{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

-- | Turn a 'Get' into a 'Sink' and a 'Put' into a 'Source'
-- These functions are built upno the Data.Conduit.Cereal.Internal functions with default
-- implementations of 'ErrorHandler' and 'TerminationHandler'
-- The default 'ErrorHandler' and 'TerminationHandler' both throw a 'GetException'.

module Data.Conduit.Cereal ( GetException
                           , sinkGet
                           , conduitGet
                           , conduitGet2
                           , sourcePut
                           , conduitPut
                           ) where

import           Control.Exception.Base
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow, throwM)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import           Data.Conduit (ConduitT, leftover, await, yield)
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import           Data.Serialize hiding (get, put)
import           Data.Typeable

import           Data.Conduit.Cereal.Internal

data GetException = GetException String
  deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception GetException

-- | Run a 'Get' repeatedly on the input stream, producing an output stream of whatever the 'Get' outputs.
conduitGet :: MonadThrow m => Get o -> ConduitT BS.ByteString o m ()
conduitGet = mkConduitGet errorHandler
  where errorHandler msg = throwM $ GetException msg
{-# DEPRECATED conduitGet "Please switch to conduitGet2, see comment on that function" #-}

-- | Convert a 'Get' into a 'Sink'. The 'Get' will be streamed bytes until it returns 'Done' or 'Fail'.
-- If 'Get' succeed it will return the data read and unconsumed part of the input stream.
-- If the 'Get' fails due to deserialization error or early termination of the input stream it raise an error.
sinkGet :: MonadThrow m => Get r -> ConduitT BS.ByteString o m r
sinkGet = mkSinkGet errorHandler terminationHandler
  where errorHandler msg = throwM $ GetException msg
        terminationHandler f = case f BS.empty of
          Fail msg _ -> throwM $ GetException msg
          Done r lo -> leftover lo >> return r
          Partial _ -> throwM $ GetException "Failed reading: Internal error: unexpected Partial."

-- | Convert a 'Put' into a 'Source'. Runs in constant memory.
sourcePut :: Monad m => Put -> ConduitT i BS.ByteString m ()
sourcePut put = CL.sourceList $ LBS.toChunks $ runPutLazy put

-- | Run a 'Putter' repeatedly on the input stream, producing a concatenated 'ByteString' stream.
conduitPut :: Monad m => Putter a -> ConduitT a BS.ByteString m ()
conduitPut p = CL.map $ runPut . p

-- | Reapply @Get o@ to a stream of bytes as long as more data is available,
-- and yielding each new value downstream. This has a few differences from
-- @conduitGet@:
-- * If there is a parse failure, the bytes consumed so far by this will not be
-- returned as leftovers. The reason for this is that the only way to guarantee
-- the leftovers will be returned correctly is to hold onto all consumed
-- @ByteString@s, which leads to non-constant memory usage.
-- * This function will properly terminate a @Get@ function at end of stream,
-- see https://github.com/snoyberg/conduit/issues/246.
-- * @conduitGet@ will pass empty @ByteString@s from the stream directly to
-- cereal, which will trigger cereal to think that the stream has been closed.
-- This breaks the normal abstraction in conduit of ignoring how data is
-- chunked. In @conduitGet2@, all empty @ByteString@s are filtered out and not
-- passed to cereal.
-- * After @conduitGet2@ successfully returns, we are guaranteed that there is
-- no data left to be consumed in the stream.
-- @since 0.7.3
conduitGet2 :: MonadThrow m => Get o -> ConduitT BS.ByteString o m ()
conduitGet2 get =
    awaitNE >>= start
    -- Get the next chunk of data, only returning an empty ByteString at the
    -- end of the stream.
    awaitNE =
        loop = await >>= maybe (return BS.empty) check
        check bs
            | BS.null bs = loop
            | otherwise = return bs

    start bs
        | BS.null bs = return ()
        | otherwise = result (runGetPartial get bs)

    result (Fail msg _) = throwM (GetException msg)
    -- This will feed an empty ByteString into f at end of stream, which is how
    -- we indicate to cereal that there is no data left. If we wanted to be
    -- more pedantic, we could ensure that cereal only ever consumes a single
    -- ByteString to avoid a loop, but that is the contract that cereal is
    -- giving us anyway.
    result (Partial f) = awaitNE >>= result . f
    result (Done x rest) = do
        yield x
        if BS.null rest
            then awaitNE >>= start
            else start rest