{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Text.CSL.Eval.Date
-- Copyright   :  (c) Andrea Rossato
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unitn.it>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- The CSL implementation

module Text.CSL.Eval.Date where

import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
import Control.Monad.State

import Text.CSL.Eval.Common
import Text.CSL.Eval.Output
import Text.CSL.Parser ( toRead )
import Text.CSL.Reference
import Text.CSL.Style
import Text.Pandoc.Definition ( Inline (Str,EnDash) )

evalDate :: Element -> State EvalState [Output]
evalDate (Date s f fm dl dp dp') = do
  tm <- gets $ terms . env
  k  <- getStringVar "ref-id"
  em <- gets mode
  let updateFM (Formatting aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an)
               (Formatting _  _  bc bd be bf bg bh _  bj bk _ _ _) =
                   Formatting aa ab (updateS ac bc)
                                    (updateS ad bd)
                                    (updateS ae be)
                                    (updateS af bf)
                                    (updateS ag bg)
                                    (updateS ah bh)
                                    (updateS aj bj)
                                    (if bk /= ak then bk else ak)
                                    al am an
      updateS a b = if b /= a && b /= [] then b else a
  case f of
    NoFormDate -> return . outputList fm dl . concatMap (formatDate em k tm dp) =<< mapM getDateVar s
    _          -> do Date _ _ lfm ldl ldp _ <- getDate f
                     let go dps = return . outputList (updateFM fm lfm) (if ldl /= [] then ldl else dl) .
                                  concatMap (formatDate em k tm dps)
                         update l x@(DatePart a b c d) =
                             case filter ((==) a . dpName) l of
                               (DatePart _ b' c' d':_) -> DatePart a (updateS  b b')
                                                                     (updateS  c c')
                                                                     (updateFM d d')
                               _                       -> x
                         updateDP = map (update dp) ldp
                         date     = mapM getDateVar s
                     case dp' of
                       "year-month" -> go (filter ((/=) "day"  . dpName) updateDP) =<< date
                       "year"       -> go (filter ((==) "year" . dpName) updateDP) =<< date
                       _            -> go                                updateDP  =<< date

evalDate _ = return []

getDate :: DateForm -> State EvalState Element
getDate f = do
  x <- filter (\(Date _ df _ _ _ _) -> df == f) <$> gets (dates . env)
  case x of
    [x'] -> return x'
    _    -> return $ Date [] NoFormDate emptyFormatting [] [] []

formatDate :: EvalMode -> String -> [TermMap] -> [DatePart] -> [RefDate] -> [Output]
formatDate em k tm dp date
    | [d]     <- date = concatMap (formatDatePart False d) dp
    | (a:b:_) <- date = concat $ (start a b ++ end a b ++ coda b)
    | otherwise       = []
      start a b = map (formatDatePart False a) . init          . diff a b $ dp
      end   a b = map (formatDatePart True  a) . return . last . diff a b $ dp
      coda    b = map (formatDatePart False b) dp
      diff  a b = filter (flip elem (diffDate a b) . dpName)
      diffDate (RefDate ya ma _ da _ _)
               (RefDate yb mb _ db _ _) = case () of
                                            _ | ya /= yb  -> ["year","month","day"]
                                              | ma /= mb  -> ["month","day"]
                                              | da /= db  -> ["day"]
                                              | otherwise -> ["year","month","day"]

      term f t = let f' = if f `elem` ["verb", "short", "verb-short", "symbol"]
                          then read $ toRead f
                          else Long
                 in maybe [] fst $ lookup (t, f') tm

      addZero n = if length n == 1 then '0' : n else n
      addZeros  = reverse . take 5 . flip (++) (repeat '0') . reverse
      formatDatePart False (RefDate y m e d _ _) (DatePart n f _ fm)
          | "year"  <- n, y /= [] = return $ OYear (formatYear  f y) k fm
          | "month" <- n, m /= [] = output fm      (formatMonth f m)
          | "day"   <- n, d /= [] = output fm      (formatDay   f d)
          | "month" <- n, m == []
                        , e /= [] = output fm $ term f ("season-0" ++ e)

      formatDatePart True (RefDate y m e d _ _) (DatePart n f rd fm)
          | "year"  <- n, y /= [] = OYear (formatYear  f y) k (fm {suffix = []}) : formatDelim
          | "month" <- n, m /= [] = output (fm {suffix = []}) (formatMonth f m) ++ formatDelim
          | "day"   <- n, d /= [] = output (fm {suffix = []}) (formatDay   f d) ++ formatDelim
          | "month" <- n, m == []
                        , e /= [] = output (fm {suffix = []}) $ term f ("season-0" ++ e)
            formatDelim = if rd == "-" then [OPan [EnDash]] else [OPan [Str rd]]

      formatDatePart _ (RefDate _ _ _ _ o _) (DatePart n _ _ fm)
          | "year"  <- n, o /= [] = output fm o
          | otherwise             = []

      formatYear f y
          | "short" <- f = drop 2 y
          | isSorting em
          , iy < 0       = '-' : addZeros (tail y)
          | isSorting em = addZeros y
          | iy < 0       = show (abs iy) ++ term [] "bc"
          | length y < 4
          , iy /= 0      = y ++ term [] "ad"
          | iy == 0      = []
          | otherwise    = y
            iy = readNum y
      formatMonth f m
          | "short"   <- f = getMonth fst
          | "long"    <- f = getMonth fst
          | "numeric" <- f = m
          | otherwise      = addZero m
            getMonth g = maybe m g $ lookup ("month-" ++ addZero m, read $ toRead f) tm
      formatDay f d
          | "numeric-leading-zeros" <- f = addZero d
          | "ordinal"               <- f = ordinal tm d
          | otherwise                    = d

ordinal :: [TermMap] -> String -> String
ordinal _ [] = []
ordinal tm s
    = case last s of
        '1' -> s ++ term "1"
        '2' -> s ++ term "2"
        '3' -> s ++ term "3"
        _   -> s ++ term "4"
      term t = maybe [] fst $ lookup ("ordinal-0" ++ t, Long) tm

longOrdinal :: [TermMap] -> String -> String
longOrdinal _ [] = []
longOrdinal tm s
    | num > 10 ||
      num == 0  = ordinal tm s
    | otherwise = case last s of
                    '1' -> term "01"
                    '2' -> term "02"
                    '3' -> term "03"
                    '4' -> term "04"
                    '5' -> term "05"
                    '6' -> term "06"
                    '7' -> term "07"
                    '8' -> term "08"
                    '9' -> term "09"
                    _   -> term "10"
      num    = readNum s
      term t = maybe [] fst $ lookup ("long-ordinal-" ++ t, Long) tm