-- |
-- Module: Graphics.Chalkboard.PPM
-- Copyright: (c) 2009 Andy Gill
-- License: BSD3
-- Maintainer: Andy Gill <andygill@ku.edu>
-- Stability: unstable
-- Portability: ghc
-- Reading and writing portable pix maps. For now, we only support color images (@P3@ and @P6@ formats).

module Graphics.Chalkboard.PPM where

import System.IO
import Data.Array
import Data.Char

import Graphics.Chalkboard.Types
import Graphics.Chalkboard.Color
import Graphics.Chalkboard.Board
import Graphics.Chalkboard.Array

-- | 'readPPM' reads a PPM file, and outputs a @Board@, and the @x@ and @y@ dimensions of the image.

readPPM :: String -> IO (Board (Maybe RGB),(Int,Int))
readPPM filename = do
	h <- openFile filename ReadMode
	ty <- hGetLine h
	bin <- case ty of
	   "P3" -> return False
	   "P6" -> return True
	   _ -> error $ "bad PPM format: " ++ ty
	szs <- hGetLine h
	let [width,height] = (map read (words szs) :: [Int])
--	print width
--	print height   
 	mx <- hGetLine h
	let [maxs] = (map read (words mx) :: [R])
--	print mx
	str <- hGetContents h
	let num1 = if bin 
		then map (\ x -> fromIntegral (ord x) / maxs) str
		else map (\ x -> read x / maxs) (words str)
	let joinN _ [] = []
	    joinN n xs = take n xs : joinN n (drop n xs)
	let num3     = joinN 3 num1
	let num_rows = joinN width num3
	let arr = array ((0,0),(width-1,height-1))
		[ ((w,h'),RGB r g b)
		| (row,h') <- zip num_rows [height-1,height-2..]
		, ([r,g,b],w) <- zip row [0..]
	return $ (arrayToBoard arr,(width,height))

-- | 'writePPM' writes a PPM file, based on a color @Board@, where bottom left corner of the image is as @(0,0)@.

writePPM :: String -> (Int,Int) -> Board RGB -> IO ()
writePPM filename (x_dim,y_dim) img = writeFile filename $ 
	"P6\n" ++ show (x_dim) ++ " " ++ show (y_dim) ++ "\n255\n" ++
	[ let (RGB r g b) = arr ! (x,y)
	      f x' =  if v < 0 then chr 0 else
	              if v > 255 then chr 255 else chr v
		 where v = floor (x' * 255)
	  in [f r,f g,f b]
	| y <- reverse [0..y_dim-1]
	, x <- [0..x_dim-1]
   where arr = boardToArray (x_dim-1,y_dim-1) 3 img