cheapskate (28 May 2015) * Bump blaze-html version bound. cheapskate (08 Dec 2014) * Allow building with base- (RyanGLScott). cheapskate (08 Dec 2014) * Increased upper bounds for text (RyanGlScott), mtl. * Fixed usage message in command-line utility (cdosborn). * Added flag to build `cheapskate-dingus`. * Dingus: extract version from Paths_cheapskate. * Fixed compiler warnings. * Added `()`, made string in `ParseError` describe what is expected. * On parse failure, return error with greatest position. This generally gives more useful messages. cheapskate (10 Mar 2014) * Increased version bounds for text, blaze-html. * Made pImage more efficient, avoiding backtracking. cheapskate 0.1 (05 Jan 2014) * Initial release.