-- Copyright 2011 Jared Hance -- MIT Licensed Name: cereal-derive Version: 0.1.0 License: GPL-3 License-File: COPYING Author: Jared Hance Maintainer: Jared Hance Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 Category: Data Synopsis: Automatic deriving of Binary using GHC.Generics Description: This package provides deriveGet and derivePut which can be used to quickly create an instance of Serialize for any type which implements Generic. Naturally, this can be used with -XDeriveGeneric to not have to write any boilerplate code. Library Build-Depends: base < 4.5, cereal < 0.4, ghc-prim < 0.3 Ghc-Prof-Options: -prof -auto-all -caf-all -rtsopts Exposed-Modules: Data.Serialize.Derive Exposed: True Source-Repository head Type: git Location: https://github.com/jhance/binary-derive