Name: chp-plus Version: Synopsis: A set of high-level concurrency utilities built on Communicating Haskell Processes License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Neil Brown Maintainer: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008--2010, University of Kent and Neil Brown Stability: Stable Tested-with: GHC==6.10.4, GHC==6.12.1 Description: In version 1.0.0, this package contains functionality split off during the chp 1.x to 2.0 transition. In future, it will contain any new CHP features that build on the core library, and that do not require access to CHP's internals. This package is closely tied to the chp package. Homepage: Category: Concurrency Cabal-Version: >= 1.2.3 Build-Type: Simple Library Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, chp >= 2.2 && < 2.3, containers, deepseq >= 1.1, extensible-exceptions >=, HUnit, pretty, QuickCheck >= 2.7, stm Exposed-modules: Control.Concurrent.CHP.Actions Control.Concurrent.CHP.Arrow Control.Concurrent.CHP.Behaviours Control.Concurrent.CHP.Buffers Control.Concurrent.CHP.Common Control.Concurrent.CHP.Composed Control.Concurrent.CHP.Connect Control.Concurrent.CHP.Connect.TwoDim Control.Concurrent.CHP.Console Control.Concurrent.CHP.Test Extensions: CPP FlexibleInstances MultiParamTypeClasses ParallelListComp Rank2Types ScopedTypeVariables TypeFamilies GHC-Options: -Wall -auto-all