{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}

module Chart.Unit
  ( scaleX
  , scaleY
  , blob
  , line1
  , scatter1
  , rect1
  , pixel1
  , arrow1
  , box
  , lineChart
  , scatterChart
  , histChart
  , arrowChart
  , rangeV4
  , rangeV42Rect
  , scaleV4s
  , toPixels
  , rescalePixels
  , pixelf
  , withChart
  , axes
  , combine
  , fileSvg
  , bubble
  -- , text1
  , histCompare
  ) where

import NumHask.Prelude hiding (min,max,from,to,(&))

import NumHask.Range
import NumHask.Rect
import NumHask.Histogram
import Chart.Types

import Control.Lens hiding (beside, none, (#), at)
import Data.Ord (max, min)
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG (SVG, renderSVG)
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding (width, unit, D, Color, scale, zero, scaleX, scaleY, aspect, rect, project)
import Formatting
import Linear hiding (zero, identity, unit, project)

import qualified Control.Foldl as L
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Diagrams.Prelude as Diagrams

-- | avoiding the scaleX zero throw
eps :: N [Point V2 Double]
eps = 1e-8

scaleX :: Double -> [Point V2 Double] -> [Point V2 Double]
scaleX s = Diagrams.scaleX (if s==zero then eps else s)

scaleY :: Double -> [Point V2 Double] -> [Point V2 Double]
scaleY s = Diagrams.scaleY (if s==zero then eps else s)

-- * chartlets are recipes for constructing QDiagrams from traversable containers of vectors and a configuration
-- a solid blob (shape) with a colour fill and no border
blob  (Floating (N a), Ord (N a), Typeable (N a), HasStyle a, V a ~ V2) 
    Chart.Types.Color  a  a
blob c = fcA (color c) # lcA (withOpacity black 0) # lw none

-- a line is just a scatter chart rendered with a line
-- (and with a usually stable x-value series)
line1  (Traversable f, R2 r) => LineConfig  f (r Double)  Chart b
line1 (LineConfig s c) ps = case NumHask.Prelude.head ps of
  Nothing -> mempty
  Just p0 -> stroke (trailFromVertices (toList $ (p2 . unr2) . view _xy <$> ps)
              p2 (unr2 (view _xy p0))) # lcA (color c) # lwN s

-- dots on the XY plane
scatter1  (Traversable f, R2 r) => ScatterConfig  f (r Double)  Chart b
scatter1 (ScatterConfig s c) ps =
  atPoints (toList $ (p2 . unr2) . view _xy <$> ps)
    (repeat $ circle s #
     blob c

-- | rectangles specified using a V4 x y z w where
-- (x,y) is location of lower left corner
-- (z,w) is location of upper right corner
rect1 :: (Traversable f) => RectConfig -> f (Rect Double) -> Chart b
rect1 cfg rs = mconcat $ toList $
    (\(Rect (V2 (Range (x,z)) (Range (y,w)))) ->
       (unitSquare #
        moveTo (p2 (0.5,0.5)) #
        Diagrams.scaleX (if z-x==zero then eps else z-x) #
        Diagrams.scaleY (if w-y==zero then eps else w-y) #
        moveTo (p2 (x,y)) #
        fcA (color $ cfg ^. rectColor) #
        lcA (color $ cfg ^. rectBorderColor) #
        lw 1
       )) <$> rs

arrow1 :: (Traversable f) => ArrowConfig Double -> f (V4 Double) -> Chart b
arrow1 cfg qs =
    fcA (color $ cfg ^. arrowColor) $ position $
    ((\(V4 x y _ _) -> p2 (x,y)) <$> toList qs)
    (arrowStyle cfg <$> toList qs)

arrowStyle :: ArrowConfig Double -> V4 Double -> Chart b
arrowStyle cfg (V4 _ _ z w) =
    arrowAt' opts (p2 (0, 0)) (sL *^ V2 z w)
    trunc minx maxx a = min (max minx a) maxx
    m = norm (V2 z w)
    hs = trunc (cfg ^. arrowMinHeadSize) (cfg ^. arrowMaxHeadSize) (cfg ^. arrowHeadSize * m)
    sW = trunc (cfg ^. arrowMinStaffWidth) (cfg ^. arrowMaxStaffWidth) (cfg ^. arrowStaffWidth * m)
    sL = trunc (cfg ^. arrowMinStaffLength) (cfg ^. arrowMaxStaffLength) (cfg ^. arrowStaffLength * m)
    opts = with & arrowHead .~ tri &
           headLength .~ global hs &
           shaftStyle %~ (lwG sW & lcA (color $ cfg ^. arrowColor)) &
           headStyle %~ (lcA (color $ cfg ^. arrowColor) & fcA (color $ cfg ^. arrowColor))

-- | convert from an XY to a polymorphic qdiagrams rectangle
box ::
    ( Field (N t)
    , N t ~ Double
    , V t ~ V2
    , HasOrigin t
    , Transformable t
    , TrailLike t) =>
    Rect Double -> t
box (Rect (V2 x y)) =
    moveOriginTo (p2 ( -x^.low - (x^.width/2)
                     , -y^.low - (y^.width/2))) $
    Diagrams.scaleX (if x^.width==zero then eps else x^.width) $
    Diagrams.scaleY (if y^.width==zero then eps else y^.width)

-- | a pixel is a rectangle with a color.
pixel1 :: (Traversable f) => f (Rect Double, Color) -> Chart b
pixel1 rs = mconcat $ toList $
    (\(Rect (V2 (Range (x,z)) (Range (y,w))), c) ->
       (unitSquare #
        moveTo (p2 (0.5,0.5)) #
        Diagrams.scaleX (if z-x==zero then eps else z-x) #
        Diagrams.scaleY (if w-y==zero then eps else w-y) #
        moveTo (p2 (x,y)) #
        fcA (color c) #
        lcA transparent #
        lw 0
       )) <$> rs

-- * charts are recipes for constructing a QDiagram from a specification of the XY plane to be projected on to (XY), a list of traversable vector containers and a list of configurations.

scatterChart ::
    (R2 r, Traversable f) =>
    [ScatterConfig] ->
    Aspect ->
    [f (r Double)] ->
    Chart a
scatterChart defs (Aspect xy) xyss = mconcat $ zipWith scatter1 defs (scaleR2s xy xyss)

lineChart ::
    (R2 r, Traversable f) =>
    [LineConfig] ->
    Aspect ->
    [f (r Double)] ->
    Chart a
lineChart defs (Aspect xy) xyss = mconcat $ zipWith line1 defs (scaleR2s xy xyss)

histChart ::
    (Traversable f) =>
    [RectConfig] ->
    Aspect ->
    [f (Rect Double)] ->
    Chart a
histChart defs (Aspect xy) rs =
    centerXY . mconcat . zipWith rect1 defs $ scaleRectss xy rs

toPixels :: Rect Double -> (V2 Double -> Double) -> PixelConfig -> [(Rect Double, Color)]
toPixels xy f cfg = zip g cs
      g = grid xy (view pixelGrain cfg)
      xs = f . midRect <$> g
      (Range (lx,ux)) = range xs
      (Range (lc0,uc0)) = view pixelGradient cfg
      cs = uncolor . (\x -> blend ((x - lx)/(ux - lx)) (color lc0) (color uc0)) <$> xs

rescalePixels :: Rect Double -> [(Rect Double, Color)] -> [(Rect Double, Color)]
rescalePixels xy xys = zip vs cs
    vs = scaleRects xy (fst <$> xys)
    cs = snd <$> xys

-- | pixels over an XY using a function
pixelf ::
    PixelConfig ->
    Aspect ->
    Rect Double ->
    (V2 Double -> Double) ->
    Chart a
pixelf cfg (Aspect asp) xy f =
    pixel1 $ rescalePixels asp (toPixels xy f cfg)

-- | arrow lengths and sizes also need to be scaled, and so arrows doesnt fit as neatly into the whole scaling idea
arrowChart ::
    (Traversable f) =>
    ArrowConfig Double ->
    V4 (Range Double) ->
    f (V4 Double) ->
    Chart a
arrowChart cfg xy xs =
    arrow1 cfg $ scaleV4s xy xs

-- | rescale a V4 from rold to rnew
rescaleV4P :: V4 (Range Double) -> V4 (Range Double) -> V4 Double -> V4 Double
rescaleV4P rold rnew q =
    over _x (project (rold^._x) (rnew^._x)) $
    over _y (project (rold^._y) (rnew^._y)) $
    over _z (project (rold^._z) (rnew^._z)) $
    over _w (project (rold^._w) (rnew^._w))

-- | rescale a container of V4s
rescaleV4 :: (Functor f) =>
    V4 (Range Double) -> V4 (Range Double) -> f (V4 Double) -> f (V4 Double)
rescaleV4 rold rnew qs = rescaleV4P rold rnew <$> qs

