-- -- Copyright (c) 2013 Bonelli Nicola -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- module Main where import Data.List import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Data.Data() import Data.Function import Control.Exception as E import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.STM import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Trans.Either import Control.Applicative import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Directory import System.FilePath ((), takeFileName) import System.Environment import System.PosixCompat.Files import System.IO import System.Exit import CGrep.CGrep import CGrep.Lang import CGrep.Output import CGrep.Common import CmdOptions import Options import Util import Debug import Config import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C -- push file names in Chan... putRecursiveContents :: Options -> TChan (Maybe FilePath) -> FilePath -> [Lang] -> [String] -> Set.Set FilePath -> IO () putRecursiveContents opts inchan topdir langs prunedir visited = do dir <- doesDirectoryExist topdir if dir then do names <- liftM (filter (`notElem` [".", ".."])) $ getDirectoryContents topdir forM_ names $ \n -> E.catch ( do let path = topdir n let filename = takeFileName path cpath <- canonicalizePath path status <- getFileStatus path lstatus <- getSymbolicLinkStatus path unless (cpath `Set.member` visited) $ if isDirectory status && (not (isSymbolicLink lstatus) || deference_recursive opts) then unless (filename `elem` prunedir) $ putRecursiveContents opts inchan path langs prunedir (Set.insert cpath visited) else case getLang opts filename >>= (\f -> f `elemIndex` langs <|> toMaybe 0 (null langs) ) of Nothing -> return () _ -> atomically $ writeTChan inchan (Just path) ) (\e -> let msg = show (e :: SomeException) in hPutStrLn stderr ("cgrep: " ++ msg)) else atomically $ writeTChan inchan (Just topdir) -- read patterns from file readPatternsFromFile :: FilePath -> IO [C.ByteString] readPatternsFromFile f = if null f then return [] else liftM (map trim8 . C.lines) $ C.readFile f getFilePaths :: Bool -> -- pattern(s) from file Bool -> -- is terminal (no from STDIN) [String] -> -- list of patterns and files [String] getFilePaths False True xs = if length xs == 1 then [ ] else tail xs getFilePaths True True xs = xs getFilePaths _ False _ = [ ] parallelSearch :: Config -> Options -> [FilePath] -> [C.ByteString] -> [Lang] -> (Bool, Bool) -> IO () parallelSearch conf opts paths patterns langs (isTermIn, _) = do -- create Transactional Chan and Vars... in_chan <- newTChanIO out_chan <- newTChanIO -- launch worker threads... forM_ [1 .. jobs opts] $ \_ -> forkIO $ void $ runEitherT $ forever $ do f <- lift $ atomically $ readTChan in_chan lift $ E.catch (case f of Nothing -> atomically $ writeTChan out_chan [] Just x -> do out <- let op = sanitizeOptions x opts in liftM (take (max_count opts)) $ cgrepDispatch op x op patterns $ guard (x /= "") >> f unless (null out) $ atomically $ writeTChan out_chan out ) (\e -> let msg = show (e :: SomeException) in hPutStrLn stderr (showFile opts (fromMaybe "" f) ++ ": exception: " ++ if length msg > 80 then take 80 msg ++ "..." else msg)) when (isNothing f) $ left () -- push the files to grep for... _ <- forkIO $ do if recursive opts || deference_recursive opts then forM_ (if null paths then ["."] else paths) $ \p -> putRecursiveContents opts in_chan p langs (configPruneDirs conf) (Set.singleton p) else forM_ (if null paths && not isTermIn then [""] else paths) (atomically . writeTChan in_chan . Just) -- enqueue EOF messages: replicateM_ (jobs opts) ((atomically . writeTChan in_chan) Nothing) -- dump output until workers are done putPrettyHeader opts let stop = jobs opts fix (\action n m -> unless (n == stop) $ do out <- atomically $ readTChan out_chan case out of [] -> action (n+1) m _ -> do case () of _ | json opts -> when m $ putStrLn "," | otherwise -> return () prettyOutput opts out >>= mapM_ putStrLn action n True ) 0 False putPrettyFooter opts main :: IO () main = do -- check whether this is a terminal device isTermIn <- hIsTerminalDevice stdin isTermOut <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout -- read Cgrep config options conf <- getConfig -- read command-line options opts <- (if isTermOut then (\o@Options{color = c} -> o { color = c || configAutoColor conf}) else id) <$> cmdArgsRun options -- check for multiple backends... when (length (catMaybes [ #ifdef ENABLE_HINT hint opts, #endif format opts, if xml opts then Just "" else Nothing, if json opts then Just "" else Nothing ]) > 1) $ error "you can use one back-end at time!" -- display lang-map and exit... when (lang_maps opts) $ dumpLangMap langMap >> exitSuccess -- check whether patterns list is empty, display help message if it's the case when (null (others opts) && (isTermIn && null (file opts))) $ withArgs ["--help"] $ void (cmdArgsRun options) -- load patterns: patterns <- if null (file opts) then return $ (if isTermIn then (:[]) . head else id) $ map C.pack (others opts) else readPatternsFromFile $ file opts let patterns' = map (if ignore_case opts then C.map toLower else id) patterns -- load files to parse: let paths = getFilePaths (not $ null (file opts)) isTermIn (others opts) -- parse cmd line language list: let (l0, l1, l2) = splitLangList (lang opts) -- language enabled: let langs = (if null l0 then configLanguages conf else l0 `union` l1) \\ l2 putStrLevel1 (debug opts) $ "Cgrep " ++ version ++ "!" putStrLevel1 (debug opts) $ "options : " ++ show opts putStrLevel1 (debug opts) $ "languages : " ++ show langs putStrLevel1 (debug opts) $ "pattern : " ++ show patterns putStrLevel1 (debug opts) $ "files : " ++ show paths putStrLevel1 (debug opts) $ "isTermIn : " ++ show isTermIn putStrLevel1 (debug opts) $ "isTermOut : " ++ show isTermOut parallelSearch conf opts paths patterns' langs (isTermIn, isTermOut)