# CityHash bindings for Haskell [CityHash][] is a family of fash (non-cryptographic) hashing functions, written by Google. These are the awesome Haskell bindings. # Installation It's just a `cabal install` away: ``` $ cabal install cityhash ``` # Join in File bugs in the GitHub [issue tracker][]. Master [git repository][gh]: * `git clone https://github.com/thoughtpolice/hs-cityhash.git` There's also a [BitBucket mirror][bb]: * `git clone https://bitbucket.org/thoughtpolice/hs-cityhash.git` # Authors See [AUTHORS.txt](https://raw.github.com/thoughtpolice/hs-cityhash/master/AUTHORS.txt). # License MIT. See `LICENSE.txt` for terms of copyright and redistribution. [CityHash]: http://cityhash.googlecode.com [main page]: http://thoughtpolice.github.com/hs-cityhash [issue tracker]: http://github.com/thoughtpolice/hs-cityhash/issues [gh]: http://github.com/thoughtpolice/hs-cityhash [bb]: http://bitbucket.org/thoughtpolice/hs-cityhash