-- | scale a double container of V4s from the current range
scaleV4s :: (Traversable f) =>
    V4 (Range Double) -> f (V4 Double) -> f (V4 Double)
scaleV4s r f = rescaleV4 (rangeV4 f) r f

-- | V4 range of a V4 container
rangeV4 :: (Traversable f) => f (V4 Double) -> V4 (Range Double)
rangeV4 qs = V4 rx ry rz rw
    rx = range $ toList (view _x <$> qs)
    ry = range $ toList (view _y <$> qs)
    rz = range $ toList (view _z <$> qs)
    rw = range $ toList (view _w <$> qs)

rangeV42Rect :: V4 (Range Double) -> Rect Double
rangeV42Rect (V4 x y z w) = Rect (V2 (x<>z) (y<>w))

-- * axis rendering

-- | render with a chart configuration
withChart ::
    ( Traversable f
    , R2 r) =>
    ChartConfig ->
    (Aspect -> [f (r Double)] -> QDiagram a V2 Double Any) ->
    [f (r Double)] ->
    Chart' a
withChart conf renderer d = case conf^.chartRange of
  Nothing ->
      renderer (conf^.chartAspect) d <>
      axes (chartRange .~ Just (rangeR2s d) $ conf)
  Just axesRange ->
      combine (conf ^. chartAspect)
      [ QChart renderer r d
      , QChart
        (\asp _ ->
           ( chartAspect.~asp
           $ chartRange .~ Just axesRange
           $ conf))
      r = rangeR2s d

axes ::
    ChartConfig ->
    Chart' a
axes (ChartConfig p a r (Aspect asp@(Rect (V2 ax ay))) cc) =
    L.fold (L.Fold step begin (pad p)) a
    begin = box asp # fcA (color cc) # lcA (withOpacity black 0) # lw none
    step x cfg = beside dir x (mo $ axis1 cfg rendr tickr)
        rendr = case view axisOrientation cfg of
              X -> ax
              Y -> ay
        tickr = case view axisOrientation cfg of
              X -> rx
              Y -> ry
        dir   = case view axisPlacement cfg of
              AxisBottom -> r2 (0,-1)
              AxisTop -> r2 (0,1)
              AxisLeft -> r2 (-1,0)
              AxisRight -> r2 (1,0)
        mo    = case view axisOrientation cfg of
              X -> moveOriginTo (p2 ((-ax^.low)-(ax^.width)/2,0))
              Y -> moveOriginTo (p2 (0,(-ay^.low)-(ay^.width)/2))
        (Rect (V2 rx ry)) = fromMaybe one r

axis1 ::
    AxisConfig ->
    Range Double ->
    Range Double ->
    Chart' b
axis1 cfg rendr tickr = pad (cfg ^. axisPad) $ strut2 $ centerXY $
    (t <$> tickLocations)
    ((`mkLabel` cfg) <$> tickLabels)
  (axisRect (cfg ^. axisHeight) rendr
   # blob (cfg ^. axisColor))
    strut2 x = beside dir x $ strut1 (cfg ^. axisInsideStrut)
    dir = case cfg ^. axisPlacement of
      AxisBottom -> r2 (0,1)
      AxisTop -> r2 (0,-1)
      AxisLeft -> r2 (1,0)
      AxisRight -> r2 (-1,0)
    strut1 = case cfg ^. axisOrientation of
      X -> strutY
      Y -> strutX
    t = case cfg ^. axisOrientation of
      X -> \x -> p2 (x, 0)
      Y -> \y -> p2 (-(cfg ^. axisMarkSize), y)
    ticks0 = case cfg ^. axisTickStyle of
      TickNone -> []
      TickRound n -> linearSpaceSensible OuterPos tickr n
      TickExact n -> linearSpace OuterPos tickr n
      TickLabels _ -> []
      TickPlaced xs -> fst <$> xs
    tickLocations = case cfg ^. axisTickStyle of
      TickNone -> []
      {- To Do:
        rounded ticks introduce the possibility of marks beyond the existing range.
        if this happens, it should really be fed into the chart rendering as a new,
        revised range.
      TickRound _ -> project tickr rendr <$> ticks0
      TickExact _ -> project tickr rendr <$> ticks0
      TickLabels ls ->
          (Range (0, fromIntegral $ length ls))
          rendr <$>
          ((\x -> x - 0.5) . fromIntegral <$> [1..length ls])
      TickPlaced _ -> project tickr rendr <$> ticks0
    tickLabels = case cfg ^. axisTickStyle of
      TickNone -> []
      TickRound _ -> tickFormat <$> ticks0
      TickExact _ -> tickFormat <$> ticks0
      TickLabels ls -> ls
      TickPlaced xs -> snd <$> xs
    tickFormat = sformat (prec 2)
    axisRect h (Range (l,u)) = case cfg ^. axisOrientation of
      X -> moveTo (p2 (u,0)) .
          strokeTrail .
          closeTrail .
          fromVertices .
          scaleY h .
          scaleX (u-l) $
      Y -> moveTo (p2 (0,l)) .
          strokeTrail .
          closeTrail .
          fromVertices .
          scaleX h .
          scaleY (u-l) $

