module Lava.Isc
 ( IscMethod(..)
 , isc
 , iscWith
 ) where

import Lava.Ref
import Lava.Signal
import Lava.Generic

import Lava.Property
import Lava.LavaDir
import Lava.Sequent
import Lava.Netlist
import Lava.Verification
import Lava.IOBuffering

import Data.Array
import Lava.MyST
import Data.List(intersperse)
import System.Process (system)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))

-- options

data IscMethod
 = StepMin
 | StepMax
 | Mixed
 | Bmc

-- toplevel proving

isc :: Checkable a => a -> IO ProofResult
isc = iscWith Mixed 10

iscWith :: Checkable a => IscMethod -> Int -> a -> IO ProofResult
iscWith m n a =
  do checkVerifyDir
     net_ netfile a
     lavadir <- getLavaDir
--     r <- system (lavadir ++ execute)
     r <- system (execute)
     return $ case r of
       ExitSuccess   -> Valid
       ExitFailure 1 -> Indeterminate
       ExitFailure _ -> Falsifiable

--  execute = "/Scripts/isc "
  execute = "isc "
            ++ netfile ++ " "
            ++ (m2par m) ++ " " ++ show n
  netfile = verifyDir ++ "/"

  m2par StepMin = "-smin"
  m2par StepMax = "-smax"
  m2par Mixed   = "-mix"
  m2par Bmc     = "-bmc"

-- netlist

data Sign a  = Pos a | Not a deriving (Show, Read)

sneg (Pos x) = Not x
sneg (Not x) = Pos x

type NetList = Array Int (S (Sign Int))

instance Functor Sign where
  fmap f (Pos x) = Pos (f x)
  fmap f (Not x) = Not (f x)

showS :: S String -> String
showS (Bool b)     = "Bool " ++ show b
showS (Or [x,y])   = "Or " ++ "[" ++ x ++ ',' : y ++ "]"
showS (Xor [x,y])  = "Xor " ++ "[" ++ x ++ ',' : y ++ "]"
showS (VarBool v)  = "VarBool " ++ show v
showS (DelayBool x y) = "DelayBool (" ++ x ++ ") (" ++ y ++ ")"
showS _               = error "showS"

showN :: NetList -> String
showN = showA . fmap (showS . fmap show)

showA :: Array Int String -> String
showA a = "array " ++ show (bounds a) ++ " [" ++
          concat (intersperse "," (map (\ (i,s) -> "(" ++ show i ++ "," ++ s ++ ")")
                                         (assocs a)))
          ++ "]"

showAll (n,p) = "(" ++ showN n ++ "," ++ show p ++ ")"

net_ :: Checkable a => String -> a -> IO ()
net_ file a = do
  p <- net a
  writeFile file (showAll p)

net :: Checkable a => a -> IO (NetList, Sign Int)
net a =
  do (props,_) <- properties a
     let top = case props of
                [x] -> x
                xs  -> andl xs
     let (tab, Object top') = table (struct top)
     return (array (0, length tab-1) tab, top')

table :: Sequent f => f Symbol -> ([(Int,S (Sign Int))], f (Sign Int))
table str =
  ( do ref   <- newSTRef 0
       table <- newSTRef []

       let define sym = do
             tab <- readSTRef table
             case sym of
               And xs -> bin Or (map sneg xs) >>= return . sneg
               Or xs  -> bin Or xs
               Xor xs -> bin Xor xs
--                          v <- new
--                          writeSTRef table ((v,x):tab)
--                          return (Not v)
               Inv x  -> return (sneg x)
               x      -> do v <- new
                            writeSTRef table ((v,x):tab)
                            return (Pos v)

           bin f [x]      = return x
           bin f (x:y:xs) = do
               v <- new
               tab <- readSTRef table
               writeSTRef table ((v, f [x,y]) : tab)
               bin f (Pos v:xs)

           new = do
             n <- readSTRef ref
             writeSTRef ref (n+1)
             return n

       str' <- netlistST_ define str
       tab  <- readSTRef table
       return (tab, str')

netlistST_ :: Sequent f => (S v -> ST s v) -> f Symbol -> ST s (f v)
netlistST_ define symbols =
  do tab <- tableST

     let gather (Symbol sym) =
           do visited <- findST tab sym
              case visited of
                Just v  -> do return v
                Nothing -> fixST $ \v -> do
                              extendST tab sym v
                              s <- mmap gather (deref sym)
                              define s

      in mmap gather symbols

isLow  (Bool False) = True
isLow  (Inv s)      = isHigh (unsymbol s)
isLow  _            = False
isHigh (Bool True)  = True
isHigh (Inv s)      = isLow (unsymbol s)
isHigh _            = False