Example Chu2 Application in Agda ================================== ```agda module Hello where import IO.Primitive as Prim open import Chu2 open import Foreign.Haskell open import Data.List open import Chu2.ByteString {-# IMPORT Chu2.Handler.SnapServerFFI #-} postulate runChu2 : Application -> Prim.IO Unit {-# COMPILED runChu2 Chu2.Handler.SnapServerFFI.runChu2 #-} hello_world_response = response OK [] (pack "Hello Agda!") hello_world_app : Application hello_world_app = \_ -> Prim.return hello_world_response main = runChu2 hello_world_app ``` Note ==== * need the Agda standard library: * need to read the Agda tutorial and be able to run Agda script from emacs: