{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables, Trustworthy #-}
  This module is part of Chatty.
  Copyleft (c) 2014 Marvin Cohrs

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  Please share Chatty with everyone you like.

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-- | Provides a variable-storing monad and functions for access. Not recommended. Use IORef, STRef or the like. Really.
module Data.Chatty.Atoms where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import qualified Control.Category as C
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Chatty.AVL
import Data.Chatty.Counter
import Unsafe.Coerce

-- | Phantom type for atom IDs
data Atom a = Atom Int
            | forall b. FunAtom Int (Atom b) (b -> a) (b -> a -> b)
            | forall b c. FunAtom2 Int (Atom b) (Atom c) ((b,c) -> a) ((b,c) -> a -> (b,c))

instance Eq (Atom a) where
  (Atom n) == (Atom m) = n == m
  (FunAtom i _ _ _) == (FunAtom j _ _ _) = i == j
  (FunAtom2 i _ _ _ _) == (FunAtom2 j _ _ _ _) = i == j
  _ == _ = False

instance Ord (Atom a) where
  (Atom n) `compare` (Atom m) = n `compare` m
  (FunAtom i _ _ _) `compare` (Atom m) = i `compare` m
  (FunAtom2 i _ _ _ _) `compare` (Atom m) = i `compare` m
  (Atom n) `compare` (FunAtom j _ _ _) = n `compare` j
  (FunAtom i _ _ _) `compare` (FunAtom j _ _ _) = i `compare` j
  (FunAtom2 i _ _ _ _) `compare` (FunAtom j _ _ _) = i `compare` j
  (Atom n) `compare` (FunAtom2 j _ _ _ _) = n `compare` j
  (FunAtom i _ _ _) `compare` (FunAtom2 j _ _ _ _) = i `compare` j
  (FunAtom2 i _ _ _ _) `compare` (FunAtom2 j _ _ _ _) = i `compare` j

newtype Container = Container ()

-- | The storage monad
newtype AtomStoreT m a = AtomStore { runAtomStoreT :: AVL (Int, Container) -> m (a,AVL (Int,Container)) }

instance Functor m => Functor (AtomStoreT m) where
  fmap f a = AtomStore $ \s -> fmap (first f) $ runAtomStoreT a s

instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (AtomStoreT m) where
  pure = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad m => Monad (AtomStoreT m) where
  return a = AtomStore $ \s -> return (a,s)
  m >>= f = AtomStore $ \s -> do (a,s') <- runAtomStoreT m s; runAtomStoreT (f a) s'

instance MonadTrans AtomStoreT where
  lift m = AtomStore $ \s -> do a <- m; return (a,s)

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (AtomStoreT m) where
  liftIO = lift . liftIO

instance ChCounter m => ChCounter (AtomStoreT m) where
  countOn = lift countOn

-- | Typeclass for all atom-storing monads.
class ChCounter m => ChAtoms m where
  -- | Reserve a new atom.
  newAtom :: m (Atom v)
  newAtom = liftM Atom countOn
  -- | Construct a new functional atom.
  funAtom :: Atom b -> (b -> a) -> (b -> a -> b) -> m (Atom a)
  funAtom b r p = do
    i <- countOn
    return $ FunAtom i b r p
  -- | Construct a new doubly-source functional atom
  funAtom2 :: Atom b -> Atom c -> ((b,c) -> a) -> ((b,c) -> a -> (b,c)) -> m (Atom a)
  funAtom2 b c r p = do
    i <- countOn
    return $ FunAtom2 i b c r p
  -- | Save a value for the given atom.
  putAtom :: Atom v -> v -> m ()
  -- | Get the value from a given atom.
  getAtom :: Atom v -> m v
  -- | Dispose the given atom.
  dispAtom :: Atom v -> m ()
  -- | Clone the given atom.
  cloneAtom :: Atom v -> m (Atom v)
  cloneAtom a = do
    b <- newAtom
    v <- getAtom a
    putAtom b v
    return b

instance ChCounter m => ChAtoms (AtomStoreT m) where
  putAtom (Atom a) v = AtomStore $ \s -> return ((),avlInsert (a,unsafeCoerce v) s)
  putAtom (FunAtom _ b _ p) v = do
    bv <- getAtom b
    putAtom b $ p bv v
  putAtom (FunAtom2 _ b c _ p) v = do
    bv <- getAtom b
    cv <- getAtom c
    let (bv',cv') = p (bv, cv) v
    putAtom b bv'
    putAtom c cv'
  getAtom (Atom a) = AtomStore $ \s -> let Just v = avlLookup a s in return (unsafeCoerce v,s)
  getAtom (FunAtom _ b g _) = liftM g $ getAtom b
  getAtom (FunAtom2 _ b c g _) = do
    bv <- getAtom b
    cv <- getAtom c
    return $ g (bv,cv)
  dispAtom (Atom a) = AtomStore $ \s -> return ((),avlRemove a s)
  dispAtom (FunAtom _ _ _ _) = return ()
  dispAtom (FunAtom2 _ _ _ _ _) = return ()

-- Stop it. This just doesn't work safely.
{-- | Arrow type operating on atoms. Works by overwriting the educt. You should really *not* use
-- this for general a->b arrows, but only for a->a, unless you are sure that all Atom a references
-- are gone! Otherwise segfaults are waiting for you!
newtype Atomar m a b = Atomar { runAtomar :: Atom a -> m (Atom b) }

instance ChAtoms m => C.Category (Atomar m) where
  id = Atomar return
  a . b = Atomar (runAtomar a <=< runAtomar b)

instance ChAtoms m => Arrow (Atomar m) where
  arr = Atomar . mapAtom
  first f = Atomar $ \a -> do
    let afst = funAtom a fst $ \(_,s) f -> (f,s)
    mapAtom afst

-- | Run a pure function on atoms.
mapAtom :: ChAtoms m => (a -> a) -> Atom a -> m ()
mapAtom f a = do
  v <- getAtom a
  putAtom a $ f v

-- | Arrow type operating on atoms. Works by cloning the educt, then overwriting the clone.
-- You shouldn't use this inside long-term environments, as massive usage blows up the memory.
newtype Redundant m a b = Redundant { runRedundant :: Atom a -> m (Atom b) }

instance ChAtoms m => C.Category (Redundant m) where
  id = Redundant return
  a . b = Redundant (runRedundant a <=< runRedundant b)

instance ChAtoms m => Arrow (Redundant m) where
  arr f = Redundant $ \a -> do
    v <- getAtom a
    b <- newAtom
    putAtom b $ f v
    return b
  first f = Redundant $ \a -> do
    c <- runRedundant f =<< funAtom a fst (\(_, s) f -> (f, s))
    funAtom2 a c (\((_,s),f) -> (f,s)) $ \((e,s),f) (f',s') -> ((e,s'),f')