module Test.Chell.Types
  ( Test
  , test
  , testName

  , TestOptions
  , defaultTestOptions
  , testOptionSeed
  , testOptionTimeout

  , TestResult(TestPassed, TestSkipped, TestFailed, TestAborted)

  , Failure
  , failure
  , failureLocation
  , failureMessage

  , Location
  , location
  , locationFile
  , locationModule
  , locationLine

  , Suite
  , suite
  , suiteName
  , suiteTests

  , SuiteOrTest
  , skipIf
  , skipWhen

  , runTest

  , handleJankyIO
  ) where

import qualified Control.Exception
import           Control.Exception (SomeException, Handler(..), catches, throwIO)
import           System.Timeout (timeout)

-- | A 'Test' is, essentially, an IO action that returns a 'TestResult'. Tests
-- are aggregated into suites (see 'Suite').
data Test =
  Test String (TestOptions -> IO TestResult)

instance Show Test
    showsPrec d (Test name _) = showParen (d > 10) (showString "Test " . shows name)

-- | Define a test, with the given name and implementation.
test :: String -> (TestOptions -> IO TestResult) -> Test
test = Test

-- | Get the name a test was given when it was defined; see 'test'.
testName :: Test -> String
testName (Test name _) = name

-- | Test options are passed to each test, and control details about how the
-- test should be run.
data TestOptions =

    -- | Get the RNG seed for this test run. The seed is generated once, in
    -- 'defaultMain', and used for all tests. It is also logged to reports
    -- using a note.
    -- When using 'defaultMain', users may specify a seed using the
    -- @--seed@ command-line option.
    -- 'testOptionSeed' is a field accessor, and can be used to update
    -- a 'TestOptions' value.
      testOptionSeed :: Int

    -- | An optional timeout, in millseconds. Tests which run longer than
    -- this timeout will be aborted.
    -- When using 'defaultMain', users may specify a timeout using the
    -- @--timeout@ command-line option.
    -- 'testOptionTimeout' is a field accessor, and can be used to update
    -- a 'TestOptions' value.
    , testOptionTimeout :: Maybe Int
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Default test options.
-- >$ ghci
-- >Prelude> import Test.Chell
-- >
-- >Test.Chell> testOptionSeed defaultTestOptions
-- >0
-- >
-- >Test.Chell> testOptionTimeout defaultTestOptions
-- >Nothing
defaultTestOptions :: TestOptions
defaultTestOptions =
    { testOptionSeed = 0
    , testOptionTimeout = Nothing

-- | The result of running a test.
-- To support future extensions to the testing API, any users of this module
-- who pattern-match against the 'TestResult' constructors should include a
-- default case. If no default case is provided, a warning will be issued.
data TestResult
  -- | The test passed, and generated the given notes.
  = TestPassed [(String, String)]

  -- | The test did not run, because it was skipped with 'skipIf'
  -- or 'skipWhen'.
  | TestSkipped

  -- | The test failed, generating the given notes and failures.
  | TestFailed [(String, String)] [Failure]

  -- | The test aborted with an error message, and generated the given
  -- notes.
  | TestAborted [(String, String)] String

  -- Not exported; used to generate GHC warnings for users who don't
  -- provide a default case.
  | TestResultCaseMustHaveDefault
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Contains details about a test failure.
data Failure =
    -- | If given, the location of the failing assertion, expectation,
    -- etc.
    -- 'failureLocation' is a field accessor, and can be used to update
    -- a 'Failure' value.
      failureLocation :: Maybe Location

    -- | If given, a message which explains why the test failed.
    -- 'failureMessage' is a field accessor, and can be used to update
    -- a 'Failure' value.
    , failureMessage :: String
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | An empty 'Failure'; use the field accessors to populate this value.
failure :: Failure
failure = Failure Nothing ""

-- | Contains details about a location in the test source file.
data Location =
    -- | A path to a source file, or empty if not provided.
    -- 'locationFile' is a field accessor, and can be used to update
    -- a 'Location' value.
      locationFile :: String

    -- | A Haskell module name, or empty if not provided.
    -- 'locationModule' is a field accessor, and can be used to update
    -- a 'Location' value.
    , locationModule :: String

    -- | A line number, or Nothing if not provided.
    -- 'locationLine' is a field accessor, and can be used to update
    -- a 'Location' value.
    , locationLine :: Maybe Integer
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | An empty 'Location'; use the field accessors to populate this value.
location :: Location
location = Location "" "" Nothing

