{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.ChainCodes
-- Copyright   :  (c) Mateusz Kowalczyk, 2014
-- License     :  GPL-3
-- Decoding of chain codes embedded in images.
module Data.ChainCodes where

import Codec.Picture
import Codec.Picture.Types
import Data.Function
import Control.Monad
import Data.Word
import Data.Map hiding (map)

-- | Friendly alias for 'PixelRGB8'
type Colour = PixelRGB8

-- | Position of a pixel along with the clock
-- direction used by 'chainCode'.
type PixelPos = (Int, Int, Int)

-- | Simple alias for 'Int' pair
type Position = (Int, Int)

-- | In a chain code, we'll keep the original pixel positions as well as
-- the direction which we can use for signal processing.
type ChainCode = [PixelPos]

-- | Reads in an 'Image' that uses 'PixelRGB8' as its base.
-- Rejects any other format.
readRGB8  FilePath  IO (Either String (Image PixelRGB8))
readRGB8 = readImage >=> return . \case
  Right (ImageRGB8 i)  Right i
  Right _  Left "Unsuported image format. RGB8 images only please."
  Left err  Left err

-- | Given an 'Image' parametrised by 'PixelRGB8' and given a
-- background 'Colour', we try to find the first pixel that doesn't match the
-- 'Colour'.
-- We start checking at the top left corner of the image, checking each row
-- fully before progressing a column: we check @(height, width)@ then
-- @(height, width + 1)@ and so on where top left corner of the image is (0, 0)
-- and positive height is towards the bottom. Uses colour 'average' for
-- comparison with a small leeway of 1.
findSpot  Image PixelRGB8  Colour  Maybe Position
findSpot img@(Image w h d) c
  | w <= 0 || h <= 0 = Nothing
  | otherwise =
      go [ (hi, wi) | wi  [0 .. w - 1], hi  [0 .. h - 1] ]
        go  [(Int, Int)]  Maybe Position
        go []     = Nothing
        go (x:xs) = let ac = average c
                        ap = average $ uncurry (pixelAt img) x
                    in if 1 < abs (ac - ap) then Just x else go xs

-- | Averages each colour value and sees how close it is too fully-white.
intensity  PixelRGB8  Double
intensity p = fromIntegral (average p) / 255

-- | Takes the average of RGB values
average  PixelRGB8  Integer
average (PixelRGB8 r g b) = toInteger $ r `div` 3 + g `div` 3 + b `div` 3

-- | Specialised version of 'chainCodeWith' which uses a comparison function
-- which simply asserts that the shape colour is not the same as the background.
chainCode  Image PixelRGB8  Colour  Maybe ChainCode
chainCode i c = chainCodeWith i c (/= c)

-- | Given an 'Image' parametrised by 'PixelRGB8' and given a
-- 'Colour' and a comparison function, we try to find the chain code in the
-- binary image which has the passed in colour. The comparison function's
-- purpose is to tell whether something is part of the shape.
-- Note that only a single shape is accepted inside of the image. The
-- starting positing is determined using 'findSpot'.
-- The output list contains unique positions only: the beginning and
-- end position are not treated the same. If 'findSpot' fails, we return
-- 'Nothing'.
chainCodeWith  Image PixelRGB8  Colour  (Colour  Bool)  Maybe ChainCode
chainCodeWith img@(Image w h d) c f = findSpot img c >>= \pos 
  let ppos = (fst pos, snd pos, 0)
  in Just $ go [1 ..] (fromList [(0, (-1, -1, 0)), (1, ppos)]) ppos
    ns  Map Int (Int, Int)
    ns = fromList $ zip [0 ..]
           [ (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (1, -1)
           , (0, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1)]

    go  [Int]  Map Int PixelPos  PixelPos  ChainCode
    go cs positions p@(sx, sy, _) =
      map snd . toList $ loop cs positions
        loop  [Int]  Map Int PixelPos  Map Int PixelPos
        loop (count:counts) positions
          | count == 1 || not (eqV positions count) =
              let current@(fx, fy, fd) = positions ! count
                  inBounds (x, y) = x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < w && y < h
                  places = [ (mx, my, m)  | i  [fd + 5 .. fd + 13]
                                          , let m = i `mod` 8
                                                (nx, ny) = ns ! m
                                                o@(mx, my) = (fx + ny, fy + nx)
                                          , inBounds o
                                          , f $ uncurry (pixelAt img) o
              in loop counts $ case places of
                []  positions
                x:_  insert (count + 1) x positions
          | otherwise = delete 1 (delete 0 positions)

        eqV  Map Int PixelPos  Int  Bool
        eqV p i = let (x, y, _) = p ! i
                  in (x, y) == (sx, sy)