{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- | Examples of chart construction. module Chart.Examples ( -- * Unit & Hud unitExample, hudOptionsExample, -- * Iconic primitives. lineExample, rectExample, textExample, glyphsExample, pathExample, -- * Compounds barExample, barDataExample, sbarExample, waveExample, surfaceExample, rosenbrock, arcFlagsExample, ellipseExample, quadExample, cubicExample, vennExample, arrowExample, dateExample, -- * Colour gradientExample, wheelExample, -- * Debugging debugExample, pathChartOptions, writeAllExamples, writeAllExamplesDark, ) where import Chart import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Bool import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Function import Data.Maybe import Data.String.Interpolate import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as Text import Data.Time import Optics.Core import Prelude hiding (abs) -- | unit example -- -- ![unit example](other/unit.svg) unitExample :: ChartOptions unitExample = mempty & #charts .~ named "unit" [RectChart defaultRectStyle [one]] & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions -- | A 'BlankChart', 'defaultHudOptions' example. -- -- ![hudoptions example](other/hudoptions.svg) hudOptionsExample :: ChartOptions hudOptionsExample = mempty & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #charts .~ blank one -- | rect example -- -- ![rect example](other/rect.svg) rectExample :: ChartOptions rectExample = mempty & #hudOptions .~ ( mempty & set #axes [(defaultPriority, defaultAxisOptions & #ticks % #ltick .~ Nothing)] ) & #charts .~ named "rect" (zipWith RectChart ropts rss) rss :: [[Rect Double]] rss = [ gridR (\x -> exp (-x ** 2 / 2)) (Range (-5) 5) 50, gridR (\x -> 0.5 * exp (-x ** 2 / 8)) (Range (-5) 5) 50 ] ropts :: [RectStyle] ropts = [ blob (palette1a 1 0.4), blob (palette1a 2 0.4) ] -- | line example -- -- ![line example](other/line.svg) lineExample :: ChartOptions lineExample = mempty & set #hudOptions ho & #charts .~ named "line" cs where ho = defaultHudOptions & set #titles [ (6, defaultTitle "Line Chart" & set (#style % #size) 0.1), ( 11, defaultTitle "Made with love and chart-svg" & set (#style % #size) 0.06 & set #place PlaceBottom & set #anchor AnchorEnd ) ] & set #legends [ ( 12, defaultLegendOptions & over #frame (fmap (set #color white)) & set #place (PlaceAbsolute (Point 0.45 (-0.35))) & set (#textStyle % #size) 0.20 & set #content (zipWith (\t c -> (t, [c])) ["palette1 0", "palette1 1", "palette1 2"] cs) ) ] cs = zipWith ( \c l -> LineChart ( defaultLineStyle & set #color (palette1 c) & set #size 0.015 ) [l] ) [0 ..] ls ls = [ [Point 0.0 1.0, Point 1.0 1.0, Point 2.0 5.0], [Point 0.0 0.0, Point 2.8 3.0], [Point 0.5 4.0, Point 0.5 0] ] priorityv1Example :: ChartOptions priorityv1Example = lineExample & (#hudOptions % #frames) .~ [(1, FrameOptions (Just defaultRectStyle) 0), (100, FrameOptions (Just (defaultRectStyle & #color .~ (palette1 4 & opac' .~ 0.05) & #borderColor .~ palette1 4)) 0.1)] & #hudOptions % #legends %~ fmap (first (const (Priority 50))) & #hudOptions % #legends %~ fmap (second (set #place PlaceRight)) priorityv2Example :: ChartOptions priorityv2Example = priorityv1Example & #hudOptions % #titles %~ fmap (first (const (Priority 51))) & #hudOptions % #legends %~ fmap (first (const (Priority 50))) & #hudOptions % #legends %~ fmap (second (set #place PlaceRight)) -- | text example -- -- ![text example](other/text.svg) textExample :: ChartOptions textExample = mempty & #charts .