% Monads with Non-Deterministically Updateable State
% Sebastian Fischer (sebf@informatik.uni-kiel.de)

We define type classes and instances for monads that
non-deterministically update state.

>       MultiParamTypeClasses,
>       FlexibleInstances,
>       RankNTypes
>   #-}
> module CFLP.Control.Monad.Update (
>   MonadUpdate(..), Update(..), UpdateT
> ) where
> import Control.Monad.State
> import Control.Monad.Trans

A monad that supports non-deterministic state updates is an instance
of the class `MonadUpdate` that defines an operation to incorporate a
monadic update-action into monadic computations.

> class MonadUpdate s m
>  where
>   update :: (forall m' . MonadPlus m' => s -> m' s) -> m ()

An instance of `MonadPlus` that threads a state can update that state

> instance MonadPlus m => MonadUpdate s (StateT s m)
>  where
>   update upd = get >>= upd >>= put

We also define an interface for monads that perform associated updates
in a state that is threaded through a (possibly, but not necessarily
different) monad.

We use the state monad transformer `StateT` to thread the constraint
store through the monad that returns the results.

> class Update s m m'
>  where
>   updateState :: m a -> StateT s m' a

Again, a state threading monad gives rise to a natural instance, where
results are returned in the base monad.

> instance MonadPlus m => Update s (StateT s m) m
>  where
>   updateState = id

State monads are a natural choice for a monad that updates state, but
they have a drawback: monadic values are functions that are reexecuted
for each shared occurrence of a monadic sub computation.

Transforming Monads

We define a monad transformer `UpdateT` that adds the capability of
non-deterministic state updates to arbitrary instances of
`MonadPlus`. Monadic actions in the resulting monads are data terms if
monadic actions are data terms in the base monad. As a consequence,
they are evaluated only once if they are shared.

The updating monadic action must be polymorphic in the used monad

> newtype UpdateT s m a = UpdateT { unUpdateT :: m (WithUpdate s m a) }
> data WithUpdate s m a
>   = Return a
>   | Update (forall m' . MonadPlus m' => s -> m' s) (UpdateT s m a)

A transformed instance of `MonadPlus` is an instance of `MonadUpdate`.

> instance MonadPlus m => MonadUpdate s (UpdateT s m)
>  where
>   update upd = UpdateT (return (Update upd (return ())))

It is also an instance of `Update` where results are returned in the
base monad. In order to perform stored updates, we thread a state
through the monadic computation.

> instance MonadPlus m => Update s (UpdateT s m) m
>  where
>   updateState = run
>    where
>     run :: MonadPlus m => UpdateT s m a -> StateT s m a
>     run x = lift (unUpdateT x) >>= doUpdate
>     doUpdate (Return a)     = return a
>     doUpdate (Update upd y) = do update upd; run y

We define another instance of `Update` where results are not returned
in the base monad but in the transformed base monad. This instance is
useful to support computations that may or may not consider the
threaded store. All upcate actions are kept in the monadic values and
threaded additionally.

> instance MonadPlus m => Update s (UpdateT s m) (UpdateT s m)
>  where
>   updateState = run
>    where
>     run :: MonadPlus m => UpdateT s m a -> StateT s (UpdateT s m) a
>     run x = lift (lift (unUpdateT x)) >>= doUpdate
>     doUpdate (Return a)     = return a
>     doUpdate (Update upd y) = do update upd; lift (update upd); run y

We specify that a transformed monad is indeed a monad, that it is an
instance of `MonadPlus` if the base monad is, and that, `UpdateT`
(with an arbitrary store `s`) is a monad transformer.

> instance Monad m => Monad (UpdateT s m)
>  where
>   return = UpdateT . return . Return
>   x >>= f = UpdateT (unUpdateT x >>= g)
>    where g (Return a)     = unUpdateT (f a)
>          g (Update upd y) = return (Update upd (y >>= f))
> instance MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (UpdateT s m)
>  where
>   mzero       = UpdateT mzero
>   x `mplus` y = UpdateT (unUpdateT x `mplus` unUpdateT y)
> instance MonadTrans (UpdateT s)
>  where
>   lift = UpdateT . liftM Return

To simplify debugging, we define `Show` instances for transformed list

> instance Show a => Show (UpdateT s [] a)
>  where
>   show (UpdateT x) = show x
> instance Show a => Show (WithUpdate cs [] a)
>  where
>   show (Return x) = "(Return "++show x++")"
>   show (Update _ (UpdateT x)) = "(Update _ "++show x++")"