{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Text.CSL.Proc
-- Copyright   :  (c) Andrea Rossato
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unitn.it>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- This module provides functions for processing the evaluated
-- 'Output' for disambiguation and citation collapsing.

module Text.CSL.Proc where

import Control.Arrow ( (&&&), (>>>), second )
import Data.List
import Data.Ord  ( comparing )

import Text.CSL.Eval
import Text.CSL.Output.Plain
import Text.CSL.Parser
import Text.CSL.Proc.Collapse
import Text.CSL.Proc.Disamb
import Text.CSL.Reference
import Text.CSL.Style

data ProcOpts
    = ProcOpts
      { bibOpts :: BibOpts
    deriving ( Show, Read, Eq )

data BibOpts
    = Select  [(String, String)] [(String, String)]
    | Include [(String, String)] [(String, String)]
    | Exclude [(String, String)] [(String, String)]
    deriving ( Show, Read, Eq )

procOpts :: ProcOpts
procOpts = ProcOpts (Select [] [])

-- | With a 'Style', a list of 'Reference's and the list of citation
-- groups (the list of citations with their locator), produce the
-- 'FormattedOutput' for each citation group.
processCitations :: ProcOpts -> Style -> [Reference] -> Citations -> [[FormattedOutput]]
processCitations ops s rs
    = citations . citeproc ops s rs

-- | With a 'Style' and the list of 'Reference's produce the
-- 'FormattedOutput' for the bibliography.
processBibliography :: ProcOpts -> Style -> [Reference] -> [[FormattedOutput]]
processBibliography ops s rs
    = bibliography $ citeproc ops s rs [map (\r -> emptyCite { citeId = refId r}) rs]

-- | With a 'Style', a list of 'Reference's and the list of
-- 'Citations', produce the 'FormattedOutput' for each citation group
-- and the bibliography.
citeproc :: ProcOpts -> Style -> [Reference] -> Citations -> BiblioData
citeproc ops s rs cs
    = BD citsOutput biblioOutput
      -- the list of bib entries, as a list of Reference, with
      -- position, locator and year suffix set.
      biblioRefs   = procRefs s . map (getReference rs) .
                     nubBy (\a b -> citeId a == citeId b) . concat $ cs
      biblioOutput = if "disambiguate-add-year-suffix" `elem` getCitDisambOptions s
                     then map formatOutputList $
                          map (proc (updateYearSuffixes yearS) . map addYearSuffix) $
                          procBiblio (bibOpts ops) s biblioRefs
                     else map formatOutputList $
                          procBiblio (bibOpts ops) s biblioRefs
      citsAndRefs  = processCites biblioRefs cs
      (yearS,citG) = disambCitations s biblioRefs cs $ map (procGroup s) citsAndRefs
      citsOutput   = map (formatCitLayout s) . collapseCitGroups s $ citG

-- | Given the CSL 'Style' and the list of 'Reference's sort the list
-- according to the 'Style' and assign the citation number to each
-- 'Reference'.
procRefs :: Style -> [Reference] -> [Reference]
procRefs (Style {biblio = mb, csMacros = ms , styleLocale = l, csOptions = opts}) rs
    = maybe rs process mb
      opts'   b = mergeOptions (bibOptions b) opts
      citNum  x = x { citationNumber = maybe 0 ((+) 1 . fromIntegral) . elemIndex x $ rs }
      sort_   b = evalSorting (EvalSorting emptyCite {citePosition = "first"})l ms (opts' b) (bibSort b)
      process b = sortItems . map (citNum &&& sort_ b) $ rs

sortItems :: Show a => [(a,[Sorting])] -> [a]
sortItems [] = []
sortItems l
    = case head . concatMap (map snd) $ result of
        [] -> concatMap (map fst) result
        _  -> if or $ map ((<) 1 . length) result
              then concatMap sortItems result
              else concatMap (map fst) result
      result = process l
      process = sortBy (comparing $ head' . snd)                 >>>
                groupBy (\a b -> head' (snd a) == head' (snd b)) >>>
                map (map $ second tail')

-- | With a 'Style' and a sorted list of 'Reference's produce the
-- evaluated output for the bibliography.
procBiblio :: BibOpts -> Style -> [Reference] -> [[Output]]
procBiblio bos (Style {biblio = mb, csMacros = ms , styleLocale = l, csOptions = opts}) rs
    = maybe [] process mb
      render  b = map (format b) . chkAut [] . filterRefs bos $ rs
      process b = flip map (render b) $ uncurry formatBiblioLayout (layFormat &&& layDelim $ bibLayout b)
      format  b (p,r) = evalLayout (bibLayout b) (EvalBiblio p) False l ms (mergeOptions (bibOptions b) opts) r
      chkAut _ []     = []
      chkAut a (x:xs) = if author x `elem` a
                        then ("subsequent",x) : chkAut             a  xs
                        else ("first"     ,x) : chkAut (author x : a) xs

filterRefs :: BibOpts -> [Reference] -> [Reference]
filterRefs bos refs
    | Select  s q <- bos = filter (select  s) . filter (quash q) $ refs
    | Include i q <- bos = filter (include i) . filter (quash q) $ refs
    | Exclude e q <- bos = filter (exclude e) . filter (quash q) $ refs
    | otherwise          = refs
      quash  [] _ = True
      quash   q r = not . and . flip map q $ \(f,v) ->       lookup_ r f v
      select  s r =       and . flip map s $ \(f,v) ->       lookup_ r f v
      include i r =       or  . flip map i $ \(f,v) ->       lookup_ r f v
      exclude e r =       and . flip map e $ \(f,v) -> not $ lookup_ r f v
      lookup_ r f v = case f of
                        "type"         -> look "ref-type"
                        "id"           -> look "ref-id"
                        "categories"   -> look "categories"
                        x              -> look x
            look s = case lookup s (mkRefMap r) of
                       Just x | Just v' <- (fromValue x :: Maybe RefType  ) -> v == toShow (show v')
                              | Just v' <- (fromValue x :: Maybe String   ) -> v  == v'
                              | Just v' <- (fromValue x :: Maybe [String] ) -> v `elem` v'
                              | Just v' <- (fromValue x :: Maybe [Agent]  ) -> v == [] && v' == [] || v == show v'
                              | Just v' <- (fromValue x :: Maybe [RefDate]) -> v == [] && v' == [] || v == show v'
                       _                                                    -> False