-- | A suite is a named collection of tests.
-- Note: earlier versions of Chell permitted arbitrary nesting of test suites.
-- This feature proved too unwieldy, and was removed. A similar result can be
-- achieved with 'suiteTests'; see the documentation for 'suite'.
data Suite =
  Suite String [Test]
  deriving Show

class SuiteOrTest a
    skipIf_ :: Bool -> a -> a
    skipWhen_ :: IO Bool -> a -> a

instance SuiteOrTest Suite
    skipIf_ skip s@(Suite name children) =
        if skip
            then Suite name (map (skipIf_ skip) children)
            else s

    skipWhen_ p (Suite name children) =
        Suite name (map (skipWhen_ p) children)

instance SuiteOrTest Test
    skipIf_ skip t@(Test name _) =
        if skip
            then Test name (\_ -> return TestSkipped)
            else t

    skipWhen_ p (Test name io) =
        Test name
            (\opts ->
                skip <- p
                if skip then return TestSkipped else io opts

-- | Conditionally skip tests. Use this to avoid commenting out tests
-- which are currently broken, or do not work on the current platform.
-- @
--tests :: Suite
--tests = 'suite' \"tests\"
--    [ test_Foo
--    , 'skipIf' builtOnUnix test_WindowsSpecific
--    , test_Bar
--    ]
-- @
skipIf :: SuiteOrTest a => Bool -> a -> a
skipIf = skipIf_

-- | Conditionally skip tests, depending on the result of a runtime check. The
-- predicate is checked before each test is started.
-- @
--tests :: Suite
--tests = 'suite' \"tests\"
--    [ test_Foo
--    , 'skipWhen' noNetwork test_PingGoogle
--    , test_Bar
--    ]
-- @
skipWhen :: SuiteOrTest a => IO Bool -> a -> a
skipWhen = skipWhen_

-- | Define a new 'Suite', with the given name and children.
-- Note: earlier versions of Chell permitted arbitrary nesting of test suites.
-- This feature proved too unwieldy, and was removed. A similar result can be
-- achieved with 'suiteTests':
-- @
--test_Addition :: Test
--test_Subtraction :: Test
--test_Show :: Test
--suite_Math :: Suite
--suite_Math = 'suite' \"math\"
--    [ test_Addition
--    , test_Subtraction
--    ]
--suite_Prelude :: Suite
--suite_Prelude = 'suite' \"prelude\"
--    (
--      [ test_Show
--      ]
--      ++ suiteTests suite_Math
--    )
-- @
suite :: String -> [Test] -> Suite
suite = Suite

-- | Get a suite's name. Suite names may be any string, but are typically
-- plain ASCII so users can easily type them on the command line.
-- >$ ghci chell-example.hs
-- >Ok, modules loaded: Main.
-- >
-- >*Main> suiteName tests_Math
-- >"math"
suiteName :: Suite -> String
suiteName (Suite name _) = name

-- | Get the full list of tests contained within this 'Suite'. Each test is
-- given its full name within the test hierarchy, where names are separated
-- by periods.
-- >$ ghci chell-example.hs
-- >Ok, modules loaded: Main.
-- >
-- >*Main> suiteTests tests_Math
-- >[Test "math.addition",Test "math.subtraction"]
suiteTests :: Suite -> [Test]
suiteTests = go ""
    prefixed prefix str =
        if null prefix
            then str
            else prefix ++ "." ++ str

    go prefix (Suite name children) =
        concatMap (step (prefixed prefix name)) children

    step prefix (Test name io) = [Test (prefixed prefix name) io]

-- | Run a test, wrapped in error handlers. This will return 'TestAborted' if
-- the test throws an exception or times out.
runTest :: Test -> TestOptions -> IO TestResult
runTest (Test _ io) options = handleJankyIO options (io options) (return [])

handleJankyIO :: TestOptions -> IO TestResult -> IO [(String, String)] -> IO TestResult
handleJankyIO opts getResult getNotes =
        withTimeout =
            case testOptionTimeout opts of
                Just time -> timeout (time * 1000)
                Nothing -> fmap Just

        hitTimeout = str
            str = "Test timed out after " ++ show time ++ " milliseconds"
            Just time = testOptionTimeout opts

    tried <- withTimeout (try getResult)
    case tried of
        Just (Right ret) -> return ret
        Nothing ->
            notes <- getNotes
            return (TestAborted notes hitTimeout)
        Just (Left err) ->
            notes <- getNotes
            return (TestAborted notes err)

try :: IO a -> IO (Either String a)
try io = catches (fmap Right io) [Handler handleAsync, Handler handleExc]
    handleAsync :: Control.Exception.AsyncException -> IO a
    handleAsync = throwIO

    handleExc :: SomeException -> IO (Either String a)
    handleExc exc = return (Left ("Test aborted due to exception: " ++ show exc))