# Test Vectors for CipherSaber Copyright © 2015 Bart Massey These test vectors are taken from the original CipherSaber [documentation](http://ciphersaber.gurus.org/). * `cstest1.cs1`: Plaintext "This is a test of CipherSaber." with no newline. Key "asdfg". * `cstest2.cs1`: Plaintext of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Key "SecretMessageforCongress" (note lowercase "f"). * `cknight.cs1`: Plaintext is GIF image of CipherKnight certificate. Key "ThomasJefferson". You must write your own CipherSaber implementation to claim this certificate. * `cstest.cs2`: Plaintext "This is a test of CipherSaber-2." with no newline. Ten rounds of key scheduling. Key "asdfg". [This website](http://www.cypherspace.org/adam/csvec/) describes some human-memorable test vectors for CipherSaber-2 with 20-round key scheduling and provides software to generate more. My favorite is the ciphertext input "Al Dakota guts" with key "Al", which corresponds to the plaintext "held".