{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies      #-}

module ChatWork.Utils (
    -- * help to construct endpoint
    , baseUrl
    , mkTokenHeader
    -- * Custamize Managaer
    , getHttpResponse'
    , fixEmptyStringManager
    , fixEmptyString
    -- * DELETE HTTP method with paramater
    , DELETE2(..)
    -- * help to make 'FromJSON' instance
    , strLength
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class       (MonadIO (..))
import           Data.ByteString              (ByteString)
import           Data.Default.Class           (def)
import           Data.List                    (lookup)
import           Data.Maybe                   (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Proxy                   (Proxy (..))
import           Network.Connection           (initConnectionContext)
import           Network.HTTP.Client          (BodyReader, Manager,
                                               ManagerSettings (..), Request,
                                               Response (..), newManager)
import           Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (constBodyReader)
import           Network.HTTP.Client.TLS      (mkManagerSettingsContext)
import           Network.HTTP.Req             (AllowsBody (..),
                                               CanHaveBody (..),
                                               HttpMethod (..),
                                               HttpResponse (..), MonadHttp,
                                               Option, Scheme (Https), Url,
                                               header, https, (/:))
import           Network.HTTP.Types           (methodDelete)
import           Network.HTTP.Types.Header    (hContentLength)

-- |
-- ChatWork API Token
-- detail is <http://developer.chatwork.com/ja/authenticate.html>
type Token = ByteString

-- |
-- Base URL for endpoints
-- TODO : change type class function
baseUrl :: Url 'Https
baseUrl = https "api.chatwork.com" /: "v2"

-- |
-- Make HTTP Header to authenticate API Token of ChatWork
mkTokenHeader :: Token -> Option 'Https
mkTokenHeader token = header "X-ChatWorkToken" token

-- |
-- Helper function that use custamized Manager
getHttpResponse' :: (HttpResponse a, MonadHttp m) => Proxy a -> Request -> Manager -> m a
getHttpResponse' Proxy r m = liftIO $ getHttpResponse r =<< fixEmptyStringManager

fixEmptyStringManager :: IO Manager
fixEmptyStringManager = do
  context <- initConnectionContext
  let settings = mkManagerSettingsContext (Just context) def Nothing
  newManager $ settings { managerModifyResponse = fixEmptyString }

-- |
-- if response is no contents, replace "[]".
-- aeson return parse error when response is no content response
fixEmptyString :: Response BodyReader -> IO (Response BodyReader)
fixEmptyString res = do
  reader <- constBodyReader ["[]"]
    contentLength = fromMaybe "0" $ lookup hContentLength (responseHeaders res)
  return $ if contentLength /= "0" then res else res { responseBody = reader }

-- |
-- if want to use Delete HTTP methos with request param, use this type.
-- ref : <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/req-0.3.0/docs/Network-HTTP-Req.html#t:DELETE>

instance HttpMethod DELETE2 where
  type AllowsBody DELETE2 = 'CanHaveBody
  httpMethodName Proxy = methodDelete

-- |
-- for resolve ambiguous type
strLength :: String -> Int
strLength = length