{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Changelogged.Git where

import qualified Control.Foldl as Fold
import Control.Monad.Catch (catch)

import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Either.Combinators (fromRight)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text

import Turtle

-- | Information about the state of a git repository.
data GitInfo = GitInfo
  { gitHistory   :: [Turtle.Line]
    -- ^ A list of git commit messages.
  , gitRemoteUrl :: Text
    -- ^ An HTTP(S) link to the repository.
    -- This will be used to construct links to issues, commits and pull requests.
  , gitLatestVersion :: Maybe Text
    -- ^ Latest version (tag) in the current branch.
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Get latest git tag in a given branch (if present).
-- If no branch is specified then @HEAD^@ is used.
loadGitLatestTag :: Maybe Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
loadGitLatestTag mbranch = do
  let branch = fromMaybe "HEAD^" mbranch
  ver <- fold ((fromRight "" <$> inprocWithErr "git" ["describe", "--tags", "--abbrev=0", branch] empty) `catch` \ (_ :: ExitCode) -> empty) Fold.head
  return $ fmap lineToText ver

-- | Get link to origin and strip '.git' to get valid url to project page.
loadGitRemoteUrl :: IO Text
loadGitRemoteUrl = remoteUrlToHttps
  <$> strict (inproc "git" ["remote", "get-url", "origin"] empty)

-- | Change git remote URL so that it can be used in the browser.
-- >>> remoteUrlToHttps "git@github.com:GetShopTV/changelogged.git"
-- "https://github.com/GetShopTV/changelogged"
-- >>> remoteUrlToHttps "https://github.com/GetShopTV/changelogged.git"
-- "https://github.com/GetShopTV/changelogged"
remoteUrlToHttps :: Text -> Text
  = whenPossible (Text.stripSuffix ".git")
  . Text.replace "git@github.com:" "https://github.com/"
  . Text.strip
    whenPossible fn y = fromMaybe y (fn y)

-- | Load git history from a given commit or from the start of the project.
  :: Maybe Text  -- ^ A commit/tag to mark the start of history.
  -> IO [Turtle.Line]
loadGitHistory from = do
  fold (grep
    (invert (has (text "Merge branch"))) -- FIXME: why ignore Merge branch commits?
    (inproc "git" (["log", "--oneline", "--first-parent"] <> range) empty))
    range = case from of
      Nothing     -> []
      Just commit -> [commit <> "..HEAD"]

-- | Extract latest history and origin link from git through temporary file and store it in 'GitInfo'.
  :: Bool       -- ^ Include the whole project history?
  -> Maybe Text -- ^ Branch with version tags (@HEAD@ is used by default).
  -> IO GitInfo
loadGitInfo entireHistory branch = do
  latestTag    <- loadGitLatestTag branch
  gitHistory   <- loadGitHistory (if entireHistory then Nothing else latestTag)
  gitRemoteUrl <- loadGitRemoteUrl
  let gitLatestVersion = extractVersion latestTag
  return GitInfo {..}
    extractVersion tag = case Text.dropWhile (not . isDigit) <$> tag of
      Just ver | not (Text.null ver) -> Just ver
      _ -> Nothing

-- | Pretty print known information about a Git project.
ppGitInfo :: GitInfo -> Text
ppGitInfo GitInfo{..} = Text.unlines
  [ "Git remote URL: " <> gitRemoteUrl
  , "Latest release: " <> fromMaybe "<none>" gitLatestVersion
  , "Changes since last release: " <> Text.pack (show (length gitHistory))