{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Bar charts module Chart.Bar ( BarOptions (..), defaultBarOptions, BarData (..), barRange, bars, barChart, barRects, ) where import Chart.Data import Chart.Hud import Chart.Markup import Chart.Primitive import Chart.Style import Data.Bool import Data.Colour import Data.Foldable import Data.FormatN import Data.List (scanl', transpose) import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text, pack) import GHC.Generics import Optics.Core import Prelude hiding (abs) -- $setup -- -- >>> :set -XOverloadedLabels -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> import Chart -- >>> import Optics.Core -- >>> import Data.Text (pack) -- | Typical bar chart options. -- -- The internal model for a bar chart (across the x-axis for a vertical bar chart) is: -- -- - half the outerGap at the start and the end. -- -- - each row collection of bars, including the outerGap and innerGaps has a value of 1. -- -- - the entire x range of the chart isequal to the number of rows in the bar data. -- -- - The value of inner and outer gaps are relative to this model. -- -- >>> let barDataExample = BarData [[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 0, -2, 11, 2, 1], [1 .. 10]] (("row " <>) . pack . show <$> [1 .. 11]) (("column " <>) . pack . show <$> [1 .. 2]) -- >>> let barExample = barChart defaultBarOptions barDataExample -- -- > writeChartOptions "other/bar.svg" barExample -- -- ![bar chart example](other/bar.svg) data BarOptions = BarOptions { barRectStyles :: [RectStyle], barTextStyles :: [TextStyle], -- | gap between each bar collection row. outerGap :: Double, -- | gap between bars within a row collection, negative overlaps innerGap :: Double, -- | gap between top of a bar and text representation of the bar value -- as a proportion of the highest absolute bar value textGap :: Double, -- | gap between top of a bar and text representation of the bar value, -- if the value is negative -- as a proportion of the highest absolute bar value textGapNegative :: Double, displayValues :: Bool, valueFormatN :: FormatN, barOrientation :: Orientation, barStacked :: Stacked, barLegendOptions :: LegendOptions } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | Number of bars per row of data cols :: Stacked -> [[Double]] -> Int cols Stacked _ = 1 cols NonStacked xs = length xs -- | Number of rows rows :: [[Double]] -> Int rows xs = maximum $ (0 :) $ length <$> xs -- | Width of each bar barWidth :: BarOptions -> [[Double]] -> Double barWidth o xs = ((1 - outerGap o) / c) - (innerGap o * (c - 1)) where c = fromIntegral $ cols (barStacked o) xs -- | Placement for the ith row jth column bar (x axis for vertical bars) barX0 :: BarOptions -> [[Double]] -> Int -> Int -> Double barX0 o xs i j = outerGap o / 2 + fromIntegral i + fromIntegral j * (barWidth o xs + innerGap o) -- | Make bars from the double list values. -- -- >>> barRects defaultBarOptions [[1,2],[2,3]] -- [[Rect 5.0e-2 0.5 0.0 1.0,Rect 1.05 1.5 0.0 2.0],[Rect 0.5 0.95 0.0 2.0,Rect 1.5 1.95 0.0 3.0]] -- -- >>> barRects defaultBarOptions [[]] -- [] barRects :: BarOptions -> [[Double]] -> [[Rect Double]] barRects o xs = fmap (flipRect (barOrientation o)) <$> zip2With (\y x0 -> abs (Rect x0 (x0 + barWidth o xs) 0 y)) xs' (barX0s o xs') where xs' = bool id accRows (barStacked o == Stacked) (appendZeros xs) zip2With :: (a -> b -> c) -> [[a]] -> [[b]] -> [[c]] zip2With f = zipWith (zipWith f) -- outer product on functors iter2 :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> g b -> f (g c) iter2 f xs ys = f <$> xs <&> flip fmap ys -- or (\a -> f a <$> ys) <$> xs -- | Placements for the bars (x axis for vertical bars) barX0s :: BarOptions -> [[Double]] -> [[Double]] barX0s o xs = transpose $ iter2 (barX0 o xs) [0 .. (rows xs - 1)] [0 .. cols (barStacked o) xs - 1] flipRect :: Orientation -> Rect Double -> Rect Double flipRect Vert r = r flipRect Hori (Rect x z y w) = Rect y w x z appendZeros :: [[Double]] -> [[Double]] appendZeros xs = ( \x -> take (rows xs) (x <> repeat 0) ) <$> xs accRows :: [[Double]] -> [[Double]] accRows xs = transpose $ drop 1 . scanl' (+) 0 <$> transpose (fmap toList $ toList xs) -- | A bar chart. -- -- >>> emptyBar = barChart defaultBarOptions (BarData [] [] []) -- >>> foldOf (#charts % charts') emptyBar -- [] barChart :: BarOptions -> BarData -> ChartOptions barChart bo bd = mempty & set #hudOptions (barHudOptions bo bd) & set #charts ( named "barchart" ( bars bo bd <> bool [] (barTextCharts bo bd) (view #displayValues bo) ) ) barHudOptions :: BarOptions -> BarData -> HudOptions barHudOptions bo bd = mempty & #axes .~ [ (1, axis1) ] & #legends .~ [ (10, o & #content .~ barLegendContent bo bd) ] where o = view #barLegendOptions bo axis1 = bool id flipAxis (barOrientation bo == Hori) (defaultAxisOptions & #ticks % #ltick .~ Nothing & #ticks % #style .~ barTicks bd) -- | The official bar options. defaultBarOptions :: BarOptions defaultBarOptions = BarOptions gs ts 0.1 0 0.04 0.1 True (FormatN FSCommaPrec (Just 2) 4 True True) Vert NonStacked defaultLegendOptions where gs = (\x -> RectStyle 0.005 (palette1 x) (palette1a x 0.7)) <$> [1, 2, 6, 7, 5, 3, 4, 0] ts = (\x -> defaultTextStyle & #color .~ palette1 x & #size .~ 0.24) <$> [1, 2, 6, 7, 5, 3, 4, 0] -- | Two dimensional data, maybe with row and column labels. data BarData = BarData { barData :: [[Double]], barRowLabels :: [Text], barColumnLabels :: [Text] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | Calculate the Rect range of a bar data set. -- -- >>> barRange [[1,2],[2,3]] -- Rect 0.0 2.0 0.0 3.0 -- -- >>> barRange [[]] -- Rect -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5 barRange :: [[Double]] -> Rect Double barRange ys = singletonGuard $ Just $ Rect 0 (fromIntegral $ rows ys) (min 0 l) u where (Range l u) = fromMaybe one $ space1 $ mconcat ys -- | A bar chart without hud trimmings. -- -- >>> bars defaultBarOptions (BarData [[1,2],[2,3]] [] []) -- [RectChart (RectStyle {borderSize = 5.0e-3, borderColor = Colour 0.02 0.29 0.48 1.00, color = Colour 0.02 0.29 0.48 0.70}) [Rect 5.0e-2 0.5 0.0 1.0,Rect 1.05 1.5 0.0 2.0],RectChart (RectStyle {borderSize = 5.0e-3, borderColor = Colour 0.66 0.07 0.55 1.00, color = Colour 0.66 0.07 0.55 0.70}) [Rect 0.5 0.95 0.0 2.0,Rect 1.5 1.95 0.0 3.0],BlankChart [Rect 0.0 2.0 0.0 3.0]] -- -- >>> bars defaultBarOptions (BarData [[]] [] []) -- [] bars :: BarOptions -> BarData -> [Chart] bars bo bd = bool cs [] (null $ mconcat $ view #barData bd) where cs = zipWith (\o d -> RectChart o d) (bo ^. #barRectStyles <> repeat defaultRectStyle) (barRects bo (bd ^. #barData)) <> [BlankChart [barRange (bd ^. #barData)]] -- | Sensible ticks for a bar chart. barTicks :: BarData -> TickStyle barTicks bd | null (bd ^. #barData) = TickNone | null (bd ^. #barRowLabels) = TickLabels $ pack . show <$> [0 .. (rows (bd ^. #barData) - 1)] | otherwise = TickLabels $ take (rows (bd ^. #barData)) $ (bd ^. #barRowLabels) <> repeat "" -- | A bar legend barLegendContent :: BarOptions -> BarData -> [(Text, [Chart])] barLegendContent bo bd | null (bd ^. #barData) = [] | null (bd ^. #barColumnLabels) = [] | otherwise = zip (view #barColumnLabels bd <> repeat "") ((\s -> [RectChart s [one]]) <$> take (length (view #barData bd)) (bo ^. #barRectStyles)) flipPoint :: Orientation -> Point a -> Point a flipPoint Vert p = p flipPoint Hori (Point x y) = Point y x maxAbsValue :: [[Double]] -> Double maxAbsValue xs = maximum $ fmap abs (0 : mconcat xs) barTexts :: BarOptions -> [[Double]] -> [[(Text, Point Double)]] barTexts o xs = zip2With (\t (Rect x z y w) -> (t, flipPoint (barOrientation o) (Point ((x + z) / 2) (bool (w + gap) (y - gapn) (y < 0))))) (fmap (formatN (valueFormatN o)) <$> xs) (barRects o xs) where gap = textGap o * maxAbsValue xs gapn = textGapNegative o * maxAbsValue xs -- | Placed text, hold the bars. barTextCharts :: BarOptions -> BarData -> [Chart] barTextCharts bo bd = zipWith TextChart (bo ^. #barTextStyles <> repeat defaultTextStyle) (barTexts bo (bd ^. #barData))