## Notes on failures ### test/csl/bugreports_UnisaHarvardInitialization.txt The expected output here includes a trailing space, which we delete. ### test/csl/number_PlainHyphenOrEnDashAlwaysPlural.txt citeproc-js uses some heuristics to identify plurals, but they aren't part of the spec and aren't entirely reliable. "The logic will only set plurals where there is a numeric unit on either side of a hyphen or en-dash. Numeric units are strings ending in a number, or alphabetic strings consisting entirely of characters appropriate to a roman numeral." This won't catch 4a-5a or IIa-VIb. ### test/csl/variables_TitleShortOnShortTitleNoTitleCondition.txt This test is contrary to the spec. The whole group should be suppressed because it contains variables but none are called. See https://github.com/citation-style-language/test-suite/issues/29