates = Updates "" "" False defUrls = Urls "" [] defPkgBuild = PkgBuild "" "" "" [] defConvertDb = ConvertDb "" "" "" defRemovePkg = RemovePkg "" "" False [] cfgGet f = liftM f ask -- {{{1 getFromURL getFromURL url fn = do (ec, _, er) <- readProcessWithExitCode "curl" ["-f", "-o", fn, url] "" case ec of ExitSuccess -> return () ExitFailure _ -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("Failed downloading " ++ url) hPutStrLn stderr er exitFailure -- {{{1 applyPatchIfExist applyPatch origFilename patchFilename = do (ec, _, err) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "patch" [origFilename, patchFilename] "" case ec of ExitSuccess -> return () ExitFailure _ -> throwError ("Failed patching " ++ origFilename ++ " with " ++ patchFilename) applyPatchIfExist origFilename patchFilename = (liftIO $ fileExist patchFilename) >>= flip when (applyPatch origFilename patchFilename) -- {{{1 package descriptions -- {{{2 readCabal data LocType = Url | Idx | File -- | Read in a Cabal file. readCabalFromUrl = readCabal readCabalFromFile = readCabal readCabalFromIdx pd (p, v) td = readCabal pd (p ++ "," ++ v) td readCabal :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath -> ErrorT String IO GenericPackageDescription readCabal patchDir loc tmpDir = let locType | isInfixOf "://" loc = Url | ',' `elem` loc = Idx | otherwise = File copyCabal tmpDir loc = copyFile loc fn >> return fn where fn = tmpDir takeFileName loc downloadCabal tmpDir loc = getFromURL loc fn >> return fn where fn = tmpDir takeFileName loc extractCabal tmpDir loc = let (p, (_: v)) = span (/= ',') loc path = p v p ++ ".cabal" pkgStr = p ++ " " ++ v fn = tmpDir (p ++ ".cabal") esFindEntry p (Next e es) = if p == (entryPath e) then Just e else esFindEntry p es esFindEntry _ _ = Nothing eGetContent e = let ec = entryContent e in case ec of NormalFile c _ -> Just $ BS.unpack c _ -> Nothing in do fp <- liftIO $ getAppUserDataDirectory "cblrepo" es <- liftM (Tar.read . GZip.decompress) (liftIO $ BS.readFile $ fp "00-index.tar.gz") e <- maybe (throwError $ "No entry for " ++ pkgStr) return (esFindEntry path es) cbl <- maybe (throwError $ "Failed to extract contents for " ++ pkgStr) return (eGetContent e) liftIO $ writeFile fn cbl return fn extractName fn = liftM name $ readPackageDescription silent fn where packageName (PackageName s) = s name = packageName . pkgName . package . packageDescription in do cblFn <- case locType of File -> liftIO $ copyCabal tmpDir loc Idx -> extractCabal tmpDir loc Url -> liftIO $ downloadCabal tmpDir loc pn <- liftIO $ extractName cblFn let patchFn = patchDir pn <.> "cabal" applyPatchIfExist cblFn patchFn liftIO $ readPackageDescription silent cblFn -- {{{2 finalising finalizePkg db gpd = let n = ((\ (P.PackageName n) -> n ) . P.pkgName . package . packageDescription) gpd in finalizePackageDescription [] -- no flags (checkAgainstDb db n) (Platform X86_64 buildOS) -- platform (CompilerId GHC ghcVersion) -- compiler version [] -- no additional constraints gpd checkAgainstDb db name dep = let dN = depName dep dVR = depVersionRange dep in if dN == name then True else case DB.lookupPkg db dN of Nothing -> False Just (_, p) -> withinRange (DB.version p) dVR -- {{{1 Command type type Command a = ReaderT Cmds IO a runCommand cmds func = runReaderT func cmds -- {{{1 ErrorT withTempDirErrT fp func = let reWrapErrT (Left e) = throwError e reWrapErrT (Right v) = return v in do r <- liftIO $ withTemporaryDirectory fp (\ p -> runErrorT $ func p) reWrapErrT r exitOnErrors vs = let es = lefts vs in if (not $ null $ lefts vs) then liftIO $ mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) es >> exitFailure else return (rights vs)