~ named "text" [ TextChart (defaultTextStyle & #color .~ dark & #size .~ 0.05 & #vshift .~ 0) ts ] & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #markupOptions % #cssOptions % #preferColorScheme .~ PreferHud & #markupOptions % #cssOptions % #cssExtra .~ fillSwitch (dark, light) "dark" "text" where ts :: [(Text, Point Double)] ts = zip (fmap Text.singleton ['a' .. 'z']) ((\x -> Point (sin (x * 0.1)) x) <$> [0 .. 25]) -- | glyphs example -- -- ![glyphs example](other/glyphs.svg) glyphsExample :: ChartOptions glyphsExample = mempty & set (#markupOptions % #markupHeight) 50 & set (#hudOptions % #chartAspect) (FixedAspect 12) & set #charts ( named "glyphs" $ zipWith ( \(sh, bs) p -> GlyphChart ( defaultGlyphStyle & #size .~ (0.8 :: Double) & #borderSize .~ bs & #shape .~ sh ) [p] ) [ (CircleGlyph, 0.02 :: Double), (SquareGlyph, 0.02), (RectSharpGlyph 0.75, 0.02), (RectRoundedGlyph 0.75 0.01 0.01, 0.02), (EllipseGlyph 0.75, 0.02), (VLineGlyph, 0.02), (HLineGlyph, 0.02), (TriangleGlyph (Point 0.0 (0.5 * sqrt 2)) (Point (-cos (pi / 3)) (-sin (pi / 3) / 2)) (Point (cos (pi / 3)) (-sin (pi / 3) / 2)), 0.02), (PathGlyph "M 0.5,-0.3660 A 1.0 1.0 -0.0 0 1 0,0.5 A 1.0 1.0 -0.0 0 1 -0.5,-0.3660 A 1.0 1.0 -0.0 0 1 0.5,-0.3660 L 0.5,-0.3660 Z" ScaleBorder, 0.02) ] [Point x 0 | x <- [0 .. (8 :: Double)]] ) -- | Example data for Bar chart barDataExample :: BarData barDataExample = BarData [[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 0, -2, 11, 2, 1], [1 .. 10]] (("row " <>) . Text.pack . show <$> [1 .. 11 :: Int]) (("column " <>) . Text.pack . show <$> [1 .. 2 :: Int]) -- | Bar chart example. -- -- ![bar example](other/bar.svg) barExample :: ChartOptions barExample = barChart defaultBarOptions barDataExample -- | Stacked bar chart example. -- -- ![sbar example](other/sbar.svg) sbarExample :: ChartOptions sbarExample = barChart (defaultBarOptions & set #barOrientation Vert & set #barStacked Stacked & #displayValues .~ False & #barRectStyles %~ fmap (#borderSize .~ 0)) barDataExample -- | wave example -- -- ![wave example](other/wave.svg) waveExample :: ChartOptions waveExample = mempty & #charts .~ named "wave" [GlyphChart defaultGlyphStyle $ gridP sin (Range 0 (2 * pi)) 30] & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions -- | venn diagram -- -- ![venn diagram](other/venn.svg) vennExample :: ChartOptions vennExample = mempty & #charts .~ named "venn" (zipWith (\c x -> PathChart (defaultPathStyle & #borderSize .~ 0.005 & #color .~ palette1a c 0.2 & over #borderColor (set opac' 1)) x) [0 ..] (svgToPathData <$> vennSegs)) & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #hudOptions % #chartAspect .~ FixedAspect 1 {- These were originally based on: [ ("origin", Point 0 0), -- origin ("circle1", Point 0.5 (-0.5 + cos (pi / 6))), -- center of circle 1 ("circle2", Point 0 -0.5), -- center of circle 2 ("circle3", Point -0.5 (-0.5 + cos (pi / 6))), -- center of circle 3 ("corner1", Point 0 (-0.5 + 2 * cos (pi / 6))), -- corner 1 ("corner2", Point 1 -0.5), -- corner 2 ("corner3", Point -1 -0.5) -- corner 3 ] -} vennSegs :: [ByteString] vennSegs = [ "M0.0,-1.2320508075688774 A0.5 0.5 0.0 1 1 1.