Metadata revisions for cci-0.3.1

Package maintainers and Hackage trustees are allowed to edit certain bits of package metadata after a release, without uploading a new tarball. Note that the tarball itself is never changed, just the metadata that is stored separately. For more information about metadata revisions, please refer to the Hackage Metadata Revisions FAQ.

No. Time User SHA256
-r2 (cci-0.3.1-r2) 2022-04-29T20:27:11Z FacundoDominguez 164f46e8bb56e7b3f7f6d2b6f6dd1de89c539d9b0c7ff9fcac30fc478fad7288
  • Changed description from

    The CCI project is an open source communication interface that
    aims to provide a simple and portable API, high performance,
    scalability for the largest deployments, and robustness in the
    presence of faults. It is developed and maintained by a
    partnership of research, academic, and industry members.
    See <> for details.
    The CCI project is an open source communication interface that
    aims to provide a simple and portable API, high performance,
    scalability for the largest deployments, and robustness in the
    presence of faults. It is developed and maintained by a
    partnership of research, academic, and industry members.
    See <>
    and <> for details.

-r1 (cci-0.3.1-r1) 2017-11-10T11:13:50Z FacundoDominguez 9604037de386ebd1b75401d8abc3139e34d803af3bdc0ab5a2efd6b816034087
  • Changed source-repository from

    source-repository head
        type:     git
        location: git://
    source-repository head
        type:     git

-r0 (cci-0.3.1-r0) 2013-11-05T11:50:00Z FacundoDominguez 55da8521b219d66aefa0748d8ac631c53a1965ed9886cec2bb131ee0492c4262