-- -- Copyright (c) 2013 Bonelli Nicola -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- module CGrep.Strategy.Generic.Semantic (search) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import CGrep.Filter import CGrep.Lang import CGrep.Common import CGrep.Output import CGrep.Semantic.Token import CGrep.Semantic.WildCard import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.List import Data.Function import Data.Maybe import Options import Debug import qualified CGrep.Semantic.Generic.Token as Generic search :: CgrepFunction search opt ps f = do let filename = getFileName f text <- getText f -- transform text let text' = expandMultiline opt . ignoreCase opt $ text let filt = (mkContextFilter opt) { getComment = False } -- pre-process patterns let patterns = map (Generic.tokenizer . contextFilter (getLang opt filename) filt) ps -- [ [t1,t2,..], [t1,t2...] ] let patterns' = map (map mkWildCard) patterns -- [ [w1,w2,..], [w1,w2,..] ] let patterns'' = map (combineMultiCard . map (:[])) patterns' -- [ [m1,m2,..], [m1,m2,..] ] == [ [ [w1], [w2],..], [[w1],[w2],..]] -- quickSearch ... let ps' = map ( C.pack . (\l -> if null l then "" else maximumBy (compare `on` length) l) . mapMaybe (\x -> case x of TokenCard (Generic.TokenLiteral xs _) -> Just (unquotes $ trim xs) TokenCard t -> Just (tkToString t) _ -> Nothing)) patterns' -- put banners... putStrLevel1 (debug opt) $ "strategy : running generic semantic search on " ++ filename ++ "..." putStrLevel2 (debug opt) $ "wildcards : " ++ show patterns' putStrLevel2 (debug opt) $ "multicards: " ++ show patterns'' putStrLevel2 (debug opt) $ "identif : " ++ show ps' let found = quickSearch opt ps' text' if maybe False not found then return $ mkOutput opt filename text [] else do let text'' = contextFilter (getLang opt filename) filt text' -- parse source code, get the Generic.Token list... let tokens = Generic.tokenizer text'' -- get matching tokens ... let tokens' = sortBy (compare `on` Generic.offset) $ nub $ concatMap (\ms -> filterTokensWithMultiCards opt ms tokens) patterns'' let matches = map (\t -> let n = fromIntegral (Generic.offset t) in (n, Generic.toString t)) tokens' :: [(Int, String)] putStrLevel2 (debug opt) $ "tokens : " ++ show tokens putStrLevel2 (debug opt) $ "tokens' : " ++ show tokens' putStrLevel2 (debug opt) $ "matches : " ++ show matches putStrLevel3 (debug opt) $ "---\n" ++ C.unpack text'' ++ "\n---" return $ mkOutput opt filename text matches wildCardMap :: M.Map String (WildCard a) wildCardMap = M.fromList [ ("ANY", AnyCard ), ("KEY", KeyWordCard ), ("OCT", OctCard ), ("HEX", HexCard ), ("NUM", NumberCard ), ("CHR", CharCard ), ("STR", StringCard ), ("LIT", StringCard ) ] mkWildCard :: Generic.Token -> WildCard Generic.Token mkWildCard t@(Generic.TokenAlpha s _) = case () of _ | Just wc <- M.lookup str wildCardMap -> wc | ('$':_) <- s -> IdentifCard str | ('_':_) <- s -> IdentifCard str | otherwise -> TokenCard t where str = tkToString t mkWildCard t = TokenCard t combineMultiCard :: [MultiCard Generic.Token] -> [MultiCard Generic.Token] combineMultiCard (m1:r@(m2:m3:ms)) | [TokenCard (Generic.TokenAlpha {Generic.toString = "OR"})] <- m2 = combineMultiCard $ (m1++m3):ms | otherwise = m1 : combineMultiCard r combineMultiCard [m1,m2] = [m1,m2] combineMultiCard [m1] = [m1] combineMultiCard [] = []