The expected output includes a trailing space which this library deletes. >>===== MODE =====>> bibliography <<===== MODE =====<< Note: Previously expected plain hyphen on issue number. >>===== RESULT =====>>
COLE, S. J.; MOORE, R. Hydrological modelling using raingauge- and radar-based estimators of areal rainfall. Journal of Hydrology, v. 358, n. 3–4, p. 159–181, 2008.
<<===== RESULT =====<< >>===== CSL =====>> <<===== CSL =====<< >>===== INPUT =====>> [ { "DOI": "10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.05.025", "ISSN": "0022-1694", "author": [ { "family": "Cole", "given": "Steven J." }, { "family": "Moore", "given": "Robert" } ], "container-title": "Journal of Hydrology", "id": "ITEM-1", "issue": "3-4", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2008 ] ] }, "page": "159-181", "title": "Hydrological modelling using raingauge- and radar-based estimators of areal rainfall", "type": "article-journal", "url": "", "volume": "358" } ] <<===== INPUT =====<< >>===== VERSION =====>> 1.0 <<===== VERSION =====<<