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 0.0,-1.2320508075688774 Z", "M-1.0,0.5 A0.5 0.5 0.0 1 0 1.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 -1.0,0.5 Z", "M-1.0,0.5 A0.5 0.5 0.0 1 1 0.0,-1.2320508075688774 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 -0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 -1.0,0.5 Z", "M0.5,-0.3660254037844387 A1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 1.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 0.5,-0.3660254037844387 Z", "M0.0,0.5 A1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 -1.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 -0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 0.0,0.5 Z", "M0.0,-1.2320508075688774 A1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 -0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.0,-1.2320508075688774 Z", "M0.5,-0.3660254037844387 A1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 -0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.5,-0.3660254037844387 Z" ] -- | Compound path example. -- -- ![path test](other/path.svg) pathExample :: ChartOptions pathExample = mempty & #charts .~ named "path" [path', c0] <> named "pathtext" [t0] & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #hudOptions % #chartAspect .~ ChartAspect & #markupOptions % #cssOptions % #preferColorScheme .~ PreferHud & #markupOptions % #cssOptions % #cssExtra .~ fillSwitch (dark, light) "dark" "pathtext" where ps = [ StartP (Point 0 0), LineP (Point 1 0), CubicP (Point 0.2 0) (Point 0.25 1) (Point 1 1), QuadP (Point (-1) 2) (Point 0 1), ArcP (ArcInfo (Point 1 1) (-pi / 6) False False) (Point 0 0) ] ts = [ "StartP (Point 0 0)", "LineP (Point 1 0)", "CubicP (Point 0.2 0) (Point 0.25 1) (Point 1 1)", "QuadP (Point (-1) 2) (Point 0 1)", "ArcP (ArcInfo (Point 1 1) (-pi / 6) False False) (Point 0 0)" ] path' = PathChart (defaultPathStyle & #color .~ palette1a 0 0.1 & #borderColor .~ palette1a 1 1) ps c0 = GlyphChart defaultGlyphStyle (pointPath <$> ps) midp = Point 0 0 : zipWith (\(Point x y) (Point x' y') -> Point ((x + x') / 2) ((y + y') / 2)) (drop 1 (pointPath <$> ps)) (pointPath <$> ps) offp = [Point 0 0.05, Point 0 0, Point (-0.2) 0, Point (-0.1) 0.1, Point 0 (-0.1)] t0 = TextChart (defaultTextStyle & set #size 0.05) (zip ts (zipWith addp offp midp)) -- | ellipse example -- -- Under scaling, angles are not invariant, and this effects the shape of ellipses and thus SVG arc paths. Compare the effect of aspect changes to the axes of this ellipse: -- -- ![ellipse example](other/ellipse.svg) -- -- Below is the same ellipse with FixedAspect 2. Points scale exactly, but the original points that represent the end points of the axes are no longer on the new axes of the ellipse. -- -- ![ellipse2 example](other/ellipse2.svg) ellipseExample :: ChartAspect -> ChartOptions ellipseExample a = mempty & #charts .~ named "ellipse" [ell, ellFull, c0, c1, bbox, xradii, yradii] & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #hudOptions % #chartAspect .~ a & #hudOptions % #legends .~ [(10, defaultLegendOptions & #content .~ lrows & #textStyle % #size .~ 0.2 & #size .~ 0.1)] & #hudOptions % #titles .~ [(11, defaultTitle "ArcPosition (Point 1 0) (Point 0 1) (ArcInfo (Point 1.5 1) (pi / 3) True True)" & #style % #size .~ 0.08)] where p@(ArcPosition p1 p2 _) = ArcPosition (Point 1 0) (Point 0 1) (ArcInfo (Point 1.5 1) (pi / 3) True True) (ArcCentroid c r phi' ang0' angd) = arcCentroid p ellFull = LineChart fullels [ellipse c r phi' . (\x -> 2 * pi * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]] ell = LineChart els [ellipse c r phi' . (\x -> ang0' + angd * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]] g0 = defaultGlyphStyle & #shape .~ CircleGlyph c0 = GlyphChart g0 [c] g1 = defaultGlyphStyle & #color .~ palette1a 4 0.2 c1 = GlyphChart g1 [p1, p2] bbox = RectChart bbs [arcBox p] bbs = defaultRectStyle & #borderSize .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1a 7 0.005 & #borderColor .~ grey 0.5 1 xradii = LineChart xals [[ellipse c r phi' 0, ellipse c r phi' pi]] yradii = LineChart yals [[ellipse c r phi' (pi / 2), ellipse c r phi' (3 / 2 * pi)]] xals = defaultLineStyle & #color .~ palette1 6 & #size .~ 0.005 & #dasharray .~ Just [0.03, 0.01] & #linecap .~ Just LineCapRound yals = defaultLineStyle & #color .~ palette1 5 & #size .~ 0.005 & #dasharray .~ Just [0.03, 0.01] & #linecap .~ Just LineCapRound fullels = defaultLineStyle & #size .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1 1 els = defaultLineStyle & #size .~ 0.005 & #color .~ palette1 2 lrows = second (: []) <$> [ ("Major Axis", LineChart xals [[zero]]), ("Minor Axis", LineChart yals [[zero]]), ("Full Ellipse", LineChart fullels [[zero]]), ("Arc", LineChart els [[zero]]), ("Centroid", GlyphChart (g0 & #size .~ 0.01) [zero]), ("Endpoints", GlyphChart (g1 & #size .~ 0.01) [zero]), ("Bounding Box", RectChart (bbs & #borderSize .~ 0.01) [fmap (2 *) one]) ] -- | Reproduction of the flag explanation chart in -- -- ![arc flags example](other/arcflags.svg) arcFlagsExample :: ChartOptions arcFlagsExample = mempty & set #charts ( vert 0.02 [ hori 0.02 [colSweep, colSweep2, colLargeFalse, colLargeTrue], rowLarge ] ) & #hudOptions % #chartAspect .~ ChartAspect & #markupOptions % #cssOptions % #preferColorScheme .~ PreferHud & #markupOptions % #cssOptions % #cssExtra .~ [i| { .chart g { stroke: #{showRGBA dark}; } .chart g text { fill: #{showRGBA dark}; } } @media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) { .chart g { stroke: #{showRGBA light}; } .chart g text { fill: #{showRGBA light}; } } |] where rowLarge = unnamed [ BlankChart [Rect 0 9 (-2.75) (-3.25)], TextChart (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.6) [("Large", Point 5.5 (-3.0))] ] colLargeFalse = vert 0.02 [ unnamed (checkFlags False True (set opac' 0.3 dark)), unnamed (checkFlags False False (set opac' 0.3 dark)), unnamed [ BlankChart [Rect (-1) 2 (-0.25) 0.25], TextChart (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.4) [("False", Point 0.5 (-0.1))] ] ] colLargeTrue = vert 0.02 [ unnamed (checkFlags True True (set opac' 0.3 dark)), unnamed (checkFlags True False (set opac' 0.3 dark)), unnamed [ BlankChart [Rect (-1) 2 (-0.25) 0.25], TextChart (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.4) [("True", Point 0.5 (-0.1))] ] ] colSweep = unnamed [ BlankChart [Rect (-0.4) 0.4 (-1) 5], TextChart (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.6 & #rotation .