-- | Given the CSL 'Style' and the list of 'Reference's coupled with
-- their position, generate a 'CitationGroup'. The citations are
-- sorted according to the 'Style'.
procGroup :: Style -> [(Cite, Reference)] -> CitationGroup
procGroup (Style {citation = ct, csMacros = ms , styleLocale = l, csOptions = opts}) cr
    = CG authInTxt (layFormat $ citLayout ct) (layDelim $ citLayout ct) result
      authInTxt    = case cr of
                       (c:_) -> if authorInText (fst c)
                                then foldr (\x _ -> [x]) [] $
                                     filter ((==) (citeId $ fst c) . citeId . fst) result
                                else []
                       _     -> []
      opts'        = mergeOptions (citOptions ct) opts
      format (c,r) = (,) c $ evalLayout (citLayout ct) (EvalCite c) False l ms opts' r
      sort_  (c,r) = evalSorting (EvalSorting c) l ms opts' (citSort ct) r
      process      = map (second (flip Output emptyFormatting) . format &&& sort_)
      result       = sortItems $ process cr

formatBiblioLayout :: Formatting -> Delimiter -> [Output] -> [Output]
formatBiblioLayout  f d = appendOutput f . addDelim d

formatCitLayout :: Style -> CitationGroup -> [FormattedOutput]
formatCitLayout s (CG co f d cs)
    | [a] <- co = formatAuth a : formatCits (setAsSupAu . citeHash . fst $ a) cs
    | otherwise = formatCits id cs
      formatAuth   = formatOutput . localMod
      formatCits g = formatOutputList . appendOutput formatting .
                     addAffixes f . addDelim d . map localMod . g
      formatting   = if co /= []
                     then emptyFormatting
                     else unsetAffixes f
      localMod     = if cs /= []
                     then uncurry $ localModifiers s (co /= [])
                     else snd
      setAsSupAu h = map $ \(c,o) -> if citeHash c == h
                                     then flip (,) o c { authorInText   = False
                                                       , suppressAuthor = True }
                                     else flip (,) o c

addAffixes :: Formatting -> [Output] -> [Output]
addAffixes f os
    | []      <- os = []
    | [ONull] <- os = []
    | otherwise     = pref ++ suff
      pref = if prefix f /= []
             then [OStr (prefix f) emptyFormatting] ++ os
             else os
      suff = if suffix f /= [] &&
             elem (head $ suffix f) ",.:?!" &&
             [head $ suffix f] == lastOutput
             then [OStr (tail $ suffix f) emptyFormatting]
             else suff'
      suff' = if suffix f /= [] then [OStr (suffix f) emptyFormatting] else []
      lastOutput = case renderPlain (formatOutputList os) of
                     [] -> ""
                     x  -> [last x]

-- | The 'Bool' is 'True' if we are formatting a textual citation (in
-- pandoc terminology).
localModifiers :: Style -> Bool -> Cite -> Output -> Output
localModifiers s b c
    | authorInText   c = check . return . proc rmFormatting . contribOnly
    | suppressAuthor c = check . rmContrib . return
    | otherwise        = id
      isPunct = and . map (flip elem ".,;:!? ")
      check o = case cleanOutput o of
                  [] -> ONull
                  x  -> case trim x of
                          [] -> ONull
                          x' -> Output x' emptyFormatting
      trim [] = []
      trim (o:os)
          | Output ot f <- o  = Output (trim ot) f : os
          | ODel _      <- o  = trim os
          | OSpace      <- o  = trim os
          | OStr    x f <- o  = OStr x (if isPunct (prefix f)
                                        then f { prefix = []} else f) : os
          | otherwise         = o:os
      rmFormatting f
          | Formatting {} <- f = emptyFormatting { prefix = prefix f
                                                 , suffix = suffix f}
          | otherwise          = f
      contribOnly o
          | isNumStyle [o]
          , OCitNum  {} <- o = Output [ OStr (query getRefTerm s) emptyFormatting
                                      , OSpace, o] emptyFormatting
          | OContrib _ "author"
                  _ _ _ <- o = o
          | Output ot f <- o = Output (cleanOutput $ map contribOnly ot) f
          | otherwise        = ONull
      rmContrib [] = []
      rmContrib o
          | b, isNumStyle o = []
      rmContrib (o:os)
          | Output ot f <- o = Output (rmContrib ot) f : rmContrib os
          | OContrib _ "author"
                  _ _ _ <- o =     rmContrib os
          | otherwise        = o : rmContrib os
      isNumStyle = null . query authorOrDate
      authorOrDate o
          | OContrib {} <- o = ['a']
          | OYear    {} <- o = ['a']
          | OYearSuf {} <- o = ['a']
          | OStr     {} <- o = ['a']
          | OPan     {} <- o = ['a']
          | otherwise        = []
      getRefTerm :: TermMap -> String
      getRefTerm t
          | (("reference", Long), (x,_)) <- t = capitalize x
          | otherwise                         = []