>>==== MODE ====>> citation <<==== MODE ====<< >>==== RESULT ====>> (Baines, Lightfoot, Benedettini, et al., 2009) (Baines, Lightfoot and Kay, 2009) (Grubic et al., 2009) <<==== RESULT ====<< >>==== CITATION-ITEMS ====>> [ [ { "id": "ITEM-1" } ], [ { "id": "ITEM-2" } ], [ { "id": "ITEM-3" } ] ] <<==== CITATION-ITEMS ====<< >>==== CSL ====>> <<==== CSL ====<< >>==== INPUT ====>> [ { "URL": "http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1795171&show=abstract", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2013", 1, 30 ] ], "season": "22:56:08" }, "author": [ { "family": "Baines", "given": "T. S." }, { "family": "Lightfoot", "given": "H. W." }, { "family": "Benedettini", "given": "O." }, { "family": "Kay", "given": "J. M." } ], "container-title": "Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management", "id": "ITEM-1", "issue": "5", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2009" ] ] }, "key": "T44568NT", "page": "547–567", "source": "Google Scholar", "title": "The servitization of manufacturing: a review of literature and reflection on future challenges", "title-short": "The servitization of manufacturing", "type": "article-journal", "volume": "20" }, { "DOI": "10.1243/09544054JEM1552", "ISSN": "0954-4054, 2041-2975", "URL": "http://pib.sagepub.com/content/223/9/1207", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2013", 1, 30 ] ], "season": "22:38:38" }, "author": [ { "family": "Baines", "given": "T. S." }, { "family": "Lightfoot", "given": "H. W." }, { "family": "Kay", "given": "J. M." } ], "container-title": "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture", "id": "ITEM-2", "issue": "9", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2009", 9, 1 ] ] }, "journalAbbreviation": "Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture", "key": "BZ6F9U6V", "language": "en", "page": "1207-1215", "source": "pib.sagepub.com", "title": "Servitized manufacture: Practical challenges of delivering integrated products and services", "title-short": "Servitized manufacture", "type": "article-journal", "volume": "223" }, { "URL": "", "accessed": { "date-parts": [ [ "2012", 10, 22 ] ] }, "author": [ { "family": "Grubic", "given": "T." }, { "family": "Jennions", "given": "I." }, { "family": "Baines", "given": "T. S." } ], "id": "ITEM-3", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ "2009" ] ] }, "key": "3GG82XQE", "source": "Google Scholar", "title": "The Interaction of PSS and PHM-a mutual benefit case", "type": "paper-conference" } ] <<==== INPUT ====<< >>===== VERSION =====>> 1.0 <<===== VERSION =====<<