~ Just (pi / 2)) [("Sweep", Point 0.1 2)] ] colSweep2 = vert 0.02 [ unnamed [ BlankChart [Rect (-0.25) 0.25 (-1) 2], TextChart (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.4 & #rotation .~ Just (pi / 2)) [("True", Point 0.1 0.5)] ], unnamed [ BlankChart [Rect (-0.25) 0.25 (-1) 2], TextChart (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.4 & #rotation .~ Just (pi / 2)) [("False", Point 0.1 0.5)] ] ] checkFlags :: Bool -> Bool -> Colour -> [Chart] checkFlags large' sweep co = [c1, c2, ell, arc1] where c = Point 1.0 1.0 p1 = ArcPosition (Point 0.0 1.0) (Point 1.0 0.0) (ArcInfo (Point 1.0 1.0) 0 large' sweep) ps1 = singletonPie c p1 (ArcCentroid c' r phi' ang0' angd) = arcCentroid p1 arc1 = PathChart (defaultPathStyle & #color .~ co & #borderColor .~ set opac' 0.5 dark) ps1 c1 = LineChart (defaultLineStyle & #size .~ 0.02 & #color .~ set opac' 0.2 dark) [ellipse (Point 1.0 1.0) (Point 1.0 1.0) 0 . (\x -> 0 + 2 * pi * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]] c2 = LineChart (defaultLineStyle & #size .~ 0.02 & #color .~ set opac' 0.2 dark) [ellipse (Point 0.0 0.0) (Point 1.0 1.0) 0 . (\x -> 0 + 2 * pi * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]] ell = LineChart (defaultLineStyle & #size .~ 0.05 & #color .~ set opac' 0.5 co) [ellipse c' r phi' . (\x -> ang0' + angd * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]] -- | quad example -- -- ![quad example](other/quad.svg) quadExample :: ChartOptions quadExample = mempty & #charts .~ named "quad" [path', curve, c0, c1, bbox] & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #hudOptions % #chartAspect .~ FixedAspect 1.5 & #hudOptions % #legends .~ [(10, defaultLegendOptions & #content .~ lrows & #textStyle % #size .~ 0.2 & #size .~ 0.2)] & #hudOptions % #titles .~ [(11, defaultTitle "QuadPosition (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) (Point 2 (-1))" & #style % #size .~ 0.08)] where p@(QuadPosition start end control) = QuadPosition (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) (Point 2 (-1)) ps = singletonQuad p path' = PathChart pathStyle ps curve = LineChart curveStyle [quadBezier p . (/ 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]] curveStyle = defaultLineStyle & #size .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1 1 c0 = GlyphChart defaultGlyphStyle [start, end] c1 = GlyphChart controlStyle [control] bbox = RectChart bbs [quadBox p] bbs = defaultRectStyle & #borderSize .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1a 0 0.05 & #borderColor .~ grey 0.4 1 pathStyle = defaultPathStyle & #color .~ palette1a 2 0.2 & #borderColor .~ transparent controlStyle = defaultGlyphStyle & #shape .~ CircleGlyph lrows = second (: []) <$> [ ("Path Fill", PathChart pathStyle [StartP zero]), ("Path Chord", LineChart curveStyle [[zero]]), ("Path Endpoints", GlyphChart defaultGlyphStyle [zero]), ("Path Control Point", GlyphChart controlStyle [zero]), ("Bounding Box", RectChart (bbs & #borderSize .~ 0.01) [one]) ] -- | cubic example -- -- ![cubic example](other/cubic.svg) cubicExample :: ChartOptions cubicExample = mempty & #charts .~ named "cubic" [path', curve, c0, c1, bbox] & #hudOptions .~ mempty & #hudOptions % #chartAspect .~ FixedAspect 1.5 & #hudOptions % #legends .~ [(10, defaultLegendOptions & #content .~ lrows & #textStyle % #size .~ 0.2 & #size .~ 0.2)] & #hudOptions % #titles .~ [(11, defaultTitle "CubicPosition (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) (Point 1 0) (Point 0 1)" & #style % #size .~ 0.08)] where p@(CubicPosition start end control1 control2) = CubicPosition (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) (Point 1 0) (Point 0 1) ps = singletonCubic p path' = PathChart pathStyle ps curve = LineChart curveStyle [cubicBezier p . (/ 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]] c0 = GlyphChart defaultGlyphStyle [start, end] c1 = GlyphChart controlStyle [control1, control2] bbox = RectChart bbs [cubicBox p] bbs = defaultRectStyle & #borderSize .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1a 0 0.05 & #borderColor .~ grey 0.4 1 pathStyle = defaultPathStyle & #color .~ palette1a 3 0.2 & #borderColor .~ transparent controlStyle = defaultGlyphStyle & #shape .~ CircleGlyph curveStyle = defaultLineStyle & #size .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1 7 lrows = second (: []) <$> [ ("Path Fill", PathChart pathStyle [StartP zero]), ("Path Chord", LineChart curveStyle [[zero]]), ("Path Endpoints", GlyphChart defaultGlyphStyle [zero]), ("Path Control Point", GlyphChart controlStyle [zero]), ("Bounding Box", RectChart (bbs & #borderSize .~ 0.01) [one]) ] -- | The common way to create a surface chart (or contour chart or heat map) is usually a grid over a function, a process reified in 'surfacef'. -- -- This is also an example of 'mix' and 'mixes'. In this example, colors with the same lightness have been chosen in the gradient and the result should appear a fairly uniform lightness across the surface. -- -- ![surface example](other/surface.svg) surfaceExample :: ChartOptions surfaceExample = mempty & #charts .~ named "surface" cs & #markupOptions .~ (defaultMarkupOptions & #cssOptions % #shapeRendering .~ UseCssCrisp) where -- FIXME: surface legends are broken as. -- & #hudOptions % #legends .~ [(30,defaultLegendOptions & #content .~ [("", foldOf charts' $ surfaceLegendChart rangef (defaultSurfaceLegendOptions dark "text"))])] grain = Point 100 100 r = one f = fst . bimap ((-1.0) *) (fmap ((-1.0) *)) . rosenbrock 1 10 evenColors = trimColour . over lightness' (const 0.55) . palette1 <$> [0 .. 5] (cs, _) = surfacef f so so = defaultSurfaceOptions & #soGrain .~ grain & #soRange .~ r & #soStyle % #surfaceColors .~ evenColors -- | arrow example -- -- Which happens to be the gradient of the surface example. -- -- ![arrow example](other/arrow.svg) arrowExample :: ChartOptions arrowExample = mempty & #hudOptions .~ (defaultHudOptions & #axes %~ fmap (second (#ticks % #ltick .~ Nothing))) & #charts .~ named "arrow" ((\p -> gchart (tail' . f $ p) (angle . f $ p) p) <$> ps) & #markupOptions % #cssOptions % #preferColorScheme .~ PreferHud & #markupOptions % #cssOptions % #cssExtra .~ [i| { .arrow g { fill: #{showRGBA dark}; stroke: #{showRGBA dark}; } } @media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) { .arrow g { fill: #{showRGBA light}; stroke: #{showRGBA light}; } } |] where f = snd . bimap ((-1.0) *) (fmap ((-1.0) *)) . rosenbrock 1 10 ps = grid MidPos (one :: Rect Double) (Point 10 10 :: Point Int) :: [Point Double] arrow = PathGlyph "M -1 0 L 1 0 M 1 0 L 0.4 0.3 M 1 0 L 0.4 -0.3" NoScaleBorder gs s r' = defaultGlyphStyle & #borderSize .