mkLabel ::
    Text ->
    AxisConfig ->
    Chart' b
mkLabel label cfg =
  beside dir
  (beside dir
   (rule (cfg ^. axisMarkSize) #
   lcA (color $ cfg ^. axisMarkColor))
    (cfg ^. axisAlignedTextRight)
    (cfg ^. axisAlignedTextBottom)
    (Text.unpack label) #
  Diagrams.scale (cfg ^. axisTextSize) #
  fcA (color $ cfg ^.axisTextColor))
    dir = case cfg ^. axisOrientation of
      X -> r2 (0,-1)
      Y -> r2 (-1,0)
    rule = case cfg ^. axisOrientation of
      X -> vrule
      Y -> hrule
    s = case cfg ^. axisOrientation of
      X -> strutY (cfg ^. axisLabelStrut)
      Y -> strutX (cfg ^. axisLabelStrut)

text1 ::
    TextConfig ->
    Text ->
    Chart' b
text1 cfg label =
    (cfg ^. textRight)
    (cfg ^. textBottom)
    (Text.unpack label) #
  Diagrams.scale (cfg ^. textSize) #
  fcA (color $ cfg ^.textColor)
    dir = case cfg ^. textOrientation of
      X -> r2 (0,-1)
      Y -> r2 (-1,0)

-- * rendering
-- | render a list of qcharts using a common scale
combine :: Aspect -> [QChart a b] -> Chart' a
combine (Aspect xy) qcs = mconcat $
    (\(QChart c xy1 x) -> c
          (Aspect $ xy `times` xy1 `times` recip xysum)
          x) <$> qcs
      xysum = mconcat $ (\(QChart _ xy1 _) -> xy1) <$> qcs

fileSvg  FilePath  (Double, Double)  Chart SVG  IO ()
fileSvg f s = renderSVG f (mkSizeSpec (Just <$> r2 s))

-- outline of a chart
bubble   a. (FromInteger (N a), MultiplicativeGroup (N a), RealFloat (N a), Traced a, V a ~ V2)  [a]  Int  [V a (N a)]
bubble chart' n = bubble'
    bubble' = ps
    ps = catMaybes $ maxRayTraceV (p2 (0,0)) <$>
        ((\x -> view (Diagrams.Prelude.from r2PolarIso) (1, x @@ rad)) .
         (\x -> fromIntegral x/10.0) <$> [0..n]) <*>

histCompare :: DealOvers -> Histogram -> Histogram -> Chart' a
histCompare o h1 h2 =
    let h = fromHist o h1
        h' = fromHist o h2
        h'' = zipWith (\(Rect (V2 (Range (x,y)) (Range (z,w)))) (Rect (V2 _ (Range (_,w')))) -> Rect (V2 (Range (x,y)) (Range (z,w-w')))) h h'
        flat = Aspect $ Rect (V2 (Range (-0.75,0.75)) (Range (-0.25,0.25)))
      pad 1.1 $
        beside (r2 (0,-1)) (histChart
        [ def
        , rectBorderColor .~ Color 0 0 0 0
        $ rectColor .~ Color 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.1
        $ def ] sixbyfour [h,h'] <>
        axes (ChartConfig 1.1
              (Just (fold $ fold [abs <$> h,abs <$> h']))
              sixbyfour (uncolor transparent)))
        [ rectBorderColor .~ Color 0 0 0 0
        $ rectColor .~ Color 0.888 0.333 0.333 0.8
        $ def ] flat [abs <$> h''] <>
        axes (ChartConfig 1.1
              [ axisAlignedTextBottom .~ 0.65 $
                axisAlignedTextRight .~ 1 $
                axisOrientation .~ Y $
                axisPlacement .~ AxisLeft $
              (Just (fold $ abs <$> h''))
              flat (uncolor transparent)))