change-monger-0.0: Parse VCS changelogs into ChangeLogs




gitChanges :: String -> IO StringSource

Ask Git for changes in general; we accept an options argument which will be passed onto Git, so you can customize by using any of the many options to log which Git understands. Tricky bits: we can't pass Git "", because it won't treat it as non-existent, so the implementation needs to reflect this.

gitChangesAll :: IO StringSource

Nothing fancy: just get the entire repository history.

gitChangesSince :: IO StringSource

Ask Git for all changes, since the last tag. Conscientious folks tag at every release, so this is a good heuristic. Tricky bits: run returns the name of the last tag with '\n' included, so we use init to drop the last character and remove '\n'. Then, we ask git log 'tag-name..', which is its syntax for all commits since a particular tag. In this case, our tag-name is the last tag, so we're good.