~ 0.05 & #size .~ s & #borderColor .~ dark & #rotation .~ Just r' & #shape .~ arrow gchart s r' p = GlyphChart (gs s r') [p] tail' :: Point Double -> Double tail' = max 0.05 . min 0.02 . (* 0.01) . (/ avmag) . magnitude avmag = sum (magnitude . f <$> ps) / fromIntegral (length ps) -- | function for testing -- -- > f(x,y) = (a-x)^2 + b * (y - x^2)^2 -- > = a^2 - 2ax + x^2 + b * y^2 - b * 2 * y * x^2 + b * x ^ 4 -- > f'x = -2a + 2 * x - b * 4 * y * x + 4 * b * x ^ 3 -- > f'y = 2 * b * y - 2 * b * x^2 -- > f a b (Point x y) = (a^2 - 2ax + x^2 + b * y^2 - b * 2 * y * x^2 + b * x^4, Point (-2a + 2 * x - b * 4 * y * x + 4 * b * x ^ 3), 2 * b * y - 2 * b * x^2) rosenbrock :: Double -> Double -> Point Double -> (Double, Point Double) rosenbrock a b (Point x y) = (a ** 2 - 2 * a * x + x ** 2 + b * y ** 2 - b * 2 * y * x ** 2 + b * x ** 4, Point (-2 * a + 2 * x - b * 4 * y * x + 4 * b * x ** 3) (2 * b * y - 2 * b * x ** 2)) -- | date example -- -- A hud that has date as the x-axis, and time as the y-axis. See 'placedTimeLabelContinuous'. -- -- ![date example](other/date.svg) dateExample :: ChartOptions dateExample = mempty & #charts .~ blank (Rect 0 1 0 1) & #hudOptions .~ ( mempty & #chartAspect .~ FixedAspect 1.5 & #axes .~ [ (defaultPriority, defaultAxisOptions & #place .~ PlaceLeft & #ticks % #style .~ TickPlaced tsTime), (defaultPriority, defaultAxisOptions & #ticks % #style .~ TickPlaced tsDate) ] ) where tsTime = placedTimeLabelContinuous PosIncludeBoundaries Nothing 12 (Range (UTCTime (fromGregorian 2021 12 6) (toDiffTime 0)) (UTCTime (fromGregorian 2021 12 7) (toDiffTime 0))) tsDate = placedTimeLabelContinuous PosIncludeBoundaries (Just (Text.pack "%d %b")) 2 (Range (UTCTime (fromGregorian 2021 12 6) (toDiffTime 0)) (UTCTime (fromGregorian 2022 3 13) (toDiffTime 0))) -- | gradient example -- -- Mixing Colours using the color model. -- -- ![gradient example](other/gradient.svg) gradientExample :: ChartOptions gradientExample = gradient (Just (orig / 360)) 100 6 100 c0 c1 where ok = LCHA 0.5 0.12 127 1 c0 = ok & lch' % hLCH' .~ 0.001 c1 = ok & lch' % hLCH' .~ 360 orig = view (lch' % hLCH') ok gradientChart_ :: Int -> LCHA -> LCHA -> [Chart] gradientChart_ grain c0 c1 = (\(r, c) -> RectChart (defaultRectStyle & #color .~ c & #borderSize .~ 0) [r]) . (\x -> (Rect x (x + d) 0 1, view lcha2colour' (mixLCHA x c0 c1))) <$> grid LowerPos (Range 0 1) grain where d = 1 / fromIntegral grain gradient :: Maybe Double -> Double -> Double -> Int -> LCHA -> LCHA -> ChartOptions gradient marker h fa grain ok0 ok1 = mempty & #markupOptions % #markupHeight .~ h & #markupOptions % #cssOptions % #shapeRendering .~ UseCssCrisp & #hudOptions .~ ( mempty & #chartAspect .~ FixedAspect fa & #frames .~ [(Priority 1, FrameOptions (Just (border 0.004 white)) 0.1)] ) & #charts .~ named "gradient" (gradientChart_ grain ok0 ok1) <> strip where strip = case marker of Nothing -> mempty Just marker' -> named "border" [borderStrip 0.02 light (Rect (marker' - 0.02) (marker' + 0.02) (-0.1) 1.1)] borderStrip :: Double -> Colour -> Rect Double -> Chart borderStrip w c r = RectChart (defaultRectStyle & #color .~ transparent & #borderSize .~ w & #borderColor .~ c) [r] -- | Color wheel displaying palette1 choices -- -- -- ![wheel example](other/wheel.svg) wheelExample :: ChartOptions wheelExample = dotMap 0.01 50 0.5 0.5 (palette1 <$> [0 .. 7]) -- | The dotMap -- -- > dotMap 0.01 20 0.8 0.3 dotMap :: Double -> Int -> Double -> Double -> [Colour] -> ChartOptions dotMap s grain l maxchroma cs = mempty & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #charts .~ named "dots" (dot_ <$> cs) <> named "wheel" ( ( \(p, c) -> GlyphChart ( defaultGlyphStyle & #size .~ s & #color .~ c & #borderSize .~ 0 ) [p] ) <$> filter (validColour . snd) (wheelPoints grain l maxchroma) ) dot_ :: Colour -> Chart dot_ x = (\(p, c) -> GlyphChart (defaultGlyphStyle & #size .~ 0.08 & #color .~ c & #borderColor .~ Colour 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 & #shape .~ CircleGlyph) [p]) (colour2Point x, x) where colour2Point c = review lcha2colour' c & (\(LCHA _ ch h _) -> uncurry Point (review xy2ch' (ch, h))) wheelPoints :: Int -> Double -> Double -> [(Point Double, Colour)] wheelPoints grain l maxchroma = (\(Point c h) -> (uncurry Point $ view (re xy2ch') (c, h), view lcha2colour' (LCHA l c h 1))) <$> grid LowerPos (Rect 0 maxchroma 0 360) (Point grain grain) -- | Adding reference points and bounding boxes to visualize chart alignment for use in debugging charts. -- -- -- ![debug example](other/debug.svg) debugExample :: ChartOptions -> ChartOptions debugExample cs = mempty & set #markupOptions (view #markupOptions cs) & set (#hudOptions % #chartAspect) (view (#hudOptions % #chartAspect) cs) & set #charts (e1 <> e2 <> e3) where e1 = addHud (view #hudOptions cs) (view #charts cs) e2 = glyphize (defaultGlyphStyle & #size .~ 0.01 & #shape .~ CircleGlyph) e1 e3 = rectangularize (defaultRectStyle & #borderColor .~ dark & #borderSize .~ 0.001 & #color % opac' .~ 0.05) e1 -- | All the examples and the associated filepaths pathChartOptions :: [(FilePath, ChartOptions)] pathChartOptions = [ ("other/unit.svg", unitExample), ("other/rect.svg", rectExample), ("other/text.svg", textExample), ("other/glyphs.svg", glyphsExample), ("other/line.svg", lineExample), ("other/hudoptions.svg", hudOptionsExample), ("other/bar.svg", barExample), ("other/sbar.svg", sbarExample), ("other/surface.svg", surfaceExample), ("other/wave.svg", waveExample), ("other/venn.svg", vennExample), ("other/path.svg", pathExample), ("other/arcflags.svg", arcFlagsExample), ("other/ellipse.svg", ellipseExample (FixedAspect 1.7)), ("other/ellipse2.svg", ellipseExample (FixedAspect 2)), ("other/quad.svg", quadExample), ("other/cubic.svg", cubicExample), ("other/arrow.svg", arrowExample), ("other/date.svg", dateExample), ("other/gradient.svg", gradientExample), ("other/wheel.svg", wheelExample), ("other/debug.svg", debugExample lineExample), ("other/priorityv1.svg", priorityv1Example), ("other/priorityv2.svg", priorityv2Example) ] -- | Run this to refresh example SVG's. writeAllExamples :: IO () writeAllExamples = do mapM_ (uncurry writeChartOptions) pathChartOptions putStrLn "ok" -- | Version of charts with a dark-friendly hud writeAllExamplesDark :: IO () writeAllExamplesDark = do mapM_ ( uncurry writeChartOptions . bimap ((<> "d.svg") . reverse . drop 4 . reverse) ( \x -> x & #hudOptions %~ colourHudOptions (rgb light) & #markupOptions % #cssOptions % #preferColorScheme .~ PreferDark ) ) pathChartOptions putStrLn "